The Impeachment Thread

This is a broad brush Mr. Redhat.

" I think progressive liberals are soft and emotional messes that allow their feelz to control rational thought . "

What About Isms are a defense mechanism employed to support your anti progresses/dems/libs, or whatever you want to call it, belief. It's really that core belief that got Trump elected and that's what keeping him in power.

You have spent too much time pushing that mindset that you haven't realized the magnitude of this situation. Or at least you haven't acknowledged it.

No I actually base my beliefs on what I hear and see from people around me . I grew up Democrat , family is 99% dem. I worked in a place that had over 400 and that I know for sure there were 2 Rs. Based on experience alone I am capable of determining what progressive are , how they act and react . I can also tell you there’s a huge difference in progressives and southern democrats .
Obama was a wussy, huh? Oh, really? What would you call Donald Trump then? He just reversed US policy in Syria, and in the process abandoned an American ally, who had helped us defeat ISIS, and we gained absolutely nothing in return for it. Those American troops aren't coming home. They are being deployed to either Iraq or Saudi Arabia, leaving Russia and Turkey to carve up Syria for their own control. That isn't strength. That is foolish cowardice in the face of authoritarian rule.
Who is our ally?
Again I ask that you’ve avoided...what did they do for you?
They helped American armed forces defeat ISIS and in turn, assisted in the fight against terrorism. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has introduced a resolution opposing U.S. withdrawal from Syria. Trump is standing pretty much alone on this Syrian troop withdrawal right now.
They helped American armed forces defeat ISIS and in turn, assisted in the fight against terrorism. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has introduced a resolution opposing U.S. withdrawal from Syria. Trump is standing pretty much alone on this Syrian troop withdrawal right now.

Helped how?
They helped American armed forces defeat ISIS and in turn, assisted in the fight against terrorism. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has introduced a resolution opposing U.S. withdrawal from Syria. Trump is standing pretty much alone on this Syrian troop withdrawal right now.

Trump is trying to accomplish a campaign promise that he made of bringing the troops home.
The Dems don't know anything about full filling campaign promises to the American people.
Democrats might as well break out the waterboard while they're at it.

The Kurdish forces in northern Syria. Are you really this slow, or just playing dumb?
Incorrect....Turkey is our ally...both in treaty and where we have military bases... Erdogan aside we need them to help keep Iran in check.. watch this it will help you understand
Incorrect....Turkey is our ally...both in treaty and where we have military bases... Erdogan aside we need them to help keep Iran in check.. watch this it will help you understand

They are both our allies... it is complicated but the Kurds fought alongside our forces against ISIS. Erdogan is a ruthless dictator who we needed to oppose on this matter.
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Trump is trying to accomplish a campaign promise that he made of bringing the troops home.
The Dems don't know anything about full filling campaign promises to the American people.
Those troops aren't going home. They are being deployed to Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

...but when it comes to Trump's campaign promises, how is getting Mexico to pay for the wall coming along? Or how about completely eliminating the debt in 8 years? Have we made any progress there or not? Yeah, it's all about keeping campaign promises because they are so important to Trump... Right.
They are both our allies... it is complicated but the Kurds fought alongside our forces against ISIS. Erdogan is a ruthless dictator who we needed to oppose on this matter.
This we can agree on and it's not the first time we have had to make choices between allies...Falkland Islands... IRA wars ..Pakistan and India
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The Kurdish forces in northern Syria. Are you really this slow, or just playing dumb?
So the US backs out and leaves the Kurds fighting their centuries old war for the 10th time and now all of a sudden people like you have a problem just because muh Trump did it.
Did you feel this way when Clinton pulled us out of Somalia instead of sending more troops?
If it concerns you so much, maybe you should suit up and go over to Northern Iraq, make a few friends and help them fight their own damn war.
I’ve done my time in uniform, been there done that numerous times.
Watch the Trump video that Stew Cook posted above. Your boy spells it out, very well for you in language even you should be able to understand.

You believe everything the programming box tells you huh? Even when it’s the guy you hate?

Never thought I’d see bowl smoker agreeing with Trump but I’ll be damned here we are.

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