Down the Stretch

This team struggles to score consistently. When that happens there are going to be peaks and valleys. Sometimes those valleys come at the end of games. Although, I will say that CCM had Lopez, Hall, McBee, and i think Richardson and Reese on the floor for one very long stretch in the 2nd half against Vandy and I kept thinking "is he intentionally trying to let Vandy back in the game?" With both Stokes and McRae on the bench where did he think he was going to get points? I'm pretty sure that's the stretch of the game where UT's 11 point 2nd half lead dissappeared.

Anyway, they one a close one. Maybe it will pay dividends against Arky.

I didn't get to watch Vandy game, so I missed that lineup, but if that's true no wonder they cut down the lead. One of Stokes and McRae should always be on the floor IMO.
I didn't get to watch Vandy game, so I missed that lineup, but if that's true no wonder they cut down the lead. One of Stokes and McRae should always be on the floor IMO.

You'd think that would go without saying, but last year I thought that either Maymon or Golden needed to always be on the floor (at least early in the season) and there would be long stretches of them sitting next to each other on the bench too.
Doing just enough to lose to good teams on the road and "we SUCK" on the road are 2 separate things. I'm not saying this team is world beaters on the road, but they haven't exactly been terrible either. You can see it as UT did just enough to lose, or that the home team with their home crowd did just enough to win. Against bad competition I expect the outcome to be different.

Are you serious? Did "just enough to lose" - where did you come up with that line?

Sounds like an extension of the moral victory crowd. Tennessee is not a good basketball team. They are ugly to watch and are not well-coached.
Are you serious? Did "just enough to lose" - where did you come up with that line?

Sounds like an extension of the moral victory crowd. Tennessee is not a good basketball team. They are ugly to watch and are not well-coached.

I actually said that, he didn't. And it's true; each road game we've done just enough to lose. I'm saying we always choke, I'm not making excuses or claiming moral victories. I'm done with those, I hate them.

It wasn't a compliment to this team at all, it was a criticism, which no doubt makes you happy. You love ****ting on this team.
I actually said that, he didn't. And it's true; each road game we've done just enough to lose. I'm saying we always choke, I'm not making excuses or claiming moral victories. I'm done with those, I hate them.

It wasn't a compliment to this team at all, it was a criticism, which no doubt makes you happy. You love ****ting on this team.

I do not "love ****ting on this team" at all. In fact, it pains me to watch them and to support them and to attend their basketball games it is absolutely gut wrenching. But I will call a spade a spade.

I thought that you (or the other poster) were being complimentary. I don't understand why some people think that if you are Tennessee fan that means you are not be critical of them???

Heck many many people blasted me for saying Dooley should have been fired after the Kentucky loss last year because I should have been supportive and should not be critical of the Doolster and the team. Well the writing was on the wall then (and even before then) and ultimately I and others proved to be dead-on with Dooley!

Now I have not said that Zo should be fired however I am not going to sit back and say that he is doing job because I do not believe that is. This team has problems - many problems that need to be fixed ASAP.
I do not "love ****ting on this team" at all. In fact, it pains me to watch them and to support them and to attend their basketball games it is absolutely gut wrenching. But I will call a spade a spade.

I thought that you (or the other poster) were being complimentary. I don't understand why some people think that if you are Tennessee fan that means you are not be critical of them???

Heck many many people blasted me for saying Dooley should have been fired after the Kentucky loss last year because I should have been supportive and should not be critical of the Doolster and the team. Well the writing was on the wall then (and even before then) and ultimately I and others proved to be dead-on with Dooley!

Now I have not said that Zo should be fired however I am not going to sit back and say that he is doing job because I do not believe that is. This team has problems - many problems that need to be fixed ASAP.

So either A) You put too much into sports or B) You just like to ***** about them.

Your call.
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So either A) You put too much into sports or B) You just like to ***** about them.

Your call.

Or I could be a sunshine pumping, Martinade drinking, orange sunglass wearing, delusional, mediocrity loving poster here on Volnation who posts 10 times more than I ever have how awesome Martin is.
Or I could be sunshine pumping, Martinade drinking, orange sunglass wearing, delusional, mediocrity loving poster here on Volnation who posts 10 times more than I ever have how awesome Martin is.

The post count argument makes me lulz all the time. Thanks for the laugh.

Considering I criticized Martin heavily last game IN A WIN, I'd say you aren't correct. But that's okay. You're such a fan you declared UT football dead.
The post count argument makes me lulz all the time. Thanks for the laugh.

Considering I criticized Martin heavily last game IN A WIN, I'd say you aren't correct. But that's okay. You're such a fan you declared UT football dead.

and according to your own "title" you are "The Glue of UT Basketball"!

and according to your own "title" you are "The Glue of UT Basketball"!


You do realize that Josh Richardson is my avy, and that I've repeatedly called him "The Glue of UT basketball" this year.............right?
You do realize that Josh Richardson is my avy, and that I've repeatedly called him "The Glue of UT basketball" this year.............right?

and you "do realize" that my avatar is "tongue and cheek" don't you, smart man......
and you "do realize" that my avatar is "tongue and cheek" don't you, smart man......

Totally the same. Oh wait, it's not.

Anyways, game in ten minutes. Not arguing about this anymore.
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someone commented uga is a bad team.. i think uga will be a tougher out than you think especially now that mark fox is playing gaines and kcp together with mann. also the vol's offense is good enough to go on that type of run? not sure about that. i see arky winning today.
and you "do realize" that my avatar is "tongue and cheek" don't you, smart man......

Good ol' patrick. Tries to rip on zjcvols' title not even knowing what it refers to. Then bungles the "tongue in cheek" reference. LMAO. You can't make this sh*t up.
hahaha, the guy that started this thread. oh wait...that was me. nothing like our mens basketball team to press the self destruct button. BOOOOOOOM
I do not "love ****ting on this team" at all. In fact, it pains me to watch them and to support them and to attend their basketball games it is absolutely gut wrenching. But I will call a spade a spade.

If the actual act of supporting Tennessee pains you, then stop supporting Tennessee. There are painful moments, yes, but I wouldn't trade it for the world and overall it isn't painful one bit. Nor should it be for any Vols fan.

I thought that you (or the other poster) were being complimentary. I don't understand why some people think that if you are Tennessee fan that means you are not be critical of them???

And I don't understand why anyone who does show support is dubbed a sunshine pumper and a Koolaid drinker by none other than you (and those like you). Case and point:

Or I could be a sunshine pumping, Martinade drinking, orange sunglass wearing, delusional, mediocrity loving poster here on Volnation who posts 10 times more than I ever have how awesome Martin is.

I hate the term 'NegaVol' (I think it's stupid) but if there were one shining example of what exactly a NegaVol was, it would be you. I can't remember one time you've said anything good about this team. So I reiterate my statement: you love ****ting on them.

Heck many many people blasted me for saying Dooley should have been fired after the Kentucky loss last year because I should have been supportive and should not be critical of the Doolster and the team. Well the writing was on the wall then (and even before then) and ultimately I and others proved to be dead-on with Dooley!

Now I have not said that Zo should be fired however I am not going to sit back and say that he is doing job because I do not believe that is. This team has problems - many problems that need to be fixed ASAP.

Just because you were right doesn't make you a genius. Anyone could have seen that.

The saddest part is that I agree with everything in this part of your post. Every single thing. I didn't necessarily want Dooley gone, but if they'd fired him I probably have been happy about it. And in my opinion, Cuonzo Martin has done a pretty bad job with this team, Maymon or not. We don't suck, but we aren't very good either.

But the way you go about giving your opinion is just so utterly disgusting. You can be negative, fine, but be realistic, too, and try to balance out your negativity a little bit. If you want any credibility that is.
If the actual act of supporting Tennessee pains you, then stop supporting Tennessee. There are painful moments, yes, but I wouldn't trade it for the world and overall it isn't painful one bit. Nor should it be for any Vols fan.

And I don't understand why anyone who does show support is dubbed a sunshine pumper and a Koolaid drinker by none other than you (and those like you). Case and point:

I hate the term 'NegaVol' (I think it's stupid) but if there were one shining example of what exactly a NegaVol was, it would be you. I can't remember one time you've said anything good about this team. So I reiterate my statement: you love ****ting on them.

Just because you were right doesn't make you a genius. Anyone could have seen that.

The saddest part is that I agree with everything in this part of your post. Every single thing. I didn't necessarily want Dooley gone, but if they'd fired him I probably have been happy about it. And in my opinion, Cuonzo Martin has done a pretty bad job with this team, Maymon or not. We don't suck, but we aren't very good either.

But the way you go about giving your opinion is just so utterly disgusting. You can be negative, fine, but be realistic, too, and try to balance out your negativity a little bit. If you want any credibility that is.

Hey Captain Sunshine "utfan" - you joined this board in November 2011; and how many of my posts have you read since then?

How many of my posts did you read before that date?

Additionally, I was not referring to every supporter of Martin (and the bball team) or all positive posts as "sunshine pumpers" and you know that. But to clarify my statement - a sunshine pumper is one who comes on here and rails on people who criticize Martin and the product that he is putting on the floor - you can also throw in there those people who continue to talk about how realistic it is for the Vols to go the AA tourney this year despite the Vols performance this year - and those who say CCM is as good or better than Pearl.

To say that "you wouldn't change Vol "painful minutes" for the world - that is completely asinine! So you would not change the woes of the Vols in basketball the past 2 years? Would you not change the degradation of the Volunteer football program over the last few years if you could. It has been and continues to be painful to watch the basketball team on game day - I mean it is like a massive train wreck that just continues to repeat itself (not to mention the football program.

It is painful because I have loved the Vols for going on 40 years. Oh I never said the Vols "suck". Have I been critical? Yes indeed, however the criticism is completely warranted!

People on here love to talk about how CCM is bringing Big 10 type basketball to the Vols. Well I have watched plenty of Big 10 basketball this year and let me say that the product CCM is putting on the floor looks nothing like that brand of bball!
Hey Captain Sunshine "utfan" - you joined this board in November 2011; and how many of my posts have you read since then?

How many of my posts did you read before that date?

Additionally, I was not referring to every supporter of Martin (and the bball team) or all positive posts as "sunshine pumpers" and you know that. But to clarify my statement - a sunshine pumper is one who comes on here and rails on people who criticize Martin and the product that he is putting on the floor - you can also throw in there those people who continue to talk about how realistic it is for the Vols to go the AA tourney this year despite the Vols performance this year - and those who say CCM is as good or better than Pearl.

To say that "you wouldn't change Vol "painful minutes" for the world - that is completely asinine! So you would not change the woes of the Vols in basketball the past 2 years? Would you not change the degradation of the Volunteer football program over the last few years if you could. It has been and continues to be painful to watch the basketball team on game day - I mean it is like a massive train wreck that just continues to repeat itself (not to mention the football program.

It is painful because I have loved the Vols for going on 40 years. Oh I never said the Vols "suck". Have I been critical? Yes indeed, however the criticism is completely warranted!

People on here love to talk about how CCM is bringing Big 10 type basketball to the Vols. Well I have watched plenty of Big 10 basketball this year and let me say that the product CCM is putting on the floor looks nothing like that brand of bball!

Thank you for proving my point.

Anyway, the sad part is that we pretty much agree on this team. CCM has massively disappointed me this year as well, nor is he half what Pearl was (as of yet). It just rubs me the wrong way how you go about giving your opinions on these things. That's all. I have no problem with negativity, as I'm a pessimist myself. But balance it out a little. Every single damn post doesn't have to be the same negative garbage. And when you rag on people who are positive, or who are simply trying to find a silver lining (nothing wrong with either), then that's just not fair.
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I would venture to say that here as many if not more positive posts about Martin and the Vols than there are critical posts.

Nevertheless while I freely admit that some of my posts about Martin and his team are negative however I fair reading of many of my posts would tend to show them to be "critical". You may not believe there is a difference in being negative and being critical but I believe that there is in fact a difference.

But to each their own. That is why Freak created this forum.
I would venture to say that here as many if not more positive posts about Martin and the Vols than there are critical posts.

Nevertheless while I freely admit that some of my posts about Martin and his team are negative however I fair reading of many of my posts would tend to show them to be "critical". You may not believe there is a difference in being negative and being critical but I believe that there is in fact a difference.

But to each their own. That is why Freak created this forum.

No, there is a difference. Being critical should involve some sort of analysis and reasoning to back up the main idea. Read ZJC's Arkansas postgame report, or any post by OrangeBalls. That's what being critical is.

Negativity is 'being critical' only without the analysis and reasoning. That's what you do. There's nothing critical about this post:

Are you serious? Did "just enough to lose" - where did you come up with that line?

Sounds like an extension of the moral victory crowd. Tennessee is not a good basketball team. They are ugly to watch and are not well-coached.

Yup, just negativity. We aren't well-coached? Well why? Break it down for us. You just spout off statements like 'we aren't well-coached' and 'Tennessee is not a good basketball team' without really explaining it. And if you say 'the play on the court speaks for itself' then you aren't worth my time.

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