Dr Who

Yes! I had the DVR set to record the series. For some reason the first episode didn't record but as I double checked it's set to record episodes 2 and 3. Really weird. I was able to catch up on the first episode about an hour ago. I'm a little confused because The Master in Dr Who was last played by Michelle Gomez(who I absolutely loved) actually died in the final season with Peter Capaldi.

It's worse than that since Missy in fact was a later incarnation of the Master killed by a younger younger incarnation of same. Sometimes the "timey wimey" part of DH stops even trying to make much sense.

*killed doesn't really mean much in the DH universe so there's no telling if Missy is really gone
It's worse than that since Missy in fact was a later incarnation of the Master killed by a younger younger incarnation of same. Sometimes the "timey wimey" part of DH stops even trying to make much sense.

*killed doesn't really mean much in the DH universe so there's no telling if Missy is really gone
DH? Also during the Matt Smith era it was explained if you kill a Timelord during regeneration that they just die don't regenerate.
DH? Also during the Matt Smith era it was explained if you kill a Timelord during regeneration that they just die don't regenerate.

LOL! Sorry, DW. And again nothing is ever going to keep a character on that show from making an appearance if that's what they want to have happen...they've essentially given themselves a blank check with the "all of time and space" angle.
Or he could be from an alternate universe. They did reference multiple earths in the episode.

Ok! Now this is a theory I can definitely entertain. When that multiverse/multi-earth map appeared at the ranch in Australia I was surprised they were going to possibly entertain the multiverse idea. That's very DC of them. I doubt they would do it but theoretically this idea could allow them to bring previous Doctors into the same show as well. That would be monumental. Imagine seeing David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, and Jodie Whittaker on the same show.
Classic Who? Most definitely (Especially Baker and Pertwee)! New Who? Not so much. David Tennant was good and Matt Smith to an extent, but the rest is rubbish that takes itself a little too seriously.
I have to say I just want to get the season over with so we can get Russell Davies back.

This new bit lost me pretty early. I couldn't even work up any bad feeling...I just didn't care anymore. Apparently it's a good thing as reviews weren't great and I gather most people HATED the Timeless Children twist. So much so a great many people hope that whole thing is retconned entirely once Davies is back.
I shudder to think who will get cast as the new Doctor under the new “woke regime”. Probably will be a vegan transgender Marxist who battles intergalactic capitalist white supremacy on a weekly basis.
I shudder to think who will get cast as the new Doctor under the new “woke regime”. Probably will be a vegan transgender Marxist who battles intergalactic capitalist white supremacy on a weekly basis.
Russell T. Davies returning as show runner should be a good thing he was the one who restarted the franchise in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston and then David Tennant.

Although Matt Smith just edge's out Tennant as my favorite Doctor.

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