The Impeachment Thread

NBC "news" lol


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So that’s the bar you are setting for POTUS? Hasn’t destroyed us yet?
All he has done is to poke the other side and the media around in order to let them show their true colors. The bar that he has set is in new wars, the economy, and employment numbers. All I'm saying is that the way people opposed to him act , one would think he has destroyed the country. He has not.
You’re entitled to your opinion and if you don’t care about limited government, personal responsibility, politicians who use their positions for personal gain, individual freedom, the rule of law, democracy, or capitalism, then there’s nothing inconsistent about that at all.
Can we please apply those same rules to Congress, because quite frankly, we do not currently do that. Somehow, they escape accountability.
You’re entitled to your opinion and if you don’t care about limited government, personal responsibility, politicians who use their positions for personal gain, individual freedom, the rule of law, democracy, or capitalism, then there’s nothing inconsistent about that at all.
Yep, he is doing a good job despite all the opposition.
All he has done is to poke the other side and the media around in order to make them show their true colors. The bar that he has set is in new wars, the economy, and employment numbers. All I'm saying is that the way people opposed to him act , one would think he has destroyed the country. He has not.
No of course he hasn’t. You don’t find it strange or concerning that his most competent people in his admin have jumped ship? You don’t think a man like Mattis, who is as loyal as they come, has basically said I won’t say **** until he’s out of office then I will speak. That doesn’t make you pause?
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No of course he hasn’t. You don’t find it strange or concerning that his most competent people in his admin have jumped ship? You don’t think a man like Mattis, who is as loyal as they come, has basically said I won’t say **** until he’s out of office then I will speak. That doesn’t make you pause?
I'm sure that Trump wouldn't be a lot of fun to work for.
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Kudos to you then for being able to criticize your own party. But apparently you've misinterpreted my message. This isn't about criticizing only Democrats. I think both parties you be criticized. I agree that Trump is a bad President, even if I don't agree worst ever. But the bigger problem, imo, is that both parties are running rampant and eroding the very foundations of our government. And Trump is the distraction allowing them to do it. We're all watching the sideshow and missing the main event. Whether it be through impeachment or being voted out in 2020 or having served two term in 2024, Trump will eventually leave office. But many in Congress will most likely still be there, waging their political war that does nothing to help this country.

It seems you, and others, see Trump as the biggest problem our country faces. IMO, it's not, and people are ignoring, refusing to see what is actually the biggest problem our country faces. Trump's time in office has always been limited. It's the people whose time is not limited that is the problem.

Get a better electorate, and get better politicians. The biggest problem is people hate congress but somehow think their reps are the greatest. Regional differences account for some but not nearly all of that.
You think working for trump is worse then what Mattis has had to do and be apart of?
I would think that Trump and Mattis probably either had a personality clash ( easy for Trump to have one), or they disagreed on foreign policy. I think Mattis stayed for 2 years, and most administrations go through a lot of people. Trump has been against what we have done for the last 50 years that hasn't been successful, so he is trying to do it his way. Whether or not that works will be determined in time. It's not like we have been wildly successful dealing with China, Afghanistan, the Middle East, or N. Korea in the past.
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Can we please apply those same rules to Congress, because quite frankly, we do not currently do that. Somehow, they escape accountability.
Which piece of legislation that got passed in the last year and a half are you most concerned about?
You’re entitled to your opinion and if you don’t care about limited government, personal responsibility, politicians who use their positions for personal gain, individual freedom, the rule of law, democracy, or capitalism, then there’s nothing inconsistent about that at all.

I'm confused about one thing. Trump wasn't a politician, so by definition he didn't use political office for his own gain. I do realize a lot of people are trying to claim now without proof that he's doing so, but he's nothing like run of the mill bought and sold politicians. If he's getting rich by having military pilots stay at his resorts on government per diem, that would be a first. Besides, that story's been debunked.
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The story of Paul Revere as most people know it is wildly inaccurate. So maybe the comparison isn't too far off. I bet there's a lot we don't know.

I seem to recall Revere actually got captured and released, and was the only one who didn't get the message through. Seems like he was pretty far from a patriot at a particular battle involving a river and boats ... not a famous one, and I can't dredge up the name from memory.
Which piece of legislation that got passed in the last year and a half are you most concerned about?
Has nothing to do with what little legislation they've passed. You're arguing about holding the President responsible for his abhorrent behavior. Why should Congress not face the same scrutiny? Hell, I've agreed with you all that Trump is a horrible person time and again. Does it reach impeachable levels? I guess that depends on what Congress decides to do. Personally, I still don't see the Senate removing him from office. That doesn't mean I think he's a good President, or believe he should have ever been President to begin with.(My wish would have been someone other than Hillary or Trump in 2016). All that said, if you're going to call for his head over behavior, the same principle should apply to Congress.
The story of Paul Revere as most people know it is wildly inaccurate. So maybe the comparison isn't too far off. I bet there's a lot we don't know.

How could I forget - lived in Bangor, ME on the Penobscot River for a couple of years.

Fewer remember Revere’s tumultuous military career, or a fateful trip to Maine that nearly destroyed his reputation and sent him back to Boston shamed and facing down the prospect of a court martial.

A disastrous battle in Maine nearly destroyed Paul Revere’s legacy
Has nothing to do with what little legislation they've passed. You're arguing about holding the President responsible for his abhorrent behavior. Why should Congress not face the same scrutiny? Hell, I've agreed with you all that Trump is a horrible person time and again. Does it reach impeachable levels? I guess that depends on what Congress decides to do. Personally, I still don't see the Senate removing him from office. That doesn't mean I think he's a good President, or believe he should have ever been President to begin with.(My wish would have been someone other than Hillary or Trump in 2016). All that said, if you're going to call for his head over behavior, the same principle should apply to Congress.
Ok. What congressional behavior, then?

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