The Impeachment Thread

I hope they don't vote for months, while the trumpers squirm and Donny defies congress. Truthfully, as more and more comes out - I think you'll see the holdouts on the left give in. We all know the Senate would be a kangaroo court with McConnell. Irrespective of what facts arise, he'll put party above the country.

Being serious with you for a change. How is the senate more a kangaroo court than the house? It's just a matter of who controls each. The dims show more spunk and general weirdness, and the GOP has been playing Rip Van Winkle since Reagan. If it takes a clown like Trump to wake them up, so be it. My real hope was that both sides would look back at this last presidential election and be scared straight. Obviously from the dim nominee clown show it's not happening.

It is fun watching the dims go through the same process the GOP did; and they didn't learn a damn thing. Twenty-seven contending dwarves for the nomination, and not a one is electable ... although it's not beyond the realm of possibility for the GOP to screw it up badly enough that it could happen. We both see the same sh!t show and deal with it differently.

For the record, Democrats with the name they chose and an ass for a mascot just make it too easy (dim). Not a lot you can do with GOP or Republican or elephant, or I would because I have no respect for anybody or anything that goes on in DC.
I am fine with the point that both sides suck. There is waaaay too much posturing and grandstanding for constituents back home at the expense of reasoned debate. The subsidiary culprits are the special interest groups that either have too much money, or too many votes in local elections, because they scare incumbents into being pointlessly intransigent and unreasonable with the other side, else they face a primary challenge in an otherwise safe district.

The MAIN culprit is therefore gerrymandering because it exponentially increases the power of those special interest groups by artificially emphasizing the population they want in a given district.

That being said, none of that has anything to do with the topic at hand, which is Trump's misconduct and abuse of office, which should result in his impeachment and resignation from office, or removal, as the Republican establishment sees fit for his exit.

You were doing so well, and I was agreeing with you until you got all partisan and and went off on Trump. He's just a boorish caricature of what's wrong in our political system; he's like the comedian who can't possibly get it straight in a serious movie - the elephant in the china shop because he's the guy who doesn't play by a set of antiquated and corrupt DC rules. If he breaks the place, great; it's broken and just doesn't know enough or have the common sense to fall apart.
Being serious with you for a change. How is the senate more a kangaroo court than the house? It's just a matter of who controls each. The dims show more spunk and general weirdness, and the GOP has been playing Rip Van Winkle since Reagan. If it takes a clown like Trump to wake them up, so be it. My real hope was that both sides would look back at this last presidential election and be scared straight. Obviously from the dim nominee clown show it's not happening.

It is fun watching the dims go through the same process the GOP did; and they didn't learn a damn thing. Twenty-seven contending dwarves for the nomination, and not a one is electable ... although it's not beyond the realm of possibility for the GOP to screw it up badly enough that it could happen. We both see the same sh!t show and deal with it differently.

For the record, Democrats with the name they chose and an ass for a mascot just make it too easy (dim). Not a lot you can do with GOP or Republican or elephant, or I would because I have no respect for anybody or anything that goes on in DC.

With McConnell already going on record as stating he won't impeach irrespective of the findings - it's set up to be a farce.

The bolded is a distinction and difference whereas the "Senate" has already drawn a line in the sand, so far - the Congress is looking to find out facts before holding a vote to send it to the Senate.
You were doing so well, and I was agreeing with you until you got all partisan and and went off on Trump. He's just a boorish caricature of what's wrong in our political system; he's like the comedian who can't possibly get it straight in a serious movie - the elephant in the china shop because he's the guy who doesn't play by a set of antiquated and corrupt DC rules. If he breaks the place, great; it's broken and just doesn't know enough or have the common sense to fall apart.

He probably does not get as much credit as he deserves from the left for coloring outside the lines, and gets too much credit from the right for using toxic paint.
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So if there are opponents here there must be a trophy or something at the end.

Number of players?
Full contact?
I mean since there are opponents and all on here.

Is that what that word means to you? Do all oppositional opinions make you want to have full contact? Weird.
With McConnell already going on record as stating he won't impeach irrespective of the findings - it's set up to be a farce.

The bolded is a distinction and difference whereas the "Senate" has already drawn a line in the sand, so far - the Congress is looking to find out facts before holding a vote to send it to the Senate.

Sorry, the dim side of the house is in the give him a "fair" trial and hang him mode.
Sorry, the dim side of the house is in the give him a "fair" trial and hang him mode.

On one hand you're accusing the left of not giving him a fair shake and on the other you're bellyaching because they won't hold a vote knowing that they don't want to do it with all the facts.

So which is it?
Huh? That’s what you got out of that?

I can't understand the word for you my man. I gave you the definition and the origin - this is a odd place to plant a flag. Move on, you're starting to make me cringe for you.
Septic is the laser pointer...

The majority of VN posters are the cat.


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