Donald J. Trump - Worst President in Modern History

He said mean things.. What else?

Putin’s best friend
Rubbed shoulders with some dude named Kim in North Korea
Made me lots of money in my IRA & 401k
Angered democrats
Refused to wear a mask and still survived C19
WAS a Twitter troll
Reminded everyone that the USA still has balls
Made many derogatory comments towards Mexicans filled with Truth and lies.
Told Democrats to shut down their states during Pandemic but he didn’t
Wasn’t a nice guy and was disrespectful
Told the Chinese to create COVID19 per anonymous source in California
Racist just like Joe Biden
Failed to build the Wall for @Tyler Durden
His wife looks better than Hillary and Michelle, but debatable Melania is better looking than Tipper :)
Dropped the ball on Immigration. Make them legal now!
Didn’t start any new wars
Brought some rednecks to the Capitol
Debatable racist airline policies
Mocked Democracy
Interrupted Chris Wallace too much!

LG, EL, or Hog wart please feel free to add more to the list!
You mean the Congressman who introduced a bill to remove Trump's access to nuclear codes all the way back in 2017 wasn't usurping his Constitutionally granted authority as Commander in Chief? Or those trying to limit his access to his intelligence briefings for something that ended up being a Democrat hoax?

Or the Judge who ruled he has no authority to remove an EO put in by a former President and had to reinstate it isn't usurping his authority and going way beyond what a sitting judge can actually do?

Or Pelosi going direct to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and requesting Trump's nuclear codes be, again, removed and then bragging about it in public? That's more damaging to our National Security than your manufactured outrage and anything Trump did.

Now, you're more than welcome to give the link to the article about the school at Fort Campbell. Because the funds he used were discretionary in nature and well within his and the SecDef's rights to move around.
Per Defense News:

The majority of the funds diverted for Trump's border wall were from the Pentagon's 2020 weapons procurement budget. Among the victims of the cuts to pay for Trump's border wall (which he had said Mexico was going to pay for), included: F-35 joint strike fighters, C-130J cargo aircraft, MQ-9 Reaper drones and P-8 maritime surveillance planes. These cuts drew quick, bipartisan condemnation from key defense lawmakers. And there was also the school at Fort Campbell. This serves as a prime example of Trump's executive overreach. He certainly did usurp Congress with this stunt. To claim otherwise, is just stupid.
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Per Defense News:

The majority of the funds diverted for Trump's border wall were from the Pentagon's 2020 weapons procurement budget. Among the victims of the cuts to pay for Trump's border wall (which he had said Mexico was going to pay for), included: F-35 joint strike fighters, C-130J cargo aircraft, MQ-9 Reaper drones and P-8 maritime surveillance planes. These cuts drew quick, bipartisan condemnation from key defense lawmakers. And there was also the school at Fort Campbell. This serves as a prime of example of Trump's executive overreach. He certainly did usurp Congress with this stunt. To claim otherwise, is just stupid.
Just for reference the F-35 program is currently estimated to cost $1.8 TRILLION over its entire life cycle. It wouldn't miss whatever percentage of the diversion it was dealt.
Per Defense News:

The majority of the funds diverted for Trump's border wall were from the Pentagon's 2020 weapons procurement budget. Among the victims of the cuts to pay for Trump's border wall (which he had said Mexico was going to pay for), included: F-35 joint strike fighters, C-130J cargo aircraft, MQ-9 Reaper drones and P-8 maritime surveillance planes. These cuts drew quick, bipartisan condemnation from key defense lawmakers. And there was also the school at Fort Campbell. This serves as a prime of example of Trump's executive overreach. He certainly did usurp Congress with this stunt. To claim otherwise, is just stupid.

I 100% agree with you that Trump subverted congress when he diverted those funds. Hell they actually would have had a case for impeachment then.

Now, since we agree on this one. What else ya got?
Per Defense News:

The majority of the funds diverted for Trump's border wall were from the Pentagon's 2020 weapons procurement budget. Among the victims of the cuts to pay for Trump's border wall (which he had said Mexico was going to pay for), included: F-35 joint strike fighters, C-130J cargo aircraft, MQ-9 Reaper drones and P-8 maritime surveillance planes. These cuts drew quick, bipartisan condemnation from key defense lawmakers. And there was also the school at Fort Campbell. This serves as a prime of example of Trump's executive overreach. He certainly did usurp Congress with this stunt. To claim otherwise, is just stupid.

I just pulled a butt-ton of links saying the SCOTUS allowed him to do such a thing. Most were dated last summer.

Oh, found the school item:

Pentagon pulls money from overseas projects to pay for border wall

Esper removed 22 projects from the list of border-related deferrals, all of which have award dates in 2020. Of these, $160 million is for two projects at West Point, where Trump is slated to speak at commencement ceremonies. Another $62.6 million is for a middle school project at Fort Campbell in Kentucky, where Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is up for reelection in November.

Now, I'd like you to justify spending $62.6 million on a ****ing middle school.
Actually did a few good things. Sad thing about him is how many people were willing to ditch democracy to believe his lies.
Worst president, I doubt it. worst person to hold the position, maybe.

There could be an argument made for that. I doubt he would end up as the worst, we have had some real POSs hold that office in the past but he would probably be top 10.
Putin’s best friend
Rubbed shoulders with some dude named Kim in North Korea
Made me lots of money in my IRA & 401k
Angered democrats
Refused to wear a mask and still survived C19
WAS a Twitter troll
Reminded everyone that the USA still has balls
Made many derogatory comments towards Mexicans filled with Truth and lies.
Told Democrats to shut down their states during Pandemic but he didn’t
Wasn’t a nice guy and was disrespectful
Told the Chinese to create COVID19 per anonymous source in California
Racist just like Joe Biden
Failed to build the Wall for @Tyler Durden
His wife looks better than Hillary and Michelle, but debatable Melania is better looking than Tipper :)
Dropped the ball on Immigration. Make them legal now!
Didn’t start any new wars
Brought some rednecks to the Capitol
Debatable racist airline policies
Mocked Democracy
Interrupted Chris Wallace too much!

LG, EL, or Hog wart please feel free to add more to the list!
Wait, what?
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Eighty-nine percent of Americans say they are opposed to the attack on the Capitol, while 8 percent say they support it, according to a new poll by The Washington Post and ABC News.

Here are how the results of the poll, released on Friday, break down:

  • 85% of Republicans say Trump should not be removed from office or disqualified from future elected office, while 12% say he should be.
  • 89% of Democrats say he should be removed from office and prevented from holding elected office again, while 9% disagree.
  • 71% of all those polled believe President Donald Trump bears at least some responsibility for the Capitol attack, while 28% say he is not at all responsible.
  • 62% say there is no solid evidence for Trump’s claims of voter fraud, compared to 31% who say there is solid evidence.
  • 63% say they are very or somewhat confident in the integrity of the U.S. electoral system, while 36% say they are not so confident or have no confidence at all in it.
  • 38% approve of Trump’s handling of his job, compared to 60% who disapprove.
  • 54% say Trump should be charged with inciting a riot, while 43% say he should not be charged.
  • 15% say Trump will go down in history as an outstanding president, 13% say as an above average president, 12% say as an average president, 11% say a below average president, and 48% say he will be remembered as a poor president.
President Donald J. Trump Administration:

Unprecedented Economic Boom

Before the China Virus invaded our shores, built the world’s most prosperous economy.

  • America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
  • Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
  • Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
  • More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
  • Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
  • Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
  • Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows.
  • Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years.
  • Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps.
  • Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans reached record lows.
  • The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth.
  • Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.
Eighty-nine percent of Americans say they are opposed to the attack on the Capitol, while 8 percent say they support it, according to a new poll by The Washington Post and ABC News.

Here are how the results of the poll, released on Friday, break down:

  • 85% of Republicans say Trump should not be removed from office or disqualified from future elected office, while 12% say he should be.
  • 89% of Democrats say he should be removed from office and prevented from holding elected office again, while 9% disagree.
  • 71% of all those polled believe President Donald Trump bears at least some responsibility for the Capitol attack, while 28% say he is not at all responsible.
  • 62% say there is no solid evidence for Trump’s claims of voter fraud, compared to 31% who say there is solid evidence.
  • 63% say they are very or somewhat confident in the integrity of the U.S. electoral system, while 36% say they are not so confident or have no confidence at all in it.
  • 38% approve of Trump’s handling of his job, compared to 60% who disapprove.
  • 54% say Trump should be charged with inciting a riot, while 43% say he should not be charged.
  • 15% say Trump will go down in history as an outstanding president, 13% say as an above average president, 12% say as an average president, 11% say a below average president, and 48% say he will be remembered as a poor president.
So 52% say he will be remembered as a good president.
President Donald J. Trump Administration:

Unprecedented Economic Boom

Before the China Virus invaded our shores, built the world’s most prosperous economy.

  • America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
  • Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
  • Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
  • More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
  • Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
  • Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
  • Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows.
  • Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years.
  • Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps.
  • Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans reached record lows.
  • The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth.
  • Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.
Bombing China before he goes might make him the most popular ever
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So 52% say he will be remembered as a good president.

WTF. Republican math here.

"15% say Trump will go down in history as an outstanding president, 13% say as an above average president, 12% say as an average president"

Ergo, 28% say he was a good President.
Will Donald Trump go down as the worst president in history?

"With just days left in his time as president, Donald Trump undoubtedly has begun to consider how history will remember him. The early returns aren't promising.

"On several occasions, Trump has suggested that he expects to take his place on the list of former presidents aside Abraham Lincoln, presumably knocking George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and all the others in the top rank down a tick," wrote presidential historian Joseph Ellis in a op-ed for the Los Angeles Times this week. "To put it politely, he needs to adjust his expectations."

Added Ellis: "Donald Trump is quite likely to assume the title as the worst president in American history."
Will Donald Trump go down as the worst president in history?

"With just days left in his time as president, Donald Trump undoubtedly has begun to consider how history will remember him. The early returns aren't promising.

"On several occasions, Trump has suggested that he expects to take his place on the list of former presidents aside Abraham Lincoln, presumably knocking George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and all the others in the top rank down a tick," wrote presidential historian Joseph Ellis in a op-ed for the Los Angeles Times this week. "To put it politely, he needs to adjust his expectations."

Added Ellis: "Donald Trump is quite likely to assume the title as the worst president in American history."

I'm shocked that there would be an op-ed piece of this quality in the LA Times.

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