The Impeachment Thread

You don't think Rudy would to save is own arse? It's just as likely that he and Trump get into a squealing contest before they ultimately find themselves in the same prison.

But to answer your question... I believe everyone will eventually. Some have already, such as Tillerson and Bolton, maybe a few more.

Stay tuned...
So what you are saying is.....soon???
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Dang it. I was sure you guys were gonna turn Pence! Well on to impeachment try number 8....I heard a rumor that President Trump asked the Chinese to investigate all the libs on VN
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Those that have been 'educated'?
No. It’s the ones who fail to realize how bad trump is. I gave him a shot. Approve of his tax cuts. Have layed out how it benefited the “common” people. Let’s review a brief list of lies:

Eliminate the debt. It’s exploded.
Build a wall. Not happened. And no Mexico isn’t paying for it through trade deals.
Drain the swamp? More of a swap then Obama. Look at the number of lobbyists he has in the admin.
Surround himself with the best? They have all bailed.

On that last point it should really wake you up. When Matis, Kelly, Masterson bail we have a problem.
No. It’s the ones who fail to realize how bad trump is. I gave him a shot. Approve of his tax cuts. Have layed out how it benefited the “common” people. Let’s review a brief list of lies:

Eliminate the debt. It’s exploded.
Build a wall. Not happened. And no Mexico isn’t paying for it through trade deals.
Drain the swamp? More of a swap then Obama. Look at the number of lobbyists he has in the admin.
Surround himself with the best? They have all bailed.

On that last point it should really wake you up. When Matis, Kelly, Masterson bail we have a problem.

Y'all are putting way to much thought into this. Its Luther logic so i'm going with "Takes one to know one".

Trump knows very well that the original whistle blower on the whole Ukraine "drug deal" was Bolton. Not sure why Trump is obsessed with the second hand account, now that he blew the whistle on himself.

He'll play the Bolton is a NeoCon, Deep State, disgruntled employee card when Bolton testifies. The Red Hats will buy it, even when Tillerson and the generals spill the beans.
Trump knows very well that the original whistle blower on the whole Ukraine "drug deal" was Bolton. Not sure why Trump is obsessed with the second hand account, now that he blew the whistle on himself.

He'll play the Bolton is a NeoCon, Deep State, disgruntled employee card when Bolton testifies. The Red Hats will buy it, even when Tillerson and the generals spill the beans.

Wait ... you don’t think Bolton is a NeoCon, deep state , disgruntled Ex-employee ? That’s not going to require an artist to paint , even I could do that and I barely can draw stick figures .
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Wait ... you don’t think Bolton is a NeoCon, deep state , disgruntled Ex-employee ? That’s not going to require an artist to paint , even I could do that and I barely can draw stick figures .

The shoe may fit, but the fact that he sounded the alarm well before his exit also qualifies him as a patriotic American.

I'm sure some will default to him being a traitor though.
The shoe may fit, but the fact that he sounded the alarm well before his exit also qualifies him as a patriotic American.

I'm sure some will default to him being a traitor though.

I don’t know about traitor , to me that word should be used sparingly and should have dire consequences attached to it ( for real not just talk ) but I do know that anytime the words NeoCon , Warhawk and disgruntled comes up there are two people that automatically pop into my head and one just died not long ago , the other is Bolton .
Wait ... you don’t think Bolton is a NeoCon, deep state , disgruntled Ex-employee ? That’s not going to require an artist to paint , even I could do that and I barely can draw stick figures .
I think it's the whole "deep state" nonsense that sticks out.
I think it's the whole "deep state" nonsense that sticks out.

I watch a lot of people continue to say there’s no such thing as “ deep state “ then I go back through our history and read about J.E. Hoover , Nixon , our FBI , our CIA , things that are only released to the public after decades of being hidden away and forced into the light , even then probably not getting the whole story . I think we need to define what “ Deep State “ actually is before we say there’s no such thing as one .

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