The Impeachment Thread

"The move by the CIA's general counsel, Trump appointee Courtney Simmons Elwood, meant she and other senior officials had concluded a potential crime had been committed, raising more questions about why the Justice Department later declined to open an investigation."
For somebody that wants us to believe you're a man you seem soooo timid or scared to read & learn the truth.
You'll have to excuse me for not trusting any of the "sources" you guys share on here from right wing media. I will read it later.

Not sure what the "believe you're a man" thing has to do with anything. Have I pretended to be a llama one night and forgotten about it?

"The move by the CIA's general counsel, Trump appointee Courtney Simmons Elwood, meant she and other senior officials had concluded a potential crime had been committed, raising more questions about why the Justice Department later declined to open an investigation."

I'm guessing because Billy Barr (who in know way weighed in on it, mind you), told someone "I can't quash this, because of an conflict of interest, so you'll have to."
So throughout this I wondered why Volker resigned. Upon reading that transcript I can only speculate that the choice is closely tied to an extremely deep rooted desire to choke the ever loving **** out of Rudy Giuliani 🤷‍♂️

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