Donald J. Trump - Worst President in Modern History

No, it isn't.

Ahhh... interesting...

"People commonly mistake the three rifle volleys, an element of military funeral honors, as a 21-gun salute.

The firing of three rifle volleys, or rounds, over the graves of deceased armed forces members and political leaders, can be traced to the European dynastic wars, when fighting was halted to remove the dead and wounded.

Once an area was cleared of casualties, three volleys were sent into the air as a signal that the dead were cleared and properly cared for and that fighting could resume. At a military funeral today, a rifle team typically consisting of seven service members firing three volleys from rifles may be provided."
Would the best President in history be going out after one term and be down to using the My Pillow dude as an advisor? That’s evidently the only person left that will talk to him. Only visitor to the White House today. Sorta pitiful if you think about it.

Probably getting an important cabinet briefing on pillow fluff density levels. Donnie is ever the intellectually curious stable genius.
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Yes we was. And we had hope and Obama destroyed them failed in every measure that's why Trump was born. And he would be president today if not for the lying media

Report immediately to re-education camp Citizen X-DJT-14-311924.
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How apropos...

"...Trump will be the first president to skip the inauguration of his successor since 1869, when impeached President Andrew Johnson avoided the ceremony for Ulysses S. Grant."
Context: Obama took office in the midst of an economic recession, so much of his S&P 500 performance was a rebound from the depths.

You got a problem with a rebound? Why don't you knock the guy who caused the crash and credit the guy who pulled us back up?
Donald Trump is an absolute piece of walking, talking shlt! He is the worst kind of human being living on this planet. He is traitorous, criminal who should at the very least be put in prison at the very best tried and executed for his actions of insurrection against the American government. Damn him to hell and everyone after all of this that still supports or defends him.
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Donald Trump has tried to exercise unilateral power and govern strictly by way of executive order as much as any President ever has.
Was it Bush Sr. or Reagan that started the presidential EO escalation?

I would love to see that trend curtailed. I think ever since the limited EO precedent was shattered, every subsequent President from Clinton to Trump has used it more than their predecessor.

I'm catching up on this thread so I won't debate (as others have already started) whether or not Trump has tried to abuse his power through EO's.

I will say I think he has been more transparent than any of his predecessors have with them.
When massive cuts were made to the SEC.
It all started during the Clinton admin. he signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which was the center piece of depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act. He loosened housing rules with the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. It only got worse with Bush even though he warned congress early on that we needed more regulation. Not only could he not get Republican congressman on board he couldn't even get his own cabinet on board. ( If only he knew how to use Obama's pen) Greed by hedge fund manages cause the bubble to inflate and when the fed was the needle when it raised interest rates.

In hindsight While Bush 43 warned in 2002 of the dangers ahead he should have had the treasury and FDIC look at what was going on and also should have pushed congress for hearings on the subject. He should of aligned himself with William Donaldson instead of listening to his White house advisers.

There were other factors including hedge fund managers and even Bernie Madoff, but the bottom line is that greed, government ineptitude, and even the common man trying to live beyond his means lead to the collapse. If you want to Blame Clinton and the Democrats or Bush and the Republicans, then you are a blind partisan hack.

By the way, we are doing it again.
No new wars. No harmful policies. I made sh!t tons of money. Thousands of democrats gone forever. Democrats wracked with unimaginable fear and anxiety which will continue to chip away at their worthless and horrible lives.

Sh1t, Trump did way more than I could have ever hoped for!
It all started during the Clinton admin. he signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which was the center piece of depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act. He loosened housing rules with the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. It only got worse with Bush even though he warned congress early on that we needed more regulation. Not only could he not get Republican congressman on board he couldn't even get his own cabinet on board. ( If only he knew how to use Obama's pen) Greed by hedge fund manages cause the bubble to inflate and when the fed was the needle when it raised interest rates.

In hindsight While Bush 43 warned in 2002 of the dangers ahead he should have had the treasury and FDIC look at what was going on and also should have pushed congress for hearings on the subject. He should of aligned himself with William Donaldson instead of listening to his White house advisers.

There were other factors including hedge fund managers and even Bernie Madoff, but the bottom line is that greed, government ineptitude, and even the common man trying to live beyond his means lead to the collapse. If you want to Blame Clinton and the Democrats or Bush and the Republicans, then you are a blind partisan hack.

By the way, we are doing it again.
It was mainly the fault of greedy bankers. You didn't go into any detail of how it actually happened.
Donald Trump is an absolute piece of walking, talking shlt! He is the worst kind of human being living on this planet. He is traitorous, criminal who should at the very least be put in prison at the very best tried and executed for his actions of insurrection against the American government. Damn him to hell and everyone after all of this that still supports or defends him.
Looks like the media propaganda program is still working. 🙄
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It was mainly the fault of greedy bankers. You didn't go into any detail of how it actually happened.
Readers digest version. I gave what set the conditions and what could have been done to prevent it. Was there anything you think was incorrect?

@Vol Main said it was Bush 43's fault. Either he doesn't understand what happened or he is a partisan hack.

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