The Impeachment Thread

Perfect political BS I agree. It’s a shame he can’t say the real because people like you would piss your panties if he did. Look how you react when we leave. Y’all couldn’t even handle anything near the truth. That’s why you have your talking points to make your feels better.
You are trying to make sense out of a gross inconsistency on the part of Trump. This troop withdrawal from Syria is an inexplicable reversal on his part. It's Trump, yet again, being subservient to Putin.
I don’t have to convince anyone of anything until you start paying my bills , or mowing my lawn I don’t owe you anything . I don’t think it’s hard to find evidence where I say I’m right leaning , that I don’t trust any politician or that I think progressive liberals are soft and emotional messes that allow their feelz to control rational thought .
Red Hat
Once again a GOP member of the committee calls for the release of testimony and also says what I've been saying all along...the Ukrainians had no idea aid was being held up
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It really doesn't matter if they knew it or not. Trump's scheme to leverage aid for political dirt is why he's toast. By the time Rudy, the two Mikes, and Barr do their I don't recall routine on Capitol Hill, the Senate will have no choice.

Nothing to do now, but stock the fridge and pop the corn.
Self admitted right leaner . I’ve said more than once I support my elected POTUS until they aren’t any longer . I’ve said Trump is ego driven , stupid for tweeting so much , and not keeping his mouth shut more . What I find amusing is watching people paint with broad brushes , crying about Trump supporters supporting him while making the statement “I’ll vote for anyone but Trump” . Isn’t that the very thing that got Trump elected and that the left says was so bad ? “I’ll vote for anyone but Hillary “
Just to be clear I’m on the record as saying I don’t have a problem with whataboutisms , If we actually fixed our politician problem we wouldn’t have whataboutisms , they would disappear but instead we ignore when ours does something and then jump on the other side for doing the same thing .

This is a broad brush Mr. Redhat.

" I think progressive liberals are soft and emotional messes that allow their feelz to control rational thought . "

What About Isms are a defense mechanism employed to support your anti progresses/dems/libs, or whatever you want to call it, belief. It's really that core belief that got Trump elected and that's what keeping him in power.

You have spent too much time pushing that mindset that you haven't realized the magnitude of this situation. Or at least you haven't acknowledged it.
Link to them saying this?
Saying what? They obviously knew they hadn't received $340 million. A country that size will notice that much coming in...and they know when they don't have it. The fact that it had been approved by Congress was readily available public information.
Saying what? They obviously knew they hadn't received $340 million. A country that size will notice that much coming in...and they know when they don't have it. The fact that it had been approved by Congress was readily available public information.
Right so all you have is that doesn't work in court and multiple GOP reps and Senators have already mentioned that as a reason for no Quid pro quo...sorry better luck with the next impeachment try..think it will be number 7
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How's that mindset working for you? You go after anyone that says anything bad about Trump but you're still not any closer to the truth. Whataboutism is the only crutch you have to support your irrational thought about progressives.

There’s absolutely nothing “progressive” about progressives. It’s the ultimate oxymoron.
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You are trying to make sense out of a gross inconsistency on the part of Trump. This troop withdrawal from Syria is an inexplicable reversal on his part. It's Trump, yet again, being subservient to Putin.

Yep he handed the bill and Troops deaths right off to the daddy
Right so all you have is that doesn't work in court and multiple GOP reps and Senators have already mentioned that as a reason for no Quid pro quo...sorry better luck with the next impeachment try..think it will be number 7
No, it's not speculation that Donald Trump withheld military aid to the Ukraine. He did it. He has acknowledged doing it. He has also changed explanations as to why. At first, Trump said that he had withheld the military aid because he wanted European countries to share in the burden, but he quickly realized that wouldn't wash, because none of the European countries were made aware that the military aid had been withheld. Trump then changed his excuse to being concerned over Ukrainian corruption (yeah, right!), but that doesn't wash either because the Trump Organization has done business in Ukraine and so have other members of the Trump Administration, both before and since he took office. The fact is, there still hasn't been an explanation given as to why the Congressionally authorized military aid to the Ukraine was withheld that makes any sense... and Trump's story has changed. It was leverage.
No, it's not speculation that Donald Trump withheld military aid to the Ukraine. He did it. He has acknowledged doing it. He has also changed explanations as to why. At first, Trump said that he had withheld the military aid because he wanted European countries to share in the burden, but he quickly realized that wouldn't wash, because none of the European countries were made aware that the military aid had been withheld. Trump then changed his excuse to being concerned over Ukrainian corruption (yeah, right!), but that doesn't wash either because the Trump Organization has done business in Ukraine and so have other members of the Trump Administration, both before and since he took office. The fact is, there still hasn't been an explanation given as to why the Congressionally authorized military aid to the Ukraine was withheld that makes any sense... and Trump's story has changed. It was leverage.
Link that that the Ukrainians were aware? You know that other part that is needed for the quid pro quo
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