The Impeachment Thread

What is a "formal impeachment procedure?" An impeachment is what nancy Pelosi says it is, no vote is needed despite Trump saying so.

Seriously, Trump can't spell Constitution, why would you think he knows what's in it?

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

Have they passed the resolution listing what he's being impeached for? If they haven't it's just a garden party.
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Have they passed the resolution listing what he's being impeached for? If they haven't it's just a garden party.
The House is entitled to do its own fact-finding before holding votes. They’d have the same ability to subpoena documents as they would if they were considering legislation about steroids in baseball, pay for college athletes, or climate change.
The House is entitled to do its own fact-finding before holding votes. They’d have the same ability to subpoena documents as they would if they were considering legislation about steroids in baseball, pay for college athletes, or climate change.
Doesn't the full house have to vote on official impeachment inquiry?
The House is entitled to do its own fact-finding before holding votes. They’d have the same ability to subpoena documents as they would if they were considering legislation about steroids in baseball, pay for college athletes, or climate change.

Maybe the right doesn't believe in due process like the left does. Apparently they'd be willing to hold a vote without all of the facts which is strangely counter to Senator McConnell - who apparently has already stated a refusal to impeach irrespective of fact. Wish they'd at least be consistent with their asshattery.
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Have they passed the resolution listing what he's being impeached for? If they haven't it's just a garden party.

Yes, it's always nothing just before it's something. Is there a time-line established in the Constitution that dictates when the Article of Impeachment must be passed by the House?
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Yes, it's always nothing just before it's something. Is there a time-line established in the Constitution that dictates when the Article of Impeachment must be passed by the House?
I don't think so. It's the parliamentary rules and the abilities each committee is afforded I'm more interested in. Things have changed since Clinton was impeached. Nadler has said he would put any subpoena in front of Collins for objections, we know he's going to, but I'm unclear about nadlers power to subpoena and just what he can subpoena if no formal inquiry has been voted on. In formal inquiries, i believe subpoenas have to be unilaterally agreed on.
Maybe the right doesn't believe in due process like the left does. Apparently they'd be willing to hold a vote without all of the facts which is strangely counter to Senator McConnell - who apparently has already stated a refusal to impeach irrespective of fact. Wish they'd at least be consistent with their asshattery.
Ya McConnell is a hack. We already know it won't make it past the Senate. This is all great political theatre. What comes of all this and separation of powers being muddled once again is my concern.
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