The Impeachment Thread

😆 FAIL. I figured you couldn't rationalize Trump's threat of "civil war".

I didn't think you had the fourth grade intelligence to actually see what was written either.

You see, the name at the end? That's the President attributing it to the originator. His words, not Trump's.

You also still fail to actually read what it says. There is no threat of civil war. If you would take the time to actually read instead of acting like a 10 year old troll, you might actually see what was being said. I figure you aren't smart enough to actually get the historical reference either, so I'm not even going to bother asking you to delve that deep into it.

You do know what delve means, right? I don't want to use big words to confuse you or anything. I know your reading comprehension sucks, so if you need me to write it at a level far lower than I'm used to, I can do that just for you.
That's how these conspiratorial right wing "news" organizations work. They include some facts in their articles or tweets, but take that extra step of sharing something "explosive", "breaking", "end of the Deep State/Dims", etc. that is an outright fabricated lie or something so horribly based on conjecture and speculation that it borders on pure insanity. They beat the drum about it for a while, echoing each other across social media, until the Red Hats just accept it as fact.
Then it is proven false by numerous organizations, facts, evidence, studies, what have you, and the hacks in the infotainment sphere just start screeching about Deep State cover ups and coups. "Of course they can't prove it, the Deep State covered up the evidence! Dirty Dim anti-American Hillary Obama Librulz!!! But we have super secret documents that prove it is all about to come crumbling down. Trump is draining the Swamp! Like and subscribe for more details!"

Rinse. Repeat. Throw in a whataboutism every 3.7 minutes and some angry rage tweets in all caps from that idiot in the White House and here we are, trapped in some horrifically bastardized version of Groundhog Day.

Normal day for Trump: call for violence and retribution against political opponents, tweet a lie, get called out on lie, more shady stuff comes out, double-down on original lie, say that he was taken out of context about blatant threats he just made hours earlier, tweet about Crooked Hillary, defend lie again. Repeat steps if required.
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Normal day for Democrats: call for violence and retribution against political opponents, tweet a lie, get called out on lie, more shady stuff comes out, double-down on original lie, say that he was taken out of context about blatant threats he just made hours earlier, tweet about Crooked Co workers, defend lie again. Repeat steps if required.
That's how these conspiratorial right wing "news" organizations work. They include some facts in their articles or tweets, but take that extra step of sharing something "explosive", "breaking", "end of the Deep State/Dims", etc. that is an outright fabricated lie or something so horribly based on conjecture and speculation that it borders on pure insanity. They beat the drum about it for a while, echoing each other across social media, until the Red Hats just accept it as fact.
Then it is proven false by numerous organizations, facts, evidence, studies, what have you, and the hacks in the infotainment sphere just start screeching about Deep State cover ups and coups. "Of course they can't prove it, the Deep State covered up the evidence! Dirty Dim anti-American Hillary Obama Librulz!!! But we have super secret documents that prove it is all about to come crumbling down. Trump is draining the Swamp! Like and subscribe for more details!"
Rinse. Repeat. Throw in a whataboutism every 3.7 minutes and some angry rage tweets in all caps from that idiot in the White House and here we are, trapped in some horrifically bastardized version of Groundhog Day.

Lol. Blind to the propaganda irony
Edit: Thought I quoted your post, @Orange_Crush .

I'm not blind to the propaganda. I'm basing my opinion on what the TRUMP White House released in the call transcript. I'm also basing my opinion on what the TRUMP APPOINTED official said regarding the whistleblower being legitimate and following proper procedure. I'm also in wait and see mode about what else comes out. Looks like things are moving fast tonight against Donnie and comrades.

What I am not basing my opinion on is baseless whataboutisms concerning Biden and son corruption, which have been repeatedly refuted by the Ukrainian government and numerous fact-checking organizations with a pile of evidence as completely false. I'm also not basing my opinion on right wing Twitter talking about coups, Obama, Hillary, and whatever else those fools are perpetuating tonight as fact.

Bring on the subpoenas. Lets put Ghouliani in front of a committee and watch him admit to most of it under oath. Hell, the dream team of Rudy and Trump already did admit to it.
Edit: Thought I quoted your post, @Orange_Crush .

I'm not blind to the propaganda. I'm basing my opinion on what the TRUMP White House released in the call transcript. I'm also basing my opinion on what the TRUMP APPOINTED official said regarding the whistleblower being legitimate and following proper procedure. I'm also in wait and see mode about what else comes out. Looks like things are moving fast tonight against Donnie and comrades.

What I am not basing my opinion on is baseless whataboutisms concerning Biden and son corruption, which have been repeatedly refuted by the Ukrainian government and numerous fact-checking organizations with a pile of evidence as completely false. I'm also not basing my opinion on right wing Twitter talking about coups, Obama, Hillary, and whatever else those fools are perpetuating tonight as fact.

Bring on the subpoenas. Lets put Ghouliani in front of a committee and watch him admit to most of it under oath. Hell, the dream team of Rudy and Trump already did admit to it.
You did, then the quote disappeared. Bad omens afoot...

No worries.
Libs owned again.

PIERS MORGAN: If we swapped the name Hunter Biden for Donald Trump Jr, the Democrats and media would be going absolutely nuts - so it's time to start asking Joe Biden the key Ukraine questions he doesn't want to answer

I have a question about this Ukraine scandal.

It’s a simple question, but I think a relevant and important one given the current explosive cacophony of Impeachment noise erupting all around Washington.

And it’s a question that I know will provoke an instant new onslaught of hysteria from all sides.

Some will furiously accuse me of playing ‘whataboutery’ to try to distract attention from what they see as the real story.

Others will furiously applaud me for highlighting what THEY see as the real story.

The rest who read it will either be so furious they can’t express themselves at all due to all the foam spewing from their mouths - a common malady in these shrieking social media times – or they don’t care.

But one thing’s for certain, it’s a question that needs asking.

It’s not a question about President Trump’s conduct during that now infamous July phone call with Ukranian President Zelensky.

My view of that, as I wrote last week, is it was a very dumb call to make and Trump is now getting all the savage blowback he deserves for being so reckless.

I don’t know what the hell he was thinking directly asking a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his main rival for the 2020 election, but it was utter madness on his part to do it so soon after the Mueller report cleared him of colluding with Russians to fix the 2016 election.

Whether it was criminal or impeachable madness remains to be seen, though most impartial observers – yes, there are still a few left of this dying breed – appear to think it wasn’t unless future investigations prove Trump executed a ‘quid-pro-quo’ threat by withholding military aid for Ukraine unless Zelensky agreed to the dirt-digging.

At the moment, that remains speculation not fact.

Nor does my question relate to the increasingly bonkers behavior of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

No, my question relates to the issue of Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s $50,000-a-month employment with a Ukraine gas company while his father was Vice-President, and despite him having almost zero qualifications for the job.

And in particular, whether Biden Snr intervened to stop an investigation into corruption that might have caused problems for his son.


‘There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son,’ Trump said on that Zelensky call, ‘that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that.’

It’s true - there IS a lot of talk about it.

Yet the Bidens, and the Democrats, are adamant there’s nothing to see here.

Yet I definitely have a few concerns that should be commanding a lot more attention from the mainstream media:

1) What exactly did Joe Biden Do in the Ukraine? President Obama made him his point man there after the overthrow of pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych in the 2014 revolution. Biden visited Ukraine at least a dozen times over the next two years, ostensibly to help new pro-Western president Petro Poroshenko root out corruption. But what was Biden really doing? We should be told.

2) How and why did Hunter Biden come to land such a lucrative job in the spring of 2014 with Burisma, the largest private gas company in Ukraine? He doesn’t appear to have any real credentials for it other than being the US Vice-President’s son. We should be told.

3) What did Hunter Biden do for Burisma? Who did he meet, what deals did he fix, what influence did he wield and how? How did he earn his $50,000 a month? We should be told.

4) Why, as reveals today, did Hunter’s investment firm partner Chris Heinz – former Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson – split from him when he joined Burisma because he was reportedly worried about Biden’s poor judgement and how it would look? And did Heinz share those concerns with Joe Biden?

5) What conversations did Biden Snr have with his son about Burisma? He says none, but Hunter previously said they had at least one. Neither answer seems credible given how close they were and what they were doing at the time in Ukraine. ‘Ask the right questions’ snapped Biden Snr when a reporter tried to push him on this last week. This is a perfectly right question to ask. We should be told.

6) Did, crucially, Biden Snr interfere with any investigations into Burisma that were conducted because the owner Mykola Zlochevsky was close to ousted Yanukovych? We know Biden Snr boasted of successfully demanding to have Ukraine’s top prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired if the government wanted $1 billion in U.S. aid. But was another reason that he wanted to protect Hunter from being dragged into any Burisma probe? If that were true then Biden would surely be guilty of exactly the same kind of thing Trump’s been accused of? Biden vehemently denies it, and no hard evidence has yet emerged to prove otherwise. But this is the key charge being leveled by a Trump campaign that ironically calls Biden ‘Quid Pro Joe’. Again, we should be told.


Did Biden Snr interfere with any investigations into Burisma that were conducted because the owner Mykola Zlochevsky (above) was close to ousted Yanukovych?

It's time to start asking Joe Biden the Ukraine questions he doesn't want to answer. | Daily Mail Online
I didn't think you had the fourth grade intelligence to actually see what was written either.

You see, the name at the end? That's the President attributing it to the originator. His words, not Trump's.

You also still fail to actually read what it says. There is no threat of civil war. If you would take the time to actually read instead of acting like a 10 year old troll, you might actually see what was being said. I figure you aren't smart enough to actually get the historical reference either, so I'm not even going to bother asking you to delve that deep into it.

You do know what delve means, right? I don't want to use big words to confuse you or anything. I know your reading comprehension sucks, so if you need me to write it at a level far lower than I'm used to, I can do that just for you.


Trump Threatens “Civil War” If He’s Impeached

Trump threatened ‘civil war.’ He’s cornered — and panicking about it.

Trump’s Twitter tirades about treason and civil war reveal a dangerously unfit president



You are using liberal rags like Vox and Vanity Fair as your backing? As well as a WaPo opinion article? And this Tweet?

This is your basis for not being able to read? As well as other mouthbreathers on here thinking the same thing?

Show me exactly where the President threatened another Civil War if he was impeached. Show me the direct quote from President Trump that specifically says "if I'm impeached, there will be a civil war."

Provide the ****ing proof or shut up.
Ultra-Trump loyalist Republican trolls Adam Schiff with reminder of how he fell for prank phone call from Russians posing as Ukrainians offering dirt on president

A Republican lawmaker is digging up a two-year-old incident where Adam Schiff told who he thought was a Ukrainian politician that he would accept compromising information on Donald Trump.

Although the reality of the situation was just the Democratic lawmaker falling victim to a prank by Russian comedians, the correspondence shows that he was willing to obtain dirt on Trump from a foreign government – the same thing he is now insisting is cause for impeachment of the president.

Trump loyalist troll Schiff with reminder of prank call from 'Ukrainians' offering dirt on president | Daily Mail Online

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