Donald J. Trump - Worst President in Modern History

How apropos...

"...Trump will be the first president to skip the inauguration of his successor since 1869, when impeached President Andrew Johnson avoided the ceremony for Ulysses S. Grant."
You whine about literally everything the man does. I’m curious what you’ll be doing with your time now. Excusing everything Biden screws up by blaming Trump I imagine. Either that or pulling an awesome BB whataboutism.
Armed forces be like:
This should be his farewell WH dinner.

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Readers digest version. I gave what set the conditions and what could have been done to prevent it. Was there anything you think was incorrect?

@Vol Main said it was Bush 43's fault. Either he doesn't understand what happened or he is a partisan hack.

Attacking me personally is not evidence of anything but your inability to disprove my post.
With Trump's 2nd impeachment stemming from his incitement of the Capitol Insurrection of 2021, it's unequivocally official that he is the WORST PRESIDENT IN MODERN HISTORY dating back to the Andrew Johnson debacle of 1865.

For those of you who voted for him, well, the blame is on your shoulders. I get it, the alternative was crap in HRC. But, you have to admit, Trump was a disaster.

Still defending him? If so, man, you got issues a mile high.

At any rate, can't tell you how EXCITED I am to watch this reality TV show get cancelled next week.

The walk of shame by Dumb Donald shall be epic.

Thank God our national disaster of a President is over.
Tune in for National Disaster #3
You whine about literally everything the man does. I’m curious what you’ll be doing with your time now. Excusing everything Biden screws up by blaming Trump I imagine. Either that or pulling an awesome BB whataboutism.
His OH **** moment will be epic.
You whine about literally everything the man does. I’m curious what you’ll be doing with your time now. Excusing everything Biden screws up by blaming Trump I imagine. Either that or pulling an awesome BB whataboutism.

Heh. Come January 20th, just more beach time eh.
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Thrilled my President never conceded, never met the illegitimate dementia patient, never met with him and will not attend the CCP style inauguration
I won't even call him my president but I am happy he is not participating in this joke.
Tough to argue with that. I still say you’re a decent guy even if we don’t see eye to politically. You have MP as your avi and your banner is a great reference. You can’t be too bad not matter how much you want to destroy our country!

I can agree to disagree with alot of folks here including you, but we're all Vols and Americans.

Politics and religion are the 2 nevers to discuss, and I do learn alot here, so as long as I don't get too bent out of shape, it's a good day.
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I can agree to disagree with alot of folks here including you, but we're all Vols and Americans.

Politics and religion are the 2 nevers to discuss, and I do learn alot here, so as long as I don't get too bent out of shape, it's a good day.
So when did you swim for UT? A classmate of mine in high school got a scholarship and was an all American at UT.

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