The Impeachment Thread

BOMBSHELL: Audio, Email Evidence Shows DNC Colluded With Ukraine To Boost Hillary By Harming Trump, Report Says
The Blaze has released an audio recording that they recently obtained that appears to show Artem Sytnyk, Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, admitting that he tried to boost the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton by sabotaging then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

The connection between the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Ukrainian government was veteran Democratic operative Alexandra Chalupa, “who had worked in the White House Office of Public Liaison during the Clinton administration” and then “went on to work as a staffer, then as a consultant, for Democratic National Committee,” Politico reported.

Chalupa was working directly with the Ukrainian embassy in the United States to raise concerns about Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and, according to Politico, she indicated that the Embassy was working “directly with reporters researching Trump, Manafort and Russia to point them in the right directions.”

I must have missed the vote authorizing an official impeachment inquiry
Trump Impeachment Inquiry: House Must Vote or It’s Just a Democratic Stunt | National Review

I hope they don't vote for months, while the trumpers squirm and Donny defies congress. Truthfully, as more and more comes out - I think you'll see the holdouts on the left give in. We all know the Senate would be a kangaroo court with McConnell. Irrespective of what facts arise, he'll put party above the country.
Yeah. How could I forget; you're just a troublemaking troll ... sorta like dealing with double sided tape, but not quite because one side is definitely stickier.

I know, it's hard for some people to be objective enough to believe both sides suck. Does calling me names help you feel better about being consistently wrong?
Calling other folks wrong makes you wrong. It’s your opinion. But that’s all that it is. And it makes you come off as an arrogant pr!ck.

This whole forum is based off of the predication that your opponent is wrong.

I didn't realize that your thin skinned ilk would need a safespace from the arrogance of someone actually stating the obvious.
I know, it's hard for some people to be objective enough to believe both sides suck. Does calling me names help you feel better about being consistently wrong?

I am fine with the point that both sides suck. There is waaaay too much posturing and grandstanding for constituents back home at the expense of reasoned debate. The subsidiary culprits are the special interest groups that either have too much money, or too many votes in local elections, because they scare incumbents into being pointlessly intransigent and unreasonable with the other side, else they face a primary challenge in an otherwise safe district.

The MAIN culprit is therefore gerrymandering because it exponentially increases the power of those special interest groups by artificially emphasizing the population they want in a given district.

That being said, none of that has anything to do with the topic at hand, which is Trump's misconduct and abuse of office, which should result in his impeachment and resignation from office, or removal, as the Republican establishment sees fit for his exit.
This whole forum is based off of the predication that your opponent is wrong.

I didn't realize that your thin skinned ilk would need a safespace from the arrogance of someone actually stating the obvious.

Opponent?? You just can’t help yourself.
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I mean, can't they hold him in contempt? That's how this works right? Can Donny protect him and Pompeo from just thumbing their nose at Congress?

He'll eventually testify. All they'll get is a bunch of "I don't recalls" "I can't answer due to executive privilege" and "what, me worry".
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