Uh, I don't know if it has escaped your scrutiny but repeal of DADT doesn't mean you can marry your dignificant other.
Homos don't want equal rights they want preferential rights and we will see how this all plays out.
Also you scoffed when I mentioned the nazi party
was made up of homosexuals, more on that:
The PinkSwastika 4th Edition - Final
Now you can revert to your stupid, immature attempts at insult and character assassination. :whistling:
Some states allow same sex marriage. Therefore, the question is, do married homosexuals get the same benefits as married heterosexuals. That's a situation the military is trying to work out.
Almost as dumb as the comment that you were replying to.
You're using the same, stupid source that has zero credibility in the real world.
I'll resume whatever it takes to get you to shut up for a few weeks in order to restore the sound balance of reason to these discussions. I've logically debated with you, and it doesn't work--regardless of how far off the deep end you may or may not be.
Let's tally up the personal quips and insults between you and I and see who pisses farther, bumpkin.
Do you demolish glass houses for a living or do you just get off from shooting yourself in the foot?
Bring me a .org or .gov source to back up your hapless arguments. Fact remains: my sources are far more credible than yours.
My link provides well documented, extensivly footnoted texts vs what your brainwashed opinion with absolutely nothing to support your absurd accusations.
Get real for a change.
You call me a bumpkin, you're too stupid for intelligent discourse, and that is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers.
Your sources are more accurate? What source do you quote to claim the nazis weren't a bunch of sexual devients who praised and indulged in homosexuality?
Is English your native language?? You should have said "between you and me" instead of saying "between you and I."
BTW, if you think you are going to make me 'shut up' you are fighting a lost cause.
Another thing, I am more likely to shoot you between your beady little eyes than I am to shoot myself in the foot.
Yet you are convinced that gays go around raping people
i'm not saying that, but there will intances when that will happen and it will not help the unit morale and readiness.
but is seems the morons on here that support this could care less. We need the military to act just the same as the civilian society. America's enemies are just licking their chops now.
Well that guy was pretending to listen to Lady Gaga, so maybe he was gay. I'm sure someone will look into this closely.
You have any link from a source other than "I hate gays, Jews, women, and the black man", that has a legitimate claim that gay rape will occur more often than straight rape?i'm not saying that, but there will intances when that will happen and it will not help the unit morale and readiness.
i'm not saying that, but there will intances when that will happen and it will not help the unit morale and readiness.
but is seems the morons on here that support this could care less. We need the military to act just the same as the civilian society. America's enemies are just licking their chops now.
So he leaked the info because he was gay? Funny, my sexual orientation isn't asked on my SF 86.lol, dude, they who leaked the info was gay. from his own words, he had a fight that morning with his boyfriend and was angry. that was when he decided to download the info to give to the wikileaks guy. you should research some
lol, dude, they who leaked the info was gay. from his own words, he had a fight that morning with his boyfriend and was angry. that was when he decided to download the info to give to the wikileaks guy. you should research some