Doug Mathews "Big Orange Sunday" takeaways

I love a pro set smash mouth offense, but we are 3-4 recruiting cycles and the same amount of time under a good S&C coach from having a roster that can pull that off. If that is what we are committed to running, I hope people have a lot of patience to wait on it.

I think the coach that could produce the quickest results with what we have would be Leach and his Air Raid attack. Dormady could really thrive in that offense and we enough decent receivers to run it.

Of course, a quick fix shouldn’t be the end game, we need something sustainable. I’d be interested to see what Leach could do with the kind of athletes he could get at Tennessee.

Chad Morris runs a great version of that. And some of the personal we have here mirrors what he had at Clemson. The OL would need a complete overhaul, but I don't think we are that far off otherwise.

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