Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

Only got about a third of a mile in this morning. Ankle was hurting before the run and gave out causing me to eat it.
Once, when dropzone's still produced videos on VHS, I weighed 180 lbs, did one arm pull-ups from the plane door with full gear on, was nimble in freefall and under canopy. Now, I'm heavier, creakier, and more deliberate in my movements.

I still split logs with ax, sledge & wedges, do major landscaping projects, and ride bicycles from here to there. No brag. Just fact.
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Once, when dropzone's still produced videos on VHS, I weighed 180 lbs, did one arm pull-ups from the plane door with full gear on, was nimble in freefall and under canopy. Now, I'm heavier, creakier, and more deliberate in my movements.

I still split logs with ax, sledge & wedges, do major landscaping projects, and ride bicycles from here to there. No brag. Just fact.

I remember when I weighed180 lbs back in 5th grade.
-only when being chased…..or trying not to die of heart disease.

Post you distance on the day you run (walk or bike) so I won’t feel alone.
I try to get 10 miles a week. 3.5 3 times. (Walking is welcome too. Anything to help me keep going)

I felt squirrely today at went 4.5 miles.


I power walk and swim occasionally.
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