Donald J. Trump - Worst President in Modern History

This is either incredibly naive or purposely inflammatory. It’s like me saying Reagan was the worst just because I know he’s a conservative folk hero... and I would be wrong just like you. FDR wasn’t perfect, but he was far from the worst.
he's the Godfather of Big Government. He deserves to be in consideration.
I figure I'll have a go at this and format it to current times with Trump as your object of affection...

Was he a dictator of sorts? Trump, contrary to all the rhetoric from the left, stayed within the Constitution on his powers. He never really made the threat of the "pen and phone" to coerce Congress or took power for himself that wasn't given to him by law. On the contrary, the other branches of government took far more power than they should have even going as far as breaking the law.

Did he champion some landmark legislation that turned out to be a lasting disaster? Not at all. Of course, getting anything passed after 2018 and the midterms was going to be impossible

Did he entangle us in endless war? No and on the contrary, started drawing down significantly in places we were at. I think given a second term, we would have been out of Afghanistan.

Was he a part in leading us to civil war? Debatable and there's plenty of guilt on both sides of the political equation on that remark.

Did he spend us into oblivion? Of course, but every President is guilty of that. And Congress is as much to blame as anyone. Power of the purse and all.

Did he usurp power from other branches of government? Nope. In fact, they've tried usurping it from him.

Did he undermine the bill of rights/constitution in a way that set a permanent precedent? No or they would have impeached him for it a long time ago. And I would have supported such an impeachment.

Was he extremely corrupt? Probably. But then again, judging him against his peers in the role of President, that's not exactly a high bar.
There is too much bull crap in this post to address everything, but I will take on the "Did he usurp power from other branches of government?" question. You said, "Nope. In fact, they've tried usurping it from him."

Well, that is just downright ignorant. Donald Trump has tried to exercise unilateral power and govern strictly by way of executive order as much as any President ever has. Of numerous examples, here is one:

In 2019, by way of an executive order, Donald Trump diverted $3.6 billion from military projects to fund his border wall, which he had claimed Mexico would pay for during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Among the projects which were cut was a new school at Fort Campbell. This clearly did usurp Congress's power of the purse and it looted funds from the military.
None, but I can name some that held slaves, committed genocide, or orphaned children... what is your point?

So we agree that Lincoln who fits in all of the above was a terrible President?
he's the Godfather of Big Government. He deserves to be in consideration.

Not only was FDR a huge big government with centralized control proponent he was an open admirer of Stalin. Both had very similar views on the way a country should be run.
There is too much bull crap in this post to address everything, but I will take on the "Did he usurp power from other branches of government?" question. You said, "Nope. In fact, they've tried usurping it from him."

Well, that is just downright ignorant. Donald Trump has tried to exercise unilateral power and govern strictly by way of executive order as much as any President ever has. Of numerous examples, here is one:

In 2019, by way of an executive order, Donald Trump diverted $3.6 billion from military projects to fund his border wall, which he had claimed Mexico would pay for during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Among the projects which were cut was a new school at Fort Campbell. This clearly did usurp Congress's power of the purse and it looted funds from the military.

One example, really.
Not only was FDR a huge big government with centralized control proponent he was an open admirer of Stalin. Both had very similar views on the way a country should be run.
Shouldn't FDR be purged from history then since he admired a known mass murderer?
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FDR put US citizens in camps, Jackson killed thousands of Indians on the Trail of Tears, pick any president who facilitated the Monroe Doctrine "clearing" Indian territory with the US military, promoting Prohibition, drug laws/War of Drugs, etc. etc. etc. etc. But Trump is bad because he got impeached by a Democrat controlled house twice. Fascinating.

Also if you're on VN while at the beach you need to rethink your priorities.
In 2019, by way of an executive order, Donald Trump diverted $3.6 billion from military projects to fund his border wall, which he had claimed Mexico would pay for during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Among the projects which were cut was a new school at Fort Campbell. This clearly did usurp Congress's power of the purse and it looted funds from the military.
Looted... interesting choice of words.

Lets hope you keep this same energy in a few days when Biden starts by-passing the Congress to advance his agenda through executive order.
There is too much bull crap in this post to address everything, but I will take on the "Did he usurp power from other branches of government?" question. You said, "Nope. In fact, they've tried usurping it from him."

Well, that is just downright ignorant. Donald Trump has tried to exercise unilateral power and govern strictly by way of executive order as much as any President ever has. Of numerous examples, here is one:

In 2019, by way of an executive order, Donald Trump diverted $3.6 billion from military projects to fund his border wall, which he had claimed Mexico would pay for during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Among the projects which were cut was a new school at Fort Campbell. This clearly did usurp Congress's power of the purse and it looted funds from the military.

You mean the Congressman who introduced a bill to remove Trump's access to nuclear codes all the way back in 2017 wasn't usurping his Constitutionally granted authority as Commander in Chief? Or those trying to limit his access to his intelligence briefings for something that ended up being a Democrat hoax?

Or the Judge who ruled he has no authority to remove an EO put in by a former President and had to reinstate it isn't usurping his authority and going way beyond what a sitting judge can actually do?

Or Pelosi going direct to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and requesting Trump's nuclear codes be, again, removed and then bragging about it in public? That's more damaging to our National Security than your manufactured outrage and anything Trump did.

Now, you're more than welcome to give the link to the article about the school at Fort Campbell. Because the funds he used were discretionary in nature and well within his and the SecDef's rights to move around.
Yeah... I didn't feel like writing a dissertation, and that is what it would take to list every example of Trump's executive overreach. I named one of the most glaring.

But you are known for your dissertations.

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