The Impeachment Thread

Nice deflection.

You know Mick sometimes things just aren’t as rose colored as those glasses you wear make them out to be . You call it deflection , I’ll use luthers contiumm scale and a history full of unethical , immoral , cons , lies and snake oil pitches to say politicians forget they are in power to serve the people and not the other way around .
You know Mick sometimes things just aren’t as rose colored as those glasses you wear make them out to be . You call it deflection , I’ll use luthers contiumm scale and a history full of unethical , immoral , cons , lies and snake oil pitches to say politicians forget they are in power to serve the people and not the other way around .
True. No politician (or person) has ever or will ever be perfect. That's why it's critical to draw a line of acceptability; a line which Trump not only crosses, but flaunts the fact that he crosses.
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You know Mick sometimes things just aren’t as rose colored as those glasses you wear make them out to be . You call it deflection , I’ll use luthers contiumm scale and a history full of unethical , immoral , cons , lies and snake oil pitches to say politicians forget they are in power to serve the people and not the other way around .
Looks like the woman likes other women. I know your virgin eyes would like to label her unethical, immoral, cons, liers and snake oil salesmen. Where most people don't care, You make outlandish comparisons. As far as deflections go, it was the best I've ever seen.
They are doing it to mold public opinion. That is the only thing that will allow impeachment.

And it appears to be working at the moment.
How many votes does the public get on impeachment? Let me know when one GOP senator let alone the double digits are needed...the public will change again when the Senate had open hearings and controls the message
Did Ukraine know when they were going to receive the funds?

Specifically, what date?

What if the phone call happened before that date?

Ignorance of the facts doesn’t make your arguments more convincing.

LOL, is this really the latest defense it can't be 'this for that' if they didn't know the US had already started withholding funds?

My goodness, how gullible are you trumpers?

As is the usual, trumps defense goes from "dintdonuffin" to "yeah but so what."

What a bozo.
Looks like the woman likes other women. I know your virgin eyes would like to label her unethical, immoral, cons, liers and snake oil salesmen. Where most people don't care, You make outlandish comparisons. As far as deflections go, it was the best I've ever seen.

Do you see the different way Luther went with that vs your response ? Even with the overly dramatic description of being in the bowls of the deep state , he acknowledge the fact about politicians and their “ habits “ ( kinda ) and ignored the example . You ignored the subject completely and focused on the example . That’s what I mean by those rose colored glasses . Politicians remember their duty when it’s convenient for themselves , their party or somebody/ group they have a deal with . They ignore , turn a blind eye or just get lost doing “ other things “ when it’s not convenient.
Do you see the different way Luther went with that vs your response ? Even with the overly dramatic description of being in the bowls of the deep state , he acknowledge the fact about politicians and their “ habits “ ( kinda ) and ignored the example . You ignored the subject completely and focused on the example . That’s what I mean by those rose colored glasses . Politicians remember their duty when it’s convenient for themselves , their party or somebody/ group they have a deal with . They ignore , turn a blind eye or just get lost doing “ other things “ when it’s not convenient.

Luther is a nice guy. You mean the same subject you always deflect to, they are all the same? Now if a certain behavior falls on one end of the continuum of acceptability and you deflect to the other end, doesn't mean they are comparable behaviors.
Luther is a nice guy. You mean the same subject you always deflect to, they are all the same? Now if a certain behavior falls on one end of the continuum of acceptability and you deflect to the other end, doesn't mean they are comparable behaviors.

Semantics .. they are still on scale of lies , cons and double talk . That’s like asking do you prefer to be rolled around in pig sh!t or this nice clean pile cow sh!t . I don’t care which end of the scale has what specific pile .
Luther is a nice guy. You mean the same subject you always deflect to, they are all the same? Now if a certain behavior falls on one end of the continuum of acceptability and you deflect to the other end, doesn't mean they are comparable behaviors.
That's true (especially the nice guy part). My point since day one was always that no one (politicians included) is 100% good or 100% bad, but that everyone lies somewhere on the continuum. Trump is (and always has been) further to the bad end than any previous president. He is beyond the line of acceptability to me and the majority of others. That view is getting more entrenched daily. Also, it has absolutely nothing to do with his being an "outsider" or beating Hillary, but everything to do with his being a despicably horrendous human. The "outsider" and beating Hillary nonsense are just two of the many red herrings being tossed to the gullible redhatters.
If you're investigating a mobster, you don't call off the investigation and immediately indict once you got evidence of just one crime.
Or, this is a fake investigation only conducted so the DNC media and the wackos running on your side get to say for the next year: "This President is under an impeachment investigation" And the second reason plastic Pelosi won't hold a vote is because those who ran in purple districts don't want to have to go on record.
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That's true (especially the nice guy part). My point since day one was always that no one (politicians included) is 100% good or 100% bad, but that everyone lies somewhere on the continuum. Trump is (and always has been) further to the bad end than any previous president. He is beyond the line of acceptability to me and the majority of others. That view is getting more entrenched daily. Also, it has absolutely nothing to do with his being an "outsider" or beating Hillary, but everything to do with his being a despicably horrendous human. The "outsider" and beating Hillary nonsense are just two of the many red herrings being tossed to the gullible redhatters.
Semantics .. they are still on scale of lies , cons and double talk . That’s like asking do you prefer to be rolled around in pig sh!t or this nice clean pile cow sh!t . I don’t care which end of the scale has what specific pile .
You are comparing all of Trump's behaviors to a lesbian brushing another girls hair naked.
Luther is a nice guy. You mean the same subject you always deflect to, they are all the same? Now if a certain behavior falls on one end of the continuum of acceptability and you deflect to the other end, doesn't mean they are comparable behaviors.
True. No politician (or person) has ever or will ever be perfect. That's why it's critical to draw a line of acceptability; a line which Trump not only crosses, but flaunts the fact that he crosses.

Let's also not forget, the lack of perfection in those people who wish to pass judgement on Trump. It's a trap where a morally reprehensive person(s), judges another as morally reprehensive, and therefore unfit for service (or for whatever). Let those without sin cast the first stone... that's awfully shaky ground you are wanting to stand on. I hope you are not on the judges panel at my funeral.
Let's also not forget, the lack of perfection in those people who wish to pass judgement on Trump. It's a trap where a morally reprehensive person(s), judges another as morally reprehensive, and therefore unfit for service (or for whatever). Let those without sin cast the first stone... that's awfully shaky ground you are wanting to stand on. I hope you are not on the judges panel at my funeral.
Of course it's shaky ground, but inevitable.
Could a president ever be so bad that you would support his impeachment?
Could a guy ever be so bad you would encourage your daughter not to date him?
Could an employee ever be so bad that you would fire him?
Those judgments are constantly being made by everyone.

I would be just the guy you would want on the judges panel at your funeral.
Let's also not forget, the lack of perfection in those people who wish to pass judgement on Trump. It's a trap where a morally reprehensive person(s), judges another as morally reprehensive, and therefore unfit for service (or for whatever). Let those without sin cast the first stone... that's awfully shaky ground you are wanting to stand on. I hope you are not on the judges panel at my funeral.

LOL, is this what trump defenders are down to? "No one's perfect"?

Public officials are held to higher standards, trump was hired when most everyone on the planet knew he was a scumbag - getting upset about people pointing out that he's still doing scummy sht shouldn't be a surprise.

The victim card is a new tack for sure, kudo's on the originality.
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