The Impeachment Thread

And this just highlights our disagreements. You choose a side and say it's better. I say both sides are bad and we need to find change.

And your reasoning on why the left immediately went after Trump as soon as he was elected is, quite frankly, unreasonable. It wasn't just the Republicans who elected him either. Sure, he was their candidate and he ran on their ticket, but not only Republicans voted for him. No different than any election where independents play a large role in who is elected. So it wasn't just a Dem/GOP thing. It was trying to undo a lawful election. But because you hate Trump with such passion, you think it's justified. How are you going to feel when the same actions are taken against someone you support? Is that when it becomes unacceptable?

One of the constants I've kept is how things go both ways. You can't support actions because they were taken by your side then protest the same tactics when used by the other side. There's no morality in that.
I'm all for change. The system is currently more broken than ever.

It was clearly the republicans who nominated him and primarily elected him. The independents and dems. who voted for Trump were misguided at best. This is where the propagandized ignorance fits in.
How is trying to impeach Trump any more an attempt to undo a lawful election than were the impeachments of Nixon and Clinton?

How will I feel? The same way I felt when they impeached Clinton. The same way I would have felt on day one if Hillary would have been elected and repubs. immediately started impeachment talks - which we all know was pre-planned and inevitable.

I would hope that anyone who views a POTUS the way I view Trump would do all within their power to see them legally removed from office. I've lived under a number of repub. administration and never viewed any of them in remotely the same way as I view Trump. Had any of the other 17 repubs. won, we wouldn't be in this situation. Trump is not the norm and cannot ever be viewed as such. That's why any attempt to portray him as normal must be resisted. Trump is far from the norm and the dem. reaction is far from the norm. Neither can ever be normalized.
Trump was elected from a field of two. And maybe some did vote for him because they didn't want to vote for Hillary, but again, there were TWO choices. If they voted against Hillary they obviously were not satisfied with the candidate your side chose. Stop and think, Luther. People found Trump to be a more desirable candidate than Hillary. We're not talking about primaries where only party members vote. We're talking a general election where the populace votes. Why can you not "own" that?

You constantly deflect blame from your party trying to find fault somewhere else. Do you do that in life as well? Are you one of those people where nothing is ever your fault?
Because luther can't stand that Trump won so he is looking to assuage his "feels" by finding something other than the failure of his party to beat him in the general election. So back through the process he goes. It doesn't change anything though but, hey, he's got to do what he's got to do to make himself feel better.
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I don't approve of attacking the police - verbally or otherwise. Trump is reaping what he sowed by his divisive actions and words. He has no scruples.
Ok and the Dems elected the worst candidate in their history to run for POTUS . So bad in fact that she couldn’t beat Trump . There’s lots of “ owning “ to go around .
But she wasn't a bad candidate, only perceived as bad.
Trump was a bad candidate, obviously, but not perceived as bad by enough of the misguided.
I'm all for change. The system is currently more broken than ever.

It was clearly the republicans who nominated him and primarily elected him. The independents and dems. who voted for Trump were misguided at best. This is where the propagandized ignorance fits in.
How is trying to impeach Trump any more an attempt to undo a lawful election than were the impeachments of Nixon and Clinton?

How will I feel? The same way I felt when they impeached Clinton. The same way I would have felt on day one if Hillary would have been elected and repubs. immediately started impeachment talks - which we all know was pre-planned and inevitable.

I would hope that anyone who views a POTUS the way I view Trump would do all within their power to see them legally removed from office. I've lived under a number of repub. administration and never viewed any of them in remotely the same way as I view Trump. Had any of the other 17 repubs. won, we wouldn't be in this situation. Trump is not the norm and cannot ever be viewed as such. That's why any attempt to portray him as normal must be resisted. Trump is far from the norm and the dem. reaction is far from the norm. Neither can ever be normalized.
Primary difference between Trump and Nixon/Clinton is they actually waited for Nixon and Clinton to do something before seeking impeachment. All Trump had to do is win the election.

The rest of your answer seems to confirm you think yourself "special". Your motivations are purely political and in no way based in morality. You don't believe wrong is wrong, you believe your side is right and the other side wrong, even when engaged in the exact same conduct.
Trump was elected from a field of two. And maybe some did vote for him because they didn't want to vote for Hillary, but again, there were TWO choices. If they voted against Hillary they obviously were not satisfied with the candidate your side chose. Stop and think, Luther. People found Trump to be a more desirable candidate than Hillary. We're not talking about primaries where only party members vote. We're talking a general election where the populace votes. Why can you not "own" that?

You constantly deflect blame from your party trying to find fault somewhere else. Do you do that in life as well? Are you one of those people where nothing is ever your fault?
Who's not talking about the primaries? I am certainly talking about them.
Trump was nominated from a field of 17. Why do you continually ignore that fact?
Do you constantly ignore and refuse to acknowledge uncomfortable fact in life as well?
Are you one of those people who only focus on facts that make them feel better?
Why can you not "own" that?

Those were some crappy and unnecessary question by the way.

Less people found Trump desirable than Clinton. But I was shocked at the number that pulled the lever for Trump. Still am.
Who's not talking about the primaries? I am certainly talking about them.
Trump was nominated from a field of 17. Why do you continually ignore that fact?
Do you constantly ignore and refuse to acknowledge uncomfortable fact in life as well?
Are you one of those people who only focus on facts that make them feel better?
Why can you not "own" that?

Those were some crappy and unnecessary question by the way.

Less people found Trump desirable than Clinton. But I was shocked at the number that pulled the lever for Trump. Still am.

Now just imagine if you would , the number of people opposite yourself that feel the same way about how many voted for Hillary and still are shocked about it .
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Primary difference between Trump and Nixon/Clinton is they actually waited for Nixon and Clinton to do something before seeking impeachment. All Trump had to do is win the election.

The rest of your answer seems to confirm you think yourself "special". Your motivations are purely political and in no way based in morality. You don't believe wrong is wrong, you believe your side is right and the other side wrong, even when engaged in the exact same conduct.
Special? Not based on morality?
I think every person has a moral obligation to seek the legal removal of a president they view as a horrendously despicable human who is a once in 300 year anomaly and is destroying the fabric of the nation.
How is that for morality?
Ignorance rooted in propagandized misinformation coupled with bitterness brought about by inevitable change.
That could be used against your position as well. What a bunch of garbage. Do you actually believe what you write? Never mind, rhetorical.
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Special? Not based on morality?
I think every person has a moral obligation to seek the legal removal of a president they view as a horrendously despicable human who is a once in 300 year anomaly and is destroying the fabric of the nation.
How is that for morality?
Time to refresh your discussion with Orange Crush regarding your "ends justify the means" position.

How about beating him when he runs for reelection? Should be easy since he's such a despicable, horrendous human being, right?
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Who's not talking about the primaries? I am certainly talking about them.
Trump was nominated from a field of 17. Why do you continually ignore that fact?
Do you constantly ignore and refuse to acknowledge uncomfortable fact in life as well?
Are you one of those people who only focus on facts that make them feel better?
Why can you not "own" that?

Those were some crappy and unnecessary question by the way.

Less people found Trump desirable than Clinton. But I was shocked at the number that pulled the lever for Trump. Still am.
Lord, Luther. You are touched in the head. The election presented TWO choices. Hillary or Trump. Trump won. That means he was deemed more desirable than the candidate that came out of your primaries. Are you unable to wrap your head around that? Sure, Trump was selected from a field of 17. He was also selected from a field of two. Both are facts. Hillary lost. Another fact. You just don't want to accept that the Dems should have run a better candidate. If they had, they win the election going away, but they chose Hillary. Wrap your head around that. I can almost guarantee that if Biden had run in 2016, he'd be sitting in the WH today. But for whatever reason, the DNC decided it was Hillary's turn. And she lost. And the party has been in tantrum mode ever since. You can say it's because Trump won, but it's really no different than Hillary lost. It doesn't matter how despicable Trump is, the behavior displayed by the left since the election should not be considered acceptable.

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