DucksflyinPAC Answer[ed] Questions And/Or Refute[d] Ridiculous Claims


I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...
I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...

You act like this is our first rodeo playing in a hostile environment. Are you aware that we play in the SEC?
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Actually just remembered it was 2011 because Hunter and Bray were hurt and Darick and Tyrann Mathieu were trash talking each other

AU and UO played in 2010

Wasn't it 2010? Because that was Doolittles first year and we kept catching bad breaks. The LSU too many on the field debacle then the music city bowl screwjob against North Carolina
Wasn't it 2010? Because that was Doolittles first year and we kept catching bad breaks. The LSU too many on the field debacle then the music city bowl screwjob against North Carolina

My bad yall. It was 2010. Too much heartbreak to remember it all lol
Like my first thread, check it out...

And btw, I do not give a rip if you are a Mod. If you want to ban me, here I am. Unlike Bison I do not kiss arse. Now Vercingertorix, you claim to have no motive for changing my thread titles(yet you just did it again) but yet, it illicites the exact responses from fellow Vols that you were hoping for all along. And guys come on here, without even reading hardly through any of my posts, many of them the same faulty and boring logic, and just jump right into attack mode. Gee, I wonder why. And you deleted my help thread as well... Hmmm, trying to cover something up from your fellow Mods?

If you are going to try and threaten me, to ban me, then quit being a pussy and just do it. It really is that simple. I could give a rip. If not, then quit your bluffing because I do not have time for immature childishness.

If you must know, many Tenn fans treated us very well and that was my motive for coming on here, not to mention learning about your team, interacting some ect... But you are a odd Mod. You are actually a immature one. Perhaps you are sweating for the upcoming Saturday, who knows. But if you are going to do it, man up and just do it. Threats are for children.

No one cares about your gaddamn ducks.

now STFU
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Who cares about all time wins? These were by guys that are not even alive. Are you trying to do be like ND and cling to your ancient past and somehow think that translates that a present team cannot be on the same level as you, or even have a currently better program? If so, i would like to switch to Yale. They prove such a point the best with all their former Natty's, in ancient times,,,, but presently not relevant in the scope of CFB in America these days...

with all due respect (and I really do mean that), you guys haven't been relevant long enough to experience the cyclical nature of the ups and downs of college football. traditional teams experience this...and yes you guys are amazing right now. your program is awesome. however, i have a feeling that you may be the Va Tech of this decade. all of the top winning programs of all time are prone to move in and out of winning years, it is the fact that they rebound time and time again that makes it truly remarkable. i hope that you guys are able to be good for a while, but you will be down again. the PAC 12 really needs you guys to be strong, if not they have nothing really relevant. peace out.
To bad this post got derailed because I was going to comment that Butch must be trying to piss his players off with that annoying quacking playing through the speakers. I could barely watch it haha.
To bad this post got derailed because I was going to comment that Butch must be trying to piss his players off with that annoying quacking playing through the speakers. I could barely watch it haha.

The object on the tracks was removed, not the train. Feel free to carry on. :)
To bad this post got derailed because I was going to comment that Butch must be trying to piss his players off with that annoying quacking playing through the speakers. I could barely watch it haha.

CBJ has been making them practice with extremely loud annoying noises since he took over. It helps concentration and tuning sound out. I'm sure he thought with Oregon coming up the quacking was a good choice.


You guys don't need crowd noise to beat a rebuilding team. They could play out in the middle of nowhere and it would be the same. Our kids won't be phased by 54k fans. We had 40k at a practice. Your stadium is barely bigger than Vandys. Crowd noise won't make any difference. Look at the two rosters then consider the last few years. There's the difference. If this game were a couple years from now I wouldn't be worried. But to act like your stadium will intimidate these guys is stupid.

Edit* my bad EG meant to quote that duck fan.
I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...

Give me a break. Go play at LSU @night, Bama anytime of day, or Georgia. Do you think this is going to be new for our players?
This thread now resembles a classic novel, in that...

Too long to read...
Concepts difficult to grasp at times...
The author is no longer around to see the critique...
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You guys don't need crowd noise to beat a rebuilding team. They could play out in the middle of nowhere and it would be the same. Our kids won't be phased by 54k fans. We had 40k at a practice. Your stadium is barely bigger than Vandys. Crowd noise won't make any difference. Look at the two rosters then consider the last few years. There's the difference. If this game were a couple years from now I wouldn't be worried. But to act like your stadium will intimidate these guys is stupid.

Edit* my bad EG meant to quote that duck fan.

No one said they would be scared, but to act as if it makes no difference is probably incorrect:

The final category is my own personal grade. I have 12 TV’s in front of me and watch 12 games all day long on Saturday and watch every nighttime game on ESPN. I can hear the crowd noise at each stadium and I weigh in how many times I thought it was a factor in a game. I look at how good the team has been the last 5 years and what percentage of games they win at home and on the road in my personal evaluation.

After that evaluation, I only gave two teams a 5.75-point home edge in this year’s magazine in Boise St and Oregon. Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Virginia Tech and LSU have a 5.5 grade while Oklahoma St, South Carolina, Ohio St, Alabama, Nebraska and Florida got a 5.25. At the bottom of the scale I gave a 1.75 home edge to Georgia St and a 2-point home edge to Massachusetts, Eastern Michigan, New Mexico St, Akron and Idaho.

Here are all my 2013 Homefield edges for all 126 Teams.
Phil Steele
This thread now resembles a classic novel, in that...

Too long to read...
Concepts difficult to grasp at times...
The author is no longer around to see the critique...


I don't think I've ever read every single word in one of his posts. I glance and then cringe.
Buddy, while not a southerner, I am Southern Baptist. I know all about your people quite well my whole life. I also have been to the deep south more times then I can count, was even stationed at Fort Knox while in the Army(even though not really the south- deep south per say, but still).

One thing I do know that Southern people are common at doing is assuming things, trying to read into anothers mind and just guessing on their intent or motive, ie presuming things. If you read the very bottom of that post that you quoted from- but did not quote- you will see my words and intent. And if you go back a page on this thread and then look all those posts created by me, one will just see the simple Green "O" and perhaps think they were all of me, while that other new Duck has the same exact simple profile image. As I wrote, when I read that other Ducks post, I myself thought it was mine, for I myself did not clearly looked at the name to the left. It had even me fooled for a sec, until I realized I never made that comment then.

I have TONS of friends from the south, all over. But one thing that gets on me is Southern people just assuming things, all things, like because I am on liberal West coast that I am a hippie, liberal, and all other West Coast Stereotypes when I actually am the exact opposite. You can relate, cause many West Coast people wrongly assume all Southern People are inbred. lol Thus, i guess both of us can relate to being sensitive about people assuming things, which in my case and your assumption, was never the case.

I'm about 95% sure you are on some drug....


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