Dobbs isn't the answer

Have you seen his film? Have you seen his offer list? Who gives a crap he has a 10.0 GPA and the fact he is black. The thing is as smart as Dobbs is I guarantee he knows the playbook if he was that good he would be on the field. Have you seen Riley Fergesons film and offer list. Much better QB. Our problem is vanilla play calling, and the fact our coaches keep Worley in. Have you noticed one thing about Worley. He has zero confidence EVER. He has no swagger. He isn't a leader. I hope that our coaches can evaluate QB's better than they have because if he threw like this in spring practice we are screwed. He needs to give Pettermam or Fergeson a shot hell even put Dobbs on the field. But Butch can say all he wants its inexperienced receivers but its not. Worley can't throw agains AP or WKU he can't throw against quality opponents either. He hasn't made any progression since he took the first snap. Worley has got to go. I hope we have a plan B.

Thanks coach
We lack playmaker's and that is the end of the story. Blame Fooley, Kiffin, Hamilton but lay off our coaches right now.
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I'm not so sure we have a high quality QB presently enrolled at Tennessee, time will tell, but I wouldn't hold my breath or bet the farm.
Have you seen his film? Have you seen his offer list? Who gives a crap he has a 10.0 GPA and the fact he is black. The thing is as smart as Dobbs is I guarantee he knows the playbook if he was that good he would be on the field. Have you seen Riley Fergesons film and offer list. Much better QB. Our problem is vanilla play calling, and the fact our coaches keep Worley in. Have you noticed one thing about Worley. He has zero confidence EVER. He has no swagger. He isn't a leader. I hope that our coaches can evaluate QB's better than they have because if he threw like this in spring practice we are screwed. He needs to give Pettermam or Fergeson a shot hell even put Dobbs on the field. But Butch can say all he wants its inexperienced receivers but its not. Worley can't throw agains AP or WKU he can't throw against quality opponents either. He hasn't made any progression since he took the first snap. Worley has got to go. I hope we have a plan B.

The most popular guy on a team, when the starter is struggling is the 2nd stringer. Remember how we all wanted Crompton benched and for stephens to play in 2008???? As Dr. Phil asks, "How did that work out for you?"
Have you seen his film? Have you seen his offer list? Who gives a crap he has a 10.0 GPA and the fact he is black. The thing is as smart as Dobbs is I guarantee he knows the playbook if he was that good he would be on the field. Have you seen Riley Fergesons film and offer list. Much better QB. Our problem is vanilla play calling, and the fact our coaches keep Worley in. Have you noticed one thing about Worley. He has zero confidence EVER. He has no swagger. He isn't a leader. I hope that our coaches can evaluate QB's better than they have because if he threw like this in spring practice we are screwed. He needs to give Pettermam or Fergeson a shot hell even put Dobbs on the field. But Butch can say all he wants its inexperienced receivers but its not. Worley can't throw agains AP or WKU he can't throw against quality opponents either. He hasn't made any progression since he took the first snap. Worley has got to go. I hope we have a plan B.
You do know Dobbs was rated (4-stars) by 247Sports and the #8 PRO style QB in country?

i think it was said the reason his offer list was light on a lot of bigger named teams is they thought he would go baseball.
We get it. Anybody who wants Dobbs it is only because he is Black. Anybody who wants RF wants him for his skills. Nevermind that Dobbs is bigger, stronger, faster, more accurate and way higher rated coming out. All the recruiting gurus who praised him over RF for BJ's system only ranked him high and held him in high regard because he is Black. Even though Dobbs looked the best in the fall scrimmage we only like him because he is Black.

Well said. Dobbs is the answer. He is perfect for Jones system. Soon they will see.
I was a dobbs fan before fall camp. But every week I find more and more to like about Ferguson. I think ferguson has that it factor and I think he's a gamer. He is a winner and continues to shower leadership traits and he is confident you can see that alot in his body language. The problem is Worley apparently is a better practice player. These freshmen may be gamers! If we're gonna struggle might as well be a freshmen. Worley has reached his ceiling which isn't high. Both freshmen has higher ceilings! My pick ferguson!!!
Some of you Vol fans are beyond unbelievable! I hope this is not the way you face other adversity in life ... Jones should do this or that, bench Worley, vanilla offense, etc. etc.. Can't you see what the REAL problem is? CBJ has told you. We do not have the experience and DEPTH to compete with the top tier programs right now, period. This is not the coaches fault and it certainly not the players fault. The ones here want to be here and bring this program back to it's past glory.

I see a bunch of whiners on here who don't know the first thing about football. Vince L, Neyland, Bryant, Saban could not have done any better. You people need to SUPPORT the program and quit being a bunch of cry babies as we are going to RISE TO THE TOP! We will win at least seven games this year, book it!

Dude if you think we can win 7 games with Worley you're drunk. Obviously we lack talent, especially in the secondary, but Worley is horrible.
Dude if you think we can win 7 games with Worley you're drunk. Obviously we lack talent, especially in the secondary, but Worley is horrible.

Hey DUDE, I never said that! I will leave it up to CBJ to make that decesion and not listen to negavols like you who obviously want to sit around all day and whine instead of building upon the POSITIVES of this program! I happen to currently believe in CBJ, the staff, and the PLAYERS. No we will not win a NC this year or next but we are building a program that will make even the most negative, like you, quit whining!

And yes, I think we will win seven games and I don't drink. Another example of your faulty analysis. GBO!
Have you seen his film? Have you seen his offer list? Who gives a crap he has a 10.0 GPA and the fact he is black. The thing is as smart as Dobbs is I guarantee he knows the playbook if he was that good he would be on the field. Have you seen Riley Fergesons film and offer list. Much better QB. Our problem is vanilla play calling, and the fact our coaches keep Worley in. Have you noticed one thing about Worley. He has zero confidence EVER. He has no swagger. He isn't a leader. I hope that our coaches can evaluate QB's better than they have because if he threw like this in spring practice we are screwed. He needs to give Pettermam or Fergeson a shot hell even put Dobbs on the field. But Butch can say all he wants its inexperienced receivers but its not. Worley can't throw agains AP or WKU he can't throw against quality opponents either. He hasn't made any progression since he took the first snap. Worley has got to go. I hope we have a plan B.

This will be funny to go back and look at if he turns out to be good!
Peterman? Fergy? Dobbs?

Worley has had his chances. It ain't him.
Peterman? Fergy? Dobbs?

Worley has had his chances. It ain't him.

If not take out Worley completely, maybe at least split time with Peterman ( or which ever freshman makes coaches more comfortable) much like Spurrier has done in years past...may not be the best option, but may be worth a shot. JMO
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I really don't know who is the answer at quarterback, But im sure that his name is not Justin Worley. Peterman has twice the arm of Worley. I hope he gets some pt before the game is out of reach in Gainesville .
Have you seen his film? Have you seen his offer list? Who gives a crap he has a 10.0 GPA and the fact he is black. The thing is as smart as Dobbs is I guarantee he knows the playbook if he was that good he would be on the field. Have you seen Riley Fergesons film and offer list. Much better QB. Our problem is vanilla play calling, and the fact our coaches keep Worley in. Have you noticed one thing about Worley. He has zero confidence EVER. He has no swagger. He isn't a leader. I hope that our coaches can evaluate QB's better than they have because if he threw like this in spring practice we are screwed. He needs to give Pettermam or Fergeson a shot hell even put Dobbs on the field. But Butch can say all he wants its inexperienced receivers but its not. Worley can't throw agains AP or WKU he can't throw against quality opponents either. He hasn't made any progression since he took the first snap. Worley has got to go. I hope we have a plan B.

What film did you watch? Trenton Edwards seemed to like him a lot. He made the Elite 11 and Ferguson didn't. Not saying that's a reason to start one guy over another, but he has clearly shown impressive potential.
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I don't necessarily want to see a black QB playing, but I DO want to see a quarterback that is a real threat with his legs. If he's white, he's white. If he's black, he's black.

As long as he can run a read option and not just hand it off every time no matter what.
I don't know that Dobbs is ready yet for the pressure, and or the reigns. But I do know he is the only QB we have that matches a Butch Jones style offense. And having a Quarterback with brains, and doesn't give that Eminem blank stare like we have had in recent years sound encouraging. Either we need a QB like Dobbs...or we need a different playbook. I'd rather stick to the playbook our coach excels at and use a QB that matches.
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Dobbs will be a superstar in Butch's offense. He would have with Richrod at Arizona too. I wouldn't waste his redshirt this year when Riley is probably at the same level right now. I do believe he is a true dual threat that this offense will require to run efficiently. Peterman maybe. Riley, I have no idea. Worley, definitely not.

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