Dobbs isn't the answer

Young qb's should be in, reps now could pay dividends next year. We are so limited with Worley it can't hurt.
As for the op, I'll trust in what our guys think of Dobbs simply because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Remember a lot of people dissing the best QB's in the game. We should have been so lucky.

OP should partake in large quantities of alcohol and prescription meds. We'll let you know when you've had enough.
I think Butch is just trying to get past the Alabama game in one piece. The schedule then gets more manageable and set for a young QB.

There is no reason to take a rookie QB and shatter his confidence in games we are severely overmatched.
I think Worley might be worse than Rick Clausen. If these freshman aren't better than this we better start recruiting one.
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Some of you Vol fans are beyond unbelievable! I hope this is not the way you face other adversity in life ... Jones should do this or that, bench Worley, vanilla offense, etc. etc.. Can't you see what the REAL problem is? CBJ has told you. We do not have the experience and DEPTH to compete with the top tier programs right now, period. This is not the coaches fault and it certainly not the players fault. The ones here want to be here and bring this program back to it's past glory.

I see a bunch of whiners on here who don't know the first thing about football. Vince L, Neyland, Bryant, Saban could not have done any better. You people need to SUPPORT the program and quit being a bunch of cry babies as we are going to RISE TO THE TOP! We will win at least seven games this year, book it!
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Dobbs may have had a extra star, but higher rated not so much. Not one big school offered Dobbs. We "stole" him from Arizona? Who is that! We didn't take Bama's QB

Im pretty sure it was Arizona State which usually has good qb play. Thats a pretty good offer for any high school kid.
Posts removed. Guys, can we check the politics and racism debates at the door, please? Thanks.

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I agree with part of the post. The coaches think Worley is beating those guys in practice
Have you seen his film? Have you seen his offer list? Who gives a crap he has a 10.0 GPA and the fact he is black. The thing is as smart as Dobbs is I guarantee he knows the playbook if he was that good he would be on the field. Have you seen Riley Fergesons film and offer list. Much better QB. Our problem is vanilla play calling, and the fact our coaches keep Worley in. Have you noticed one thing about Worley. He has zero confidence EVER. He has no swagger. He isn't a leader. I hope that our coaches can evaluate QB's better than they have because if he threw like this in spring practice we are screwed. He needs to give Pettermam or Fergeson a shot hell even put Dobbs on the field. But Butch can say all he wants its inexperienced receivers but its not. Worley can't throw agains AP or WKU he can't throw against quality opponents either. He hasn't made any progression since he took the first snap. Worley has got to go. I hope we have a plan B.
I started to say more, but I'll leave it at two words: Grammar and punctuation. Well, one more......Xanax.
Have you seen his film? Have you seen his offer list? Who gives a crap he has a 10.0 GPA and the fact he is black. The thing is as smart as Dobbs is I guarantee he knows the playbook if he was that good he would be on the field. Have you seen Riley Fergesons film and offer list. Much better QB. Our problem is vanilla play calling, and the fact our coaches keep Worley in. Have you noticed one thing about Worley. He has zero confidence EVER. He has no swagger. He isn't a leader. I hope that our coaches can evaluate QB's better than they have because if he threw like this in spring practice we are screwed. He needs to give Pettermam or Fergeson a shot hell even put Dobbs on the field. But Butch can say all he wants its inexperienced receivers but its not. Worley can't throw agains AP or WKU he can't throw against quality opponents either. He hasn't made any progression since he took the first snap. Worley has got to go. I hope we have a plan B.

No one has seen him he doesn't deserve to be downed any way at all. Gah some people. Smh

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