Donald J. Trump - Worst President in Modern History

No record set. Just more Trump BS.

The market returns were better under Obama.

Trump's stock market performance falls short of Obama's

View attachment 339193
none of the Presidents have any control over how the stock market performs other than setting the tone economic wise. Also, what is your graph basing Obama's performance on when we are at record high right now for the Dow under Trump?
I am not going to pretend Trump was the greatest thing since sliced bread because he wasn’t. Please compare the failures and horrible decisions of George W to Trump.
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What was so bad about Andrew Johnson? Was he a dictator of sorts? Did he champion some landmark legislation that turned out to be a lasting disaster? Did he entangle us in endless war? Was he a part in leading us to civil war? Did he spend us into oblivion? Did he usurp power from other branches of government? Did he undermine the bill of rights/constitution in a way that set a permanent precedent? Was he extremely corrupt?

I'm pretty sure the answer to all of this is "no" and people really need to rethink what makes a guy a bad president.

His big mistake was trying to grant amnesty to southern states during reconstruction.
No record set. Just more Trump BS.

The market returns were better under Obama.

Trump's stock market performance falls short of Obama's

View attachment 339193
Who made that graph? From my own experience we almost lost our house under Obama. 401k did nothing trumps 3rd year paid off our house and gained 600 k in the 4th
There is definitely a case for him and FDR

This is either incredibly naive or purposely inflammatory. It’s like me saying Reagan was the worst just because I know he’s a conservative folk hero... and I would be wrong just like you. FDR wasn’t perfect, but he was far from the worst.
This is either incredibly naive or purposely inflammatory. It’s like me saying Reagan was the worst just because I know he’s a conservative folk hero... and I would be wrong just like you. FDR wasn’t perfect, but he was far from the worst.

What other President sent law abiding Americans to concentration camps?

Well, I tend to get stuck on some of the thornier things said by the man who was thrust into Presidency upon Lincoln's death...

“This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government for white men,” he wrote in 1866.
LOL That's hilarious coming from a supporter of the party of old white men.

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