The Impeachment Thread

That's true (especially the nice guy part). My point since day one was always that no one (politicians included) is 100% good or 100% bad, but that everyone lies somewhere on the continuum. Trump is (and always has been) further to the bad end than any previous president. He is beyond the line of acceptability to me and the majority of others. That view is getting more entrenched daily. Also, it has absolutely nothing to do with his being an "outsider" or beating Hillary, but everything to do with his being a despicably horrendous human. The "outsider" and beating Hillary nonsense are just two of the many red herrings being tossed to the gullible redhatters.

Unfortunately, it has a lot to do with him being an outsider and beating Hillary. It started with him dumping them and changing sides to run against her. Then he beat her. They haven't give him a moments rest since. If you believe otherwise, then you are severely naïve to the Clintons and the Dem elite. And now the left under current in the party. Think I'm nuts? Well, that's another topic, but at what point in Trumps life was he ever a conservative Republican until he ran for office? He was in and out of the Clinton circle over the years. He was in and out of everyone's circle. GOP, Libs, scoundrels, uprights, black, white. Didn't matter. Money only has one color. Didn't matter at all until he crossed them.

It is totally human to judge others, justly or unjustly, but never within our God given rights as people. I get it. I'm guilty of it. I try to avoid it cause I don't want God bringing that down on me ten fold. The problem with your assessment of Trump as a person, is that others will differ, others will see Uncle Bill as the lowest of the low, or Obama, or Bush, if you sit with him at a football game. It's an endless cycle. One we are not privy to execute. And it's a viscous circle. Bunch of cooters trying to agree on who is a fine person and who is morally reprehensible, and by whose standard do we judge. Double standards never provide any good to the world.

Now, as for public servants. I believe they are beholden to uphold the laws they are sworn to. So, if it EVER comes to pass that Trump has violated any laws, then prove it, process it, and impeach him. But, I expect the same treatment of any other politician or president. Don't turn on the blinders on the next Dem president and say its OK, they're liberal. And they aren't as bad a person as Trump was. They can break the law and we don't care about that. It has happened. I think they should abide by public expectations of professionalism, but if they don't, that's not really illegal. Just poor taste. How can Trump be judged more reprehensible than Bill, with all the skeletons and Bimbos in his closet during his presidency. And not just him HRC was "reportedly" a loosey goosey as well to be nice. People just don't talk about first ladies like that. Ex secret service men do talk at some point., and the back door of the WH was quite busy for those 8 years. So, what standards do you use? Yours? Mine? Honestly, how many presidents other than Carter actually lived a morally elevated life. In and out of office. It's quite possible one hand would count all of them. My greatest concern is they are a good president for the country, they uphold the law of the office. Being a sleaze ball does not make them unfit to be president. Just makes them a sleaze ball.

So, point being, it is a slippery slope to judge and say they aren't as good a person as this one is, so they need to be removed. What happens when someone makes that claim against you at your job and you get to be the recipient. If a person is not operating within the legalities of the office they hold, then exercise the legal process to remove them. If you want personal behavior clauses or moral character clauses to be invoked, too late. They were nullified on Clinton. Is Trump perfect. Not by a long shot. But, I am confident he is no where near the worst in public service. Do you think an honest and morally superior Obama would have ever shot up the ranks of Illinois state and Chicago politics to president so readily and easily. I dare say not.
In the midst of the #MeToo movement, the House voted in February to make sexual relationships with staff illegal. Hill apparently had 2...….one with her own staff, and one with a staffer for someone else.

See that's where it goes off the rails.


That should read "alleged", since there's no actual evidence of a sexual relationship with a congressional staffer.

Relationships with congressional staffers are verboten, not relationships with campaign staffers.

"The fact is I am going through a divorce from an abusive husband who seems determined to try to humiliate me," Hill said in a statement to Politico. "I am disgusted that my opponents would seek to exploit such a private matter for political gain. This coordinated effort to try to destroy me and people close to me is despicable and will not succeed," she said. "I, like many women who have faced attacks like this before, am stronger than those who want me to be afraid."
Not for me it's not. You trumpers sure have a short memory when it come to this stuff.

Give me a (leaked photo) naked woman in the privacy of her home all day over a guy that's cheated on every wife he's ever had. Your feigned outrage over a "lewd and lascivious' hair brushing has severely lowered the bar of your credibility.

Question, would that picture be less "lewd and lascivious" if Trump was there with his hand on her crotch?

I never said Trump was right for doing that , never one time defended him for it in anyway . You are letting your loathing for Trump fog your memory . I don’t need credibility , again my moral ground is where i plant my flag , not where others think I should plant it .
Dang it I was sure you Libs had him yesterday...I was pulling for you.. after the Syria cease fire and all the other losses you guys have had over the last 3 years I thought u guys needed one ...maybe today is your day!
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How many votes does the public get on impeachment? Let me know when one GOP senator let alone the double digits are needed...the public will change again when the Senate had open hearings and controls the message

I thought Justice Roberts was going to be in control.

Lordy Lou..........not another one.....Lol.......are they ever gonna run out of "Top Officials" who's gonna testify? They've been doing this for weeks now. Can't get enough false information to fit their agenda of corruption.
How many do the loony Dims need to get their phony facts & their notes correct b4 they decide they're good to go ahead w/this lynching of a duly elected president ?
Lordy Lou..........not another one.....Lol.......are they ever gonna run out of "Top Officials" who's gonna testify? They've been doing this for weeks now. Can't get enough false information to fit their agenda of corruption.
How many do the loony Dims need to get their phony facts & their notes correct b4 they decide they're good to go ahead w/this lynching of a duly elected president ?

At what point does smoke pouring from the windows indicate there may be a fire?
I never said Trump was right for doing that , never one time defended him for it in anyway . You are letting your loathing for Trump fog your memory . I don’t need credibility , again my moral ground is where i plant my flag , not where others think I should plant it .
So it was just a troll post? That is your moral flag, you plant it everywhere. When you figure that out (everyone else has), you will be better off.
Of course it's shaky ground, but inevitable.
Could a president ever be so bad that you would support his impeachment?
Could a guy ever be so bad you would encourage your daughter not to date him?
Could an employee ever be so bad that you would fire him?
Those judgments are constantly being made by everyone.

I would be just the guy you would want on the judges panel at your funeral.

I agree, and it's part of life. And hard to define that line of biblical judgement verses who you approve to date your daughter. Except for the fact that while they are in your care to raise, you are responsible for what you teach and allow. Spare the Rod, spoil the child. train a child in how they should go... they are also decision as much as judgements. I can agree that you have a "personal opinion" of Trump without judging him biblically. Because that opinion may be based on visible behavior. Trump does this. Clinton does that, etc. Those are observed actions that shape opinions based on our own personal views of what makes a person a sleaze ball or not. So, yours will differ from mine. I think there is a threshold in ones make up you cross when that becomes a judgement of others, and that's a tough call of what that is.

Could I support the impeachment of a bad president. Of course. If it is based sole on legal grounds. Was there a legal basis on Clinton's impeachment, or just moral. I think his behavior was grossly reprehensible. He is as despicable as Trump from a perceived personal assessment of character. Without breaking the law, censure them and move on.

All of DC is a political Ho House. I'd like to know how many, if any in DC aren't on the take somewhere, or who have been completely true to their spouse. I'd like to shake their hand. It's nothing more than PAC parties, favors, and perks for the elite.
Ever had Spotted Cow? It's a Wisconsin brewery and you can't get it down here but holy mama that is good beer.
I haven't, but my wife and I both love trying new beers.
There is a mega liquor/beer store not far from our house that carries hundreds of different beers. I'll look for it.
So it was just a troll post? That is your moral flag, you plant it everywhere. When you figure that out (everyone else has), you will be better off.

Just because it was probably her husband at the time ( if that’s the case ) doesn’t lesson the fact that she’s a congresswoman , stupid for taking the pictures , getting involved with an aide that workers for her or I am going to give her a pass on being a “sexually progressive “politician . Your the one trying to hit this from all the different angles my stance hasn’t changed . Keep stretching .
Lordy Lou..........not another one.....Lol.......are they ever gonna run out of "Top Officials" who's gonna testify? They've been doing this for weeks now. Can't get enough false information to fit their agenda of corruption.
How many do the loony Dims need to get their phony facts & their notes correct b4 they decide they're good to go ahead w/this lynching of a duly elected president ?

Well, if homeboy would ever stop committing crimes, abusing his office, and obstructing justice we could get this wrapped up sooner.

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