The Impeachment Thread

Ok, maybe you can answer my questions. Or was it an argument?
To save from wasting any more time on your hand waving dumbassery... I'll say it again... Go back and read the post you took issue with.

Are they impeaching Trump for asking them to look into it?

Did they have the investigator that was looking into it fired?I

Those were the points you called into question and hysterically asked me to "show your work".

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You don't ask questions, you post an argument and dare anyone to contradict you.
He makes fool of himself by asking proof for public knowledge then keeps moving the goalposts until you're not playing the same game anymore.

It's like playing chess with a pigeon.
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To save from wasting any more time on your hand waving dumbassery... I'll say it again... Go back and read the post you took issue with.

Are they impeaching Trump for asking them to look into it?

Did they have the investigator that was looking into it fired?I

Those were the points you called into question and hysterically asked me to "show your work".

Yes, Trump is being impeached for asking that the Ukrainian president reopen a case into Biden's son.

No the former investigator wasn't investigating Biden's son, which made it a political favor. I believe he mentioned the Biden's my name.
So the prosecutor wasn't corrupt? And Biden's son was committing crimes?
Joe, just out of nowhere, unilaterally decided the prosecutor must go?

Still not clear on those details.

Shokin was hot on the Burisma trail, inquired to Cyoress about a $3m payment ran through their country to Hunter’s company, and how that $3m was dispersed, the state dept shut down the inquiry and then he was fired.

No answer has yet been given on record.
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Shokin was hot on the Burisma trail, inquired to Cyoress about a $3m payment ran through their country to Hunter’s company, and how that $3m was dispersed, the state dept shut down the inquiry and then he was fired.

No answer has yet been given on record.

I can't verify most of that, but Burisma wasn't Hunter's company, he was being payed by Burisma, I'm pretty sure that much is true.
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Yes, Trump is being impeached for asking that the Ukrainian president reopen a case into Biden's son.

No the former investigator wasn't investigating Biden's son, which made it a political favor. I believe he mentioned the Biden's my name.
I never said he was investigating Biden's son, captain reflection. I said he was investigating the company that had Hunter on its board. Which he was.
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I can't verify most of that, but Burisma wasn't Hunter's company, he was being payed by Burisma, I'm pretty sure that much is true.

Correct, the payment was from Burisma to Seneca Partners or whatever Hunters co name if that’s wrong.

Shokin was tracking the $3m “consulting” payment through cypress and requested disbursement info. Then he was fired and then Joe bragged about it.
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Correct, the payment was from Burisma to Seneca Partners or whatever Hunters co name if that’s wrong.

Shokin was tracking the $3m “consulting” payment through cypress and requested disbursement info. Then he was fired and then Joe bragged about it.

Sounds possible. I think the biggest problem is that it's not proveable that Joe did it for that reason. He was one of many calling for that prosecutor be fired. And even if Hunter was dirty, Joe has plenty of cover from the other countries asking him to be axed.

I thought It was reported that Burisma wasn't being investigated at the time the dude was fired. I'm not saying it as a fact, though.

So essentially Trump would have had cover if he'd just said Burisma and hadn't mentioned the Bidens.

I think the other issue with Trump is that, as far as I know, he'd not had interest in investigating Burisma or either of the Bidens before Joe seemed a political threat.
Because someone tattled on him for allegedly using the power of his office to make an official request that he have his political rival be investigated.

Also, for suspicion of extortion.
So, pretty much what I said in the post that you got your panties wadded over? All the deflection aside...

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