Don't forget Peyton on SNL

So far the show has been bad, but Lorne Michael's refuses to show any skit with any originality or entertaining vitality until 45 minutes in. Hopefully they will come with some abstract and trippy things and just let PM be PM.
Ohhhh... Him I'd watch. At least he's no stiff.

He's doing a better job than I thought he would! Speaking of Grossman!!!!!!! He was mention on weekend update.

Here's the quote:Seth Meyers: An Illinois man, who is a Chicago Bears fan, will legally change his name to Peyton Manning after losing a Super Bowl bet. Though as far as his family is concerned, he'll always remain "Rex Grossman."
:eek:lol: :eek:lol: "I just thought about going back out there and a little bit of pee came out":eek:lol: :eek:lol:
Don't you remember the toro video that came out before the superbowl? They are trying to show all of his commercials as well it seems.
The dance was pretty frikkin funny. It was going pretty bad 'till Peyton jumped up
I also liked the mock NFL commercial at the very beginning of the show with Peyton throwing the football at the little kids.
What UT loss did they show, and how did they show it? I must have missed that.

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