The Impeachment Thread

Is being naked in private lewd and is brushing hair a lascivious deed?

Invoking a moral high ground where none exists is not an argument.

Your moral ground is where you plant your flag . That picture of an adult , married congresswoman sitting naked brushing someone’s hair with at least one other person in the room is lewd and lascivious just in its perception alone . You don’t think so , try it yourself and spread the pics around oh let’s say a small democratic town and let me know how that works out for you . Lol
Is being naked in private lewd and is brushing hair a lascivious deed?

Invoking a moral high ground where none exists is not an argument.
He was actually being serious with his deflection. Looks like his feelz are clouding his judgment. If he wants a fair comparison we can just look at pornstar payoffs and illegal campaign violations. Even then he would fall short of a moral equivalency.
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Those troops aren't going home. They are being deployed to Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

...but when it comes to Trump's campaign promises, how is getting Mexico to pay for the wall coming along? Or how about completely eliminating the debt in 8 years? Have we made any progress there or not? Yeah, it's all about keeping campaign promises because they are so important to Trump... Right.
I thought it was the deficit that he talked about eliminating, not the debt.
That's true (especially the nice guy part). My point since day one was always that no one (politicians included) is 100% good or 100% bad, but that everyone lies somewhere on the continuum. Trump is (and always has been) further to the bad end than any previous president. He is beyond the line of acceptability to me and the majority of others. That view is getting more entrenched daily. Also, it has absolutely nothing to do with his being an "outsider" or beating Hillary, but everything to do with his being a despicably horrendous human. The "outsider" and beating Hillary nonsense are just two of the many red herrings being tossed to the gullible redhatters.

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DuClaw Brewing Company. Baltimore - had to google it.

We had flight night party where everyone brought obscure beers and someone brought those. Actually pretty good.

How is this for doubling down ... a congresswoman that’s too stupid to stop someone from taking a picture like that should not be able to pass laws that the rest of us have to follow ?
Your moral ground is where you plant your flag . That picture of an adult , married congresswoman sitting naked brushing someone’s hair with at least one other person in the room is lewd and lascivious just in its perception alone . You don’t think so , try it yourself and spread the pics around oh let’s say a small democratic town and let me know how that works out for you . Lol

Not for me it's not. You trumpers sure have a short memory when it come to this stuff.

Give me a (leaked photo) naked woman in the privacy of her home all day over a guy that's cheated on every wife he's ever had. Your feigned outrage over a "lewd and lascivious' hair brushing has severely lowered the bar of your credibility.

Question, would that picture be less "lewd and lascivious" if Trump was there with his hand on her crotch?
DuClaw Brewing Company. Baltimore - had to google it.

We had a flight night party where everyone brought obscure beers and someone brought those. Actually pretty good.

Ever had Spotted Cow? It's a Wisconsin brewery and you can't get it down here but holy mama that is good beer.
Not for me it's not. You trumpers sure have a short memory when it come to this stuff.

Give me a (leaked photo) naked woman in the privacy of her home all day over a guy that's cheated on every wife he's ever had. Your feigned outrage over a "lewd and lascivious' hair brushing has severely lowered the bar of your credibility.

Question, would that picture be less "lewd and lascivious" if Trump was there with his hand on her crotch?
In the midst of the #MeToo movement, the House voted in February to make sexual relationships with staff illegal. Hill apparently had 2...….one with her own staff, and one with a staffer for someone else.
Hows that working out?
About like normal. It can't and won't be fixed without cuts to SS and Medicare. I never expected it to be eliminated anytime soon. Everybody kicks that can down the road. Maybe Trump can get to it in his 3rd term, or maybe Don Jr. or Ivanka. Where's Nancy's budget?

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