Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

Life has intruded and Ive been away from the weight room far too long. Going back in the morning after work.
Started walking the stairs at work on days I dont run. Doing 4 flights at a time for the month of November. Will go to 5 flights in December.
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White blood cell counts normal this time all numbers good.
Get busy living or get busy dying people. Those are your choices

I've still been swimming 2-3x per week, doing about 2000 yards per session. That takes about 45-50 minutes. Here was my workout on Saturday:

Warm up:
100 Freestyle
100 Choice Swim
100 Breaststroke kick
100 IM Drill

Main Set:
2x100 IM swim on 1:50 interval
4x50 Free swim on 1:00
4x50 Choice Swim on 1:05
4x25 Free swim on :35
4x25 Choice swim on :40

Kick Set:
4x100 Kick with fins on 1:45 (alternate on stomach and back by 100's)

Pull Set:
5x50 Pull Free on 1:00
3x50 Pull Backstroke on 1:05

Cool Down:
200 Easy Swim

Total: 2200 yards
I swam 2400 yards yesterday, but the pool I have been going to will be closed for the next 3 weeks for the holidays and maintenance. I’ll have to find a different form of cardio the next few weeks.
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Can you explain what you do for crossfit? I don't really understand what that is.
Essentially cross training. I almost do a full body workout + cardio every day. Mine is geared for helping endurance for Jiu Jitsu. Also gets a bad wrap cause unathletic people and early days of CrossFit weren’t as polished as they are now. I don’t have bulk or cut seasons, I just walk around at 8-10% bf year round

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