The Impeachment Thread

I don’t fear anything. I enjoy watching your idiots get so excited: this is it, bad man getting impeached now hahahahaha. Of course there is no way there will ever be a vote, she knows the socialist will get destroyed in 2020 if she holds a vote
Why do you get so worked up everyday saying the same thing? Whatcha going to do tomorrow on here?
Clearly, what people doing "very legal, very cool" things do.

If Giuliani was "representing" a Clinton and causing this kind of uproar, he'd have already suffered a fatal stroke. This is one case I wish Trump would see the light and act like a Clinton. Giuliani is like herpes of the brain on steroids.
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Just you wait. They will one day impeach Hillary Clinton. It may be from her local school board. But Tom Fitton is gonna crush her with his manly, conservative biceps.
There were ppl wanting Bush arrested at the Cowboys game and sent to The Hague for war crimes.. the right can't compete with the lunatic left for bitterness...I guess Mark Ruffalo has taken over as the leader since Sarandon retired

That's a shocker, I tell you. When governments use an event as an excuse to implement things, citizens are going to be screwed. Under normal conditions there would be scrutiny enough to prevent abuses of constitutional rights; with a 9/11, rights are up for grabs, and it's a free for all the three letter DC mobs. It resulted in the militarization of the cops, too; now they just shoot before they think.
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Does this mean James Clapper did lie about this when he was asked about it during questioning?
He said no......not to his knowledge NSA was not doing such a thing as spying on the American people.

It's actually kinda hard to monitor and store all phone calls, texts, and emails and have the gall to say it's not spying. But maybe they just don't "inhale" so it's OK. The leaky FISA judges are apparently outside the NSA continuum.
I don’t fear anything. I enjoy watching your idiots get so excited: this is it, bad man getting impeached now hahahahaha. Of course there is no way there will ever be a vote, she knows the socialist will get destroyed in 2020 if she holds a vote
I love their optimism because it will make the future impeachment failure tears and meltdown all the more enjoyable I still pull up the election night reactions once a month or so lol
I love their optimism because it will make the future impeachment failure tears and meltdown all the more enjoyable I still pull up the election night reactions once a month or so lol

This photo showing all these sad little people that their girl Hillary lost reminds me of Elton John's "Funeral for a Friend" song off the "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" Album.........

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How many people have you all wack jobs “figured would squeal” now? Lol never gets old

You don't think Rudy would to save is own arse? It's just as likely that he and Trump get into a squealing contest before they ultimately find themselves in the same prison.

But to answer your question... I believe everyone will eventually. Some have already, such as Tillerson and Bolton, maybe a few more.

Stay tuned...
You don't think Rudy would to save is own arse? It's just as likely that he and Trump get into a squealing contest before they ultimately find themselves in the same prison.

But to answer your question... I believe everyone will eventually. Some have already, such as Tillerson and Bolton, maybe a few more.

Stay tuned...
Lol if you truly think Trump goes to prison you truly are brainwashed

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