Donald Trump Announcement Speech

Glad to see you are better.

I don't post much anymore as I am always working but I wanted you to know.

We disagree on some things but you are a good guy.

Thanks Neo. I appreciate it. Not cured but am doing better. :hi:
Who is at the highest tax bracket possible...yeah...that's me.

Sorry I don't want another guy pandering to the poor at my expense.

Color me impressed! Sorry I doubted you. I didn't know you were wealthy. My apologies sir.
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It's a money grab. These guys know they won't get in the White House but what do they have to lose? Book deals, 30% more for paid appearances, money tossed at him from special interest, Who knows...I never under estimate the stupidity of American public...could get lucky or something. Really no reason not to.
It's a money grab. These guys know they won't get in the White House but what do they have to lose? Book deals, 30% more for paid appearances, money tossed at him from special interest, Who knows...I never under estimate the stupidity of American public...could get lucky or something. Really no reason not to.

Exactly. Could end up the next Palin or Obama.
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Btw. I am opening myself up here to GOP folks.

I am a 28 year old black male. I have a BS and JD (I'm not using the JD atm). I am gainfully employed at a job I love. I will likely make less than $40,000 this year. I rent a home. I don't mind paying my taxes knowing that it is helping the community and especially those who are unable to earn a livable wage.

I am supportive of the LBGT movement although I am straight. I love NCAA football, F1 racing, NASCAR, and indycar.

I have been born and raised as a yellow dog democrat.

I've been pretty happy with the Obama administration.

So, what does the GOP have to offer me? I'm willing to listen.
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Btw. I am opening myself up here to GOP folks.

I am a 28 year old black male. I have a BS and JD (I'm not using the JD atm). I am gainfully employed at a job I love. I will likely make less than $40,000 this year. I rent a home. I don't mind paying my taxes knowing that it is helping the community and especially those who are unable to earn a livable wage.

I am supportive of the LBGT movement although I am straight. I love NCAA football, F1 racing, NASCAR, and indycar.

I have been born and raised as a yellow dog democrat.

I've been pretty happy with the Obama administration.

So, what does the GOP have to offer me? I'm willing to listen.

As compared to what with democrats? My whole family was democrat, but I'm independent. I'm not being smart, just asking what either side offers you more than the other. I have black family (cousins) who are split with democrat and republican, my closest black friend is die hard Republican. I just don't understand what the democrats offer better?
Im a white christian straight male...aren't we all born wealthy and hired in at the executive level?

What the crap?? I missed something! Must because my hgrandpa on moms side was Indian! Dang papaw!
As compared to what with democrats? My whole family was democrat, but I'm independent. I'm not being smart, just asking what either side offers you more than the other. I have black family (cousins) who are split with democrat and republican, my closest black friend is die hard Republican. I just don't understand what the democrats offer better?

Well, they have put forth a black president who does stand for a lot of the things I am about. So they have that going for them.

If Mrs. Clinton has 15% of what her husband had them I am safely in her camp.
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Btw. I am opening myself up here to GOP folks.

I am a 28 year old black male. I have a BS and JD (I'm not using the JD atm). I am gainfully employed at a job I love. I will likely make less than $40,000 this year. I rent a home. I don't mind paying my taxes knowing that it is helping the community and especially those who are unable to earn a livable wage.

I am supportive of the LBGT movement although I am straight. I love NCAA football, F1 racing, NASCAR, and indycar.

I have been born and raised as a yellow dog democrat.

I've been pretty happy with the Obama administration.

So, what does the GOP have to offer me? I'm willing to listen.

Check out Rand Paul. Not your typical red tie. Believes in smaller government, freedoms, and not letting his personal opinions cloud what is right by the Constitution.
Well, they have put forth a black president who does stand for a lot of the things I am about. So they have that going for them.

If Mrs. Clinton has 15% of what her husband had them I am safely in her camp.

Here's an honest question for you. Democrats, and a lot of black leaders just flat out cried racism at anyone who didn't vote for, or was critical against Obama, who is half black. So why is it OK for those same people to not vote for someone like Ben Carson? He's 100% black. That's just one of my things with democrats. They cru racism, but its OK if they don't vote for this black guy. I don't spiritually agree with some things Obama stands for, but I do every single day pray for him. I could give a crap about color, but hate being labeled racist for not supporting a half black man by those who will not vote for Carson.
Check out Rand Paul. Not your typical red tie. Believes in smaller government, freedoms, and not letting his personal opinions cloud what is right by the Constitution.

From Kentucky?

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