The Impeachment Thread

Did u ever see the Georgia vs Rick Allen one? Hilarious and definitely NSFW amazing that it is word for word from actual court transcript

I love Rick and Morty, but that was fan made. And it was almost as good as the actual episodes of the show. Even better that it is based on reality.
Really? That's it? This is the smoking gun to end the impeachment proceedings? All that did was exonerate Joe Biden (multiple times) and confirm that Guiliani is a blithering idiot. This is why I don't trust these "bombshell" reports from right wing media. This doesn't move the needle at all on anything.

Tagging people since I was told to read it by three different posters: @W.TN.Orange Blood and @VolnJC

Well, that didn't hurt now did it. When's the Vote???
There. Was. No. Quid. Pro. Quo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's not what the call transcripts show.

His testimony didn't refute that one way or the other. Actually he went out of his way to not address it. This mostly seemed like an exoneration of Biden and a refutation of that idiot Guiliani.

Again, this isn't enough to prove anything either way.
That's not what the call transcripts show.

His testimony didn't refute that one way or the other. Actually he went out of his way to not address it. This mostly seemed like an exoneration of Biden and a refutation of that idiot Guiliani.

Again, this isn't enough to prove anything either way.
Oh FFS ... 🤦‍♂️
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I don’t believe any elected official should use the weight of their office for political gain. However I also live in the real world and know it happens every day. I see daily examples of our Dallas City Council members as shining reminders. To amplify that by not just benefiting but in fact destroying a direct political rival I think is exceptionally heinous. Again I know it happens every day however. Doesn’t make it right though. And the higher the political office the more egregious the offense.

If Kurt Volker has indicated that yes he believed there was pressure asserted directly by Trump with specific focus on Joe Biden, not via proxy with Hunter Biden and Burisma, I would have a problem with that.

This far it appears Volker has gone out of his way to indicate that is exactly not what is happening and has worked very hard (countering Rudy’s influence) to prevent that condition from developing. Volker is a Tillerson acolyte and I’ll bet isn’t a personal fan of Trump. However he came off as genuine from what I’ve seem and is clearly the most informed. And he came off genuine in conveying his personal affections for Ukraine and it’s people. So I’ll take his testimony as having the most weight thus far and his explicit testimony is what I wanted to hear.

I wish there was some way to see if Volker could be re-engaged with Ukraine diplomacy. However from reading his statement I am going to guess that as long as Giuliani has Trump’s ear that is a non starter.

Thank you. No trick question, no trap. I’m genuinely curious where the line is for people at this point.

It seems like we are headed for the exact same place as the Mueller report. It’s going to be based on every individual’s threshold for making a negative inference of fact where the proof doesn’t tell us exactly what happened.
Well, that didn't hurt now did it. When's the Vote???
Not sure, but it will happen eventually. The House will vote for impeachment, the Senate will acquit Trump, and we will go about arguing over something else. The GOP are not going to impeach a sitting Republican president, regardless of any evidence that may come to light.
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Oh FFS ... 🤦‍♂️
There just wasn't much in this. Nothing much about Biden except he said multiple times that Biden did not engage in quid pro quo, nothing at all about Trump really either. Just a dude trying to do his job with Rudy running around screwing everything up.

It would do Donnie some good to throw him under the bus already.
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If you don’t trust the federalist ... do you trust Schiff not to lie ?
You know when Schiff was head of house intel before, he seemed like a moron.
Then Nunes took over and he seemed like a moron and Schiff just kind of shut up and looked better by comparison.
Now Schiff is back and the only person making him look good is Nadler.

The only comforting thing about these guys is they seem a lot more like Veep than House of Cards.
I don’t believe any elected official should use the weight of their office for political gain. However I also live in the real world and know it happens every day. I see daily examples of our Dallas City Council members as shining reminders. To amplify that by not just benefiting but in fact destroying a direct political rival I think is exceptionally heinous. Again I know it happens every day however. Doesn’t make it right though. And the higher the political office the more egregious the offense.

If Kurt Volker has indicated that yes he believed there was pressure asserted directly by Trump with specific focus on Joe Biden, not via proxy with Hunter Biden and Burisma, I would have a problem with that. I don’t mean to to excuse proxy focus either however.

This far it appears Volker has gone out of his way to indicate that is exactly not what is happening and has worked very hard (countering Rudy’s influence) to prevent that condition from developing. Volker is a Tillerson acolyte and I’ll bet isn’t a personal fan of Trump. However he came off as genuine from what I’ve seen and is clearly the most informed and truly believes in the task he was given. And he came off genuine in conveying his personal affections for Ukraine and it’s people. So I’ll take his testimony as having the most weight thus far and his explicit testimony is what I wanted to hear.

I wish there was some way to see if Volker could be re-engaged with Ukraine diplomacy. However from reading his statement I am going to guess that as long as Giuliani has Trump’s ear that is a non starter.

Giuliani needs to go; he's a senile old fool, and there's not much that he can't seem to screw up. Things get screwed up enough with Tumpspeak; Rudy is simply Trumpspeak v2. Trumpspeak is weird off the wall schiff that nobody understands and is frequently more confused or contradicted by later Trumpspeak.
It's OK when it's the US of A against the them. Not when it's us against us.

I really meant internal politics like congress; that's why I didn't say diplomacy even though it's generally true there, too. Face it, people don't give something without the thought of something else in return ... lawyers call it "consideration" as I recall. However, I don't agree that Trump's request for an investigation was tied to Ukrainian aid - just isn't there without some serious mind bending. People do favors all the time for "good will", points, or whatever - doesn't mean that there's necessarily anything of value attached to favors.
There just wasn't much in this. Nothing much about Biden except he said multiple times that Biden did not engage in quid pro quo, nothing at all about Trump really either. Just a dude trying to do his job with Rudy running around screwing everything up.

It would do Donnie some good to throw him under the bus already.
Volker’s opening statement was a thermonuclear strike on Trump Ukraine quid pro quo. Everything else unravels on Ukraine after that. And the Dim political capital expended was completely wasted. Be in denial all you want on this but Trump Ukraine is done.
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Giuliani needs to go; he's a senile old fool, and there's not much that he can't seem to screw up. Things get screwed up enough with Tumpspeak; Rudy is simply Trumpspeak v2. Trumpspeak is weird off the wall schiff that nobody understands and is frequently more confused or contradicted by later Trumpspeak.
Rudy appears to most definitely amplified the obfuscation on this whole fiasco and I’d guess was the reason Volker resigned. And that is the real travesty here it looks like to me.
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Idk about politics. I think there’s an inherent quid pro quo in all of American foreign policy with weaker nations, like Ukraine.
Yes. And if we’re ever giving away tax payer money without quid pro quo in regards to our nation’s interests those particular “diplomats” need to have their asses fired.
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Idk about politics. I think there’s an inherent quid pro quo in all of American foreign policy with weaker nations, like Ukraine.

I pretty much agree; I just don't think it's what your side wants it to be on this one. I'll give a different example - the Obama flexibility thing. To me that was him asking that Russia (as I recall) not stir up any crap while he was in the process of reelection, the hinted payback was being easier to deal with on what they wanted later. No specifics - nothing to hang anybody with - just suggestions, but no doubt those kinds of words are taken seriously.
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