Don't forget Peyton on SNL

Man he wasn't joking about taking over half of the commercials, at during tonight's SNL here in east TN.
Amy Poehler is awful.

no kidding. i have a hard time figuring out why people think she's so funny. she's one of the reasons weekend update sucks as bad as it does nowadays. the only things funny about that part of the show are the "guests" they have on there.
I am now going to ask what to some will come off as an incredibly stupid question...Is any/how much of this show is live?
I am now going to ask what to some will come off as an incredibly stupid question...Is any/how much of this show is live?

It's all live except for the obviously pre-recorded stuff (Manning's commercial) and the animation.
Which skit was the best?

1. Opening monologue
2. United Way commercial
3. Bronx Beat talk show
4. Annoying girl at party
5. ESPN NCAA tourney pool show
6. The locker room
7. "Throw the rock Mitch!"
8. Drinking coffee outside
9. Mercedes 550, a meatloaf lover's dream commercial
I liked the United Way spot the best. Probably just because it was so out of character and it seemed so effortless for PM

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