Doug Mathews "Big Orange Sunday" takeaways

Point being made about Kiffin changing and being giving a chance just like Doug Dickey. Thank you

I have forgiven Kiffin and would be fine with him coming to Tennessee. We need to banish the Hatfield and McCoy style of thinking.
I would take your advice except that Barnes showed he cares absolutely nothing about UT or us fans by defending Currie and trashing the fan base after the Mercer game. He should take us to an NCAA tournament before he starts offering opinions.

Man I can't do it. I literally hate these people. They have ruined my favorite hobby. Fire Barnes too. Just make an announcement that Tennessee is starting over from scratch due to the systemic infiltration of a booster whose influence has led to a marked decline in the quality of Tennessee athletics. Announce that we will be hiring new coaches and heading in a different direction.

You probably need to find a new team to, um,support. Way too much hate and paranoia coming through.
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2017 Vols really crashed and burned. Everybody sore. Everything in shambles, including the fan base. Obvious that there are plenty that are cussing Fulmer being AD now.

Obvious there is 0% chance of hiring anybody now that would make this fanbase 100% happy. Some people just thrive on b*itching and that is creates some background noise around here. That'll be here, even if we won a natty next season. SMH.

Does Fulmer know what it takes to win here? I'd say his resume is good in that department. Dooley didn't have that on his resume, neither did Kiffin or Jones. Was Fulmers last few seasons here a disappointment? Damn right they were. Compare that to this season though. What he got fired for was way less than the slop we have been fed over the last 8 years or so.

You may not like him, but he is the best we got right now. I think he'll get the best available. There is undisciplined talent on this team. New coach has plenty to work with. I have a feeling a new work ethic will come as a shock to some of these players and will weed out some bad seeds. That'll be fun to watch. Expect some defections.
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You probably need to find a new team to, um,support. Way too much hate and paranoia coming through.
God I'm hoping the heros, Basilio and Clay, who prevented the hire of Schiano get on board and demand Fulmer be removed from this search and this university for good. There is a ton of evidence he is allied with Haslam and torpedoed the Leach deal. Fulmer is no friend of Tennessee. He is the obese saboteur of our demise.

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When Fulmer hired Clawson as OC he was given exactly one year to turn things around with spread concepts and pro style personnel. This has booster influence written all over it! CPF responded by recruiting Tajd Boyd and Bryce Petty who Kiffin jettisoned to reinstall a pro set. Down the rabbit hole we went. Some will say there's plenty of blame to go around. Nope. HOH is to blame.
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This is so true!!! I read some of this stuff and realize most of these guys really have no clue....we would spread out the whole field. Heck in CPF early days he was known as a gunslinger coach. A lot of these guys here’s father wasn’t even born then but hey it’s cool to rant about something without a clue.... I for one want a day again where we can run the clock out with seven minutes to go in the game with a seven point lead.... been a long time since we could do that....

No such thing, Fulmer and Chavis gave away many games by trying just that...Ever heard of "3rd and Chavis"?I, too, was around then.
This, imo, is the reason former head coaches should not be the AD. Phil should hire the best coach available, NOT one that will allow Phil to influence the offense the new coach runs.
Hiring a coach that runs what Phil thinks will work is NOT the answer.

Well.....It's worked out well for ALABAMA....

Just how many NCs do they have in a system ran by REAL FOOTBALL MEN?

I would take your advice except that Barnes showed he cares absolutely nothing about UT or us fans by defending Currie and trashing the fan base after the Mercer game. He should take us to an NCAA tournament before he starts offering opinions.

Man I can't do it. I literally hate these people. They have ruined my favorite hobby. Fire Barnes too. Just make an announcement that Tennessee is starting over from scratch due to the systemic infiltration of a booster whose influence has led to a marked decline in the quality of Tennessee athletics. Announce that we will be hiring new coaches and heading in a different direction.

If someone asks you how you feel about your boss in public, you have to defend your boss regardless of how you feel about them. Likely was given a statement to say by the university when asked that question.
Read the article. I fixed the link. Judas Brutus Fulmer has been sabotaging the hiring process in order to weasel into the AD position..

First, love the self portrait you used as an avatar; could not have been more accurate to your opinions.

Second, take the foil off of your head and calm down. There are no men in black waiting to fry your brain. We have someone who wants UT to win and is a better option that Currie (still wish we had Blackburn but oh well).

Lastly, if you hate Tennessee this much there are 129 other FBS schools to choose from. Feel free to take your pet football and support them; you're delusional conspiracy talk track is incoherent and rambling at best; spare us. Please!
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Read the article. I fixed the link. Judas Brutus Fulmer has been sabotaging the hiring process in order to weasel into the AD position..

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Read the article. I fixed the link. Judas Brutus Fulmer has been sabotaging the hiring process in order to weasel into the AD position..

Man you are still going..relax really. Look after Schiano nobody was backing Currie. Currie was Haslam's boy, again Haslam's boy. Your going on about HOH, that not Fulmer's house. Haslam either lost a lot his power or didn't fight Fulmer AD to cover his butt in the Schiano deal. Do you remember the other guys who weren't Tennessee guys: Hamilton,Hart,Dooley,Jones, EXACTLY.
Well.....It's worked out well for ALABAMA....

Just how many NCs do they have in a system ran by REAL FOOTBALL MEN?


Your example is not even close to what I said.....NO ONE told Saban what to do!!
I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.

Thank you for saying this!!!
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Well.....It's worked out well for ALABAMA....

Just how many NCs do they have in a system ran by REAL FOOTBALL MEN?


It does work for Alabama, and all those pro players at every area of there offense and defense
But even they have change their offense to incorporate more spread ideology

I would ask Coach Fulmer, why he didn't when more titles with all that talent. Spurrier.
Give me a great offensive mind over an offensive ideology
I would take your advice except that Barnes showed he cares absolutely nothing about UT or us fans by defending Currie and trashing the fan base after the Mercer game. He should take us to an NCAA tournament before he starts offering opinions.

Man I can't do it. I literally hate these people. They have ruined my favorite hobby. Fire Barnes too. Just make an announcement that Tennessee is starting over from scratch due to the systemic infiltration of a booster whose influence has led to a marked decline in the quality of Tennessee athletics. Announce that we will be hiring new coaches and heading in a different direction.

What the hell was Barnes supposed to do, forfeit the game after instructing the team to walk off the court during the National Anthem?? There's one thing I hate about UT's fanbase, going from one extreme to another..Reading a dictionary and posting 10-20 letter words doesn't make YOU Jesus incarnate either..Cheer or don't cheer, that's on you..But just stop with the "Know-it-all Holier Than Thou" horses**t..All it does is stink....

This post is just IMHFO
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Well............ BYE 👋

Looks to me like you started with the beer before you wrote this crap. For a long time UT has had people at the helm with no ties to TN. For cryin out loud we had a Bama alum as our AD. Sort of like hiring Isis leaders to run Home Land Security. Just go finish off the case of beer and wake up in the morning to a new day. GO VOLS
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