The Impeachment Thread

WTF does this have to do with Trump? This is obfuscation and deflection. You are literally $hitting your pants because Trump has been caught doing something stupid. He will be impeached. I doubt he will be removed from office.

This whole mess can be blamed on Gullible Donny and his belief in Ukrainian conspiracy theories, which his staff tried to tell him were not true.

Aw, poor baby. You tried. But didn't convince anyone I'm afraid.
Actually I just watch which holes you jump in. You have failed at convincing anyone you're not a Trumper.

I don’t have to convince anyone of anything until you start paying my bills , or mowing my lawn I don’t owe you anything . I don’t think it’s hard to find evidence where I say I’m right leaning , that I don’t trust any politician or that I think progressive liberals are soft and emotional messes that allow their feelz to control rational thought .
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Our armed forces are supplied only with volunteers. You can apply all the personal anecdotal tales of pity and sorrow you like... and it won't change the fact that members of our armed forces aren't signing up to spend more time with their families. Serving in combat alongside our allies comes with the territory.

Trump just allowed himself to be bullied by Erdogan and Putin, and they are carving up Syria for themselves, right this minute.

Allies? What have they done for you?

So yea you’ve never seen an 8 year old orphan receive the flag. Maybe you should visit monument or funeral of those volunteers you are so ready to sacrifice for those allies.

My guess is you never have or will. You care more about talking points eh?
WTF does this have to do with Trump? This is obfuscation and deflection. You are literally $hitting your pants because Trump has been caught doing something stupid. He will be impeached. I doubt he will be removed from office.

This whole mess can be blamed on Gullible Donny and his belief in Ukrainian conspiracy theories, which his staff tried to tell him were not true.

Uh oh is this like the pterodactyl speech before the Weismann Report you gave me?

That scored BIG 😂
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I don’t have to convince anyone of anything until you start paying my bills , or mowing my lawn I don’t owe you anything . I don’t think it’s hard to find evidence where I say I’m right leaning , that I don’t trust any politician or that I think progressive liberals are soft and emotional messes that allow their feelz to control rational thought .
How's that mindset working for you? You go after anyone that says anything bad about Trump but you're still not any closer to the truth. Whataboutism is the only crutch you have to support your irrational thought about progressives.
Allies? What have they done for you?

So yea you’ve never seen an 8 year old orphan receive the flag. Maybe you should visit monument or funeral of those volunteers you are so ready to sacrifice for those allies.

My guess is you never have or will. You care more about talking points eh?
The Kurds were invaluable in helping US forces defeat ISIS. I have visited Arlington National Cemetery and the Vietnam War Memorial and I am very grateful as every American should be for their service and sacrifice. Yet, that doesn't change the fact that those currently serving, chose to serve, and were aware of the risks involved and what that service would mean... time away from home, and often serving in combat.
The Kurds were invaluable in helping US forces defeat ISIS. I have visited Arlington National Cemetery and the Vietnam War Memorial and I am very grateful as every American should be for their service and sacrifice. Yet, that doesn't change the fact that those currently serving, chose to serve, and were aware of the risks involved and what that service would mean... time away from home, and often serving in combat.

Who told you they were invaluable? You weren’t there now we’re you? Keep pissing down the backs of those who serve and die and while you and yours don’t...tell us it’s just me we’ve all heard it before !
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Who told you they were invaluable? You weren’t there now we’re you? Keep pissing down the backs of those who serve and die and while you and yours don’t...tell us it’s just me we’ve all heard it before !
It's common knowledge. You don't have to have been there to be aware of what is going on in the world. Pay attention to more than just conservative propaganda and you might see what I mean. And I said nothing to disparage the service and sacrifice of our armed forces. To the contrary, I said that I was grateful... but they know what they are signing up for and they don't have to do it.

Wow. I couldn't have said it better myself, Donald. That was the perfect response to @hjeagle1vol.

A better 37 seconds can't be spent on this topic. That video should be sent to every Republican who is defending Trump's Syrian withdrawal and his abandonment of the Kurdish people. And now, Trump says that the Kurds are "no angels". What a joke, Trump is.

Trump and the GOP will have their chance to assail these patriots, who have worked their lives for the US, who have sacrificed so much, and who even if Republican are unwilling to sell us out for this douchenozzle of a President. But not before depositions occur such that the culprits -- Trump, Giuliani, Mulvaney, and Barr -- can't coordinate their stories.
It's common knowledge. You don't have to have been there to be aware of what is going on in the world. Pay attention to more than just conservative propaganda and you might see what I mean. And I said nothing to disparage the service and sacrifice of our armed forces. To the contrary, I said that I was grateful... but they know what they are signing up for and they don't have to do it.

Common knowledge 😂. Yea maybe you should’ve been there to be aware. You weren’t!

Yea they don’t have to do it...but they do. You didn’t and want to act like you know a damn thing about the truth. 😂 lol at the propaganda remark. I was there and sat in on the planning sessions. You hear nothing but talking points and want to be all...thanks for all you who died...I visited Arlington I know how it is.

You’re the problem not the solution.
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Common knowledge 😂. Yea maybe you should’ve been there to be aware. You weren’t!

Yea they don’t have to do it...but they do. You didn’t and want to act like you know a damn thing about the truth. 😂 lol at the propaganda remark. I was there and sat in on the planning sessions. You hear nothing but talking points and want to be all...thanks for all you who died...I visited Arlington I know how it is.

You’re the problem not the solution.
Watch the 37 second video that Stew Cook posted in post #11, 637 up above. That is Trump's take on the Kurd's contributions. I said they were invaluable and Trump seems to agree... and yes, that is common knowledge. Maybe you should be more aware of what is going on in the world?
How's that mindset working for you? You go after anyone that says anything bad about Trump but you're still not any closer to the truth. Whataboutism is the only crutch you have to support your irrational thought about progressives.

Self admitted right leaner . I’ve said more than once I support my elected POTUS until they aren’t any longer . I’ve said Trump is ego driven , stupid for tweeting so much , and not keeping his mouth shut more . What I find amusing is watching people paint with broad brushes , crying about Trump supporters supporting him while making the statement “I’ll vote for anyone but Trump” . Isn’t that the very thing that got Trump elected and that the left says was so bad ? “I’ll vote for anyone but Hillary “
Just to be clear I’m on the record as saying I don’t have a problem with whataboutisms , If we actually fixed our politician problem we wouldn’t have whataboutisms , they would disappear but instead we ignore when ours does something and then jump on the other side for doing the same thing .
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Tulsi Gabbard rips lack of transparency in impeachment inquiry, says it could 'undermine integrity' of the process

I guess this will go unheard & no attention given to it.....libs keeping their blinders pulled down tight.

I'm still waiting on Judicial Watch to file for the FOIA requests about her trip to Syria.

A Legal Analysis of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s Trip to Syria - February 14, 2017

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has drawn attention in recent weeks for leading a delegation to Syria and Lebanon, where she reportedly met with government leaders, refugees, and members of civil society. The stated purposes were to engage in fact-finding and promote an end to the Syrian war, but details about the trip have raised questions about its wisdom and legality. In this post, I’ll elaborate on the relevant legal issues and supplement the news coverage by offering additional context for what’s taken place.

By way of background, Rep. Gabbard’s trip has proven controversial for a number of reasons: She reportedly declined to inform House leadership in advance, met with Bashar al-Assad, toured with officials from a Lebanese political party that actively supports Assad, and received funding from an American organization that counts one of those same officials as its executive director.
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Taylor says there was a quid pro quo, that the aid was held up on condition of Ukraine publicly helping Trump in the upcoming election.
Wow. I couldn't have said it better myself, Donald. That was the perfect response to @hjeagle1vol.

A better 37 seconds can't be spent on this topic. That video should be sent to every Republican who is defending Trump's Syrian withdrawal and his abandonment of the Kurdish people. And now, Trump says that the Kurds are "no angels". What a joke, Trump is.

Perfect political BS I agree. It’s a shame he can’t say the real because people like you would piss your panties if he did. Look how you react when we leave. Y’all couldn’t even handle anything near the truth. That’s why you have your talking points to make your feels better.
Once again a GOP member of the committee calls for the release of testimony and also says what I've been saying all along...the Ukrainians had no idea aid was being held up
View attachment 233075
The Ukrainians knew they hadn't received the money. They also knew the money had been approved by the United States Congress. A country the size of the Ukraine doesn't overlook $340 million. Good lord.

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