Does anyone have an entitlement to advantage based on birth?

might as well ask why are there even borders? why is there national sovereignty that is generally accepted by the world's people.

people have a right to self govern and have ownership of their collective lands - if anyone can make the claim then sovereignty and borders become meaningless.

there is a massive free-rider problem if any citizen in the world can lay claim to any particular countries rights and benefits

Big picture why? The notion of borders and countries evolved from tribalism and religious monarchy. Aren't they outdated ?
Big picture why? The notion of borders and countries evolved from tribalism and religious monarchy. Aren't they outdated ?

no. needed more than ever IMHO. a population approaching 8 billion requires some level of governing - the notion that some global government could be created that would be efficient in the task is implausible.

more practically, any country can choose to have fully open borders and accept all comers in any number - ask yourself why that isn't happening.
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btw you can start your own little open border experiment by inviting a group of people who are much less fortunate than you to live with you. give them the same access to your things and ask for access to theirs. pool your monies or at least set some progressive contribution schedule and allow all an equal say in how the household operates.
Big picture why? The notion of borders and countries evolved from tribalism and religious monarchy. Aren't they outdated ?
you lost me on this ^^^^. There should be borders, but there should be a process for everyone that wants to be here to get here, and in a timely manner. Imo
It's taking up to 6 years to process asylum requests, by the way.

And the assumption you make points back to my question: because they were born elsewhere, they do not have the same entitlement you do to be here.
And who’s fault is that?
It’s your tribe that has caused this problem
Fix the system
Ignoring the system isn’t the answer.
Good question. I'm not saying one is right and one is wrong. I'm asking why one is right and one is wrong. So far, I'm getting a lot of "that's the way it is" answers, which has no reasoning to it.

You do know the Irony of living in a gated community in a red state that believes in borders and legal immigration procedures to keep our country safe , secure and not being overrun to the point that it overloads the system , while asking about feeling entitled right ? You are getting “ that’s just the way it is answers “ because there’s a reason we have secure boarders and procedures for vetting . If you are a citizen of this country , why wouldn’t you feel entitled? Why would you not hold some animosity towards people sneaking in unlawfully ? The ones that went through the process have animosity for the ones that aren’t doing it the right way . Are you entitled?
Big picture why? The notion of borders and countries evolved from tribalism and religious monarchy. Aren't they outdated ?

Do you have walls or fences around your house with gates and security ? 😂
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A number of threads of late about immigration. I understand if you move to another country and through hard work earn a spot in that society.

But for the vast majority of Americans there seems to be an assumption that they are entitled to some presumption that they belong, and others do not, based on the happenstance of where they were born.


A number of threads of late about immigration. I understand if you move to another country and through hard work earn a spot in that society.

But for the vast majority of Americans there seems to be an assumption that they are entitled to some presumption that they belong, and others do not, based on the happenstance of where they were born.

I don't even understand your way of thinking. It's not from education or intelligence. It's something that is entrenched in the Left. We cannot absorb every immigrant from every other nation that wants to come here. It would destroy what makes the US so attractive to so many people. It is extremely costly and not everyone who wishes to come here does so out of pure intentions no matter how much you want to believe it. Finally, it's illogical. Borders are necessary for culture, religion, and society as a whole; whether you you choose to accept it or not many people and societies do not accept American or democratic values including those from Central America. Integrating large numbers of individuals who do not support American or democratic ideals destroys the very ideals that allowed them to come here in the first place.
Big picture why? The notion of borders and countries evolved from tribalism and religious monarchy. Aren't they outdated ?

Outdated to whom? Your thinking is flawed and naive at best or intentionally destructive at worst. I can't decide if you are ignorant or if this is all planned by the individuals you vote for.
It’s their blatant hypocrisy that they either ignore or are ignorant of that gets me.
Have you ever been to Southern California and seen the sheer number of concrete and block walls around every single house? They scream, let them in while turning their own houses into fortresses.
Don't belong based on where they were born.
Anarchy... Awesome. That IS what you are advocating, right? I mean you blew right thru socialism with this absurd thread.

And some of us win the lottery and were born into the Volunteer family. You on the other hand...
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