DucksflyinPAC Answer[ed] Questions And/Or Refute[d] Ridiculous Claims

Your hubris is cute. Come Saturday I hope I am dining on duck a l'orange and you are dining on crow. :hi:
LOL, well, if I am dinning on crow Saturday evening, I will surely come back here to share it with ya. But if you must know, I haven't really smack talked on here at all. I am a closet Tenn fan kind of...
Not at all trying to mod. Just don't like it when people assume things is all...and it seems the guy didn't as well and incorrectly was unable to read my post correctly and get my meaning. When a guy assumes things about ya, or puts words/meaning in your mouth, that is forum correction 101, not trying to mod.

Gotta say that I enjoyed your "unofficial guide" thread. Very classy move on your part.

However, it's really not difficult to distinguish posters from one another. I assume it's a west coast thing, probably the weed. :)

Enjoy the game man.
Not at all trying to mod. Just don't like it when people assume things is all...and it seems the guy didn't as well and incorrectly was unable to read my post correctly and get my meaning. When a guy assumes things about ya, or puts words/meaning in your mouth, that is forum correction 101, not trying to mod.

good grief, you assumed we wouldn't be able to tell you apart based on a single O next to your name. We're smarter than that. In fact I could likely tell the difference without ever seeing a username
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Tennessee football practice on Sept. 10, 2013 - YouTube
Actual Knoxnews video of Tennessee practicing getting ready to play Oregon. Skip to :25 where the exciting part begins...And then also at 1:08 where Coach Butch yells to his team over and over, "It's Coming my fellows, It's C-o-m-i-n-g!" And then at 1:27 where the beat really picks up-back to the good stuff- the best part of this video.

Man. What a nice guy. In our Stadium we play our fight song after every time we score. And we usually score in less then 2 mins each time. So for Coach Butch to keep his players from having a heart attack from the great shock of what is about to come upon them, and what sound they will hear every 2 mins, I am really impressed. What a nice guy preventing heart attacks of his team and tipping them off so his players do not go into shock this Saturday. That my friends is a VERY wise coach! Good coaches prevent heart attacks!

"It's Coming, It's Coming"- 9-9-13 Butch Jones. Yes Sir, yes it will! :)

(Just playing with you guys. Actually this is the very first time I have EVER seen a video of another team playing our fight song for a practice before. Yes I know all teams do it. I just have never seen it before. Really cool! :dance2:)

CBJ: "It's coming guys. It's coming! After we beat them, they'll punch you. So, keep your hands up! I'm telling you, it's coming!"

Oregon's LeGarrette Blount Starts Fight After Loss - YouTube
So what did y'all do last year against Stanford?
You already know the answer to that question buddy. But I bet you don't know that Stanford' s Head Coach, Coach Shaw actually grew up in Oregon's lockeroom as a kid and has known us a long time. Yep, his dad was a assistant for Oregon. In a interview I saw, Coach Shaw said he has fond memories growing up there- literally following his dad around everywhere in the facilities/lockeroom as a kid. And he said he has known our Defensive Coordinator forever. He knows his tendencies- everything. Known him too long. Thus, Standford got crushed by only one Conference team the two previous seasons, OREGON. Andrew Luck famously said, "we have a Oregon problem". And well, Coach Shaw knew us inside and out, and after every practice for a full year ended it with extra conditioning and motivation and a shout, " AND BEAT OREGON". And Stanford has a really good team, one of the best D's in the Nation last year. They came fired up, were not intimidated and played a great game. We lost in OT. It was a great close game, our only remote close game. Most of our other games last year were up 49-0 by mid 2nd quarter- having to pull all our 2-deep at that point...
True, but are any SEC stadiums so close to the players as ours? I don't think so. Our field is super tiny on both sides of the field. There is hardly any room for the teams. And no in-between the hedges thing for us. Nope, our field is down in a pit. And the fans are literally right almost on top of the visiting players only a couple feet away.

What Coaches Have Said

"The biggest mistake people made going in there was trying to instigate the crowd and say bring it on, because they brought it on and usually it was followed by three illegal procedure penalties after that." - Jeff Tedford, Cal Head Coach

Kiffin said Oregon's Autzen Stadium is the loudest stadium in the country, a bold claim - especially after he made trips to Tuscaloosa (Alabama) and Gainesville (Florida) last year.
"I still think Autzen Stadium is louder than all those (Alabama, Florida) places" - Lane Kiffin, USC Head Coach

"That's the loudest stadium I've ever been in." - Lloyd Carr, former Michigan Head Coach

"You know, the noise is one aspect, but you can feel the intensity of their crowd." - Pete Carroll, Former USC Head Coach

"I can assure you that the stories are not overblown. In my travels, I've been to at least 90 different stadiums for college football games, the two loudest places I've ever been to are Autzen Stadium and at Syracuse in the (Carrier) Dome. It is extremely loud." - Dirk Koetter, Former ASU Head Coach

What Players Have Said

Adrian Peterson shook his helmeted head and slapped his earholes. But the ringing wouldn't stop.
As the Oklahoma Sooners stood in the tunnel of Autzen Stadium ready to hit the field, the walls around them vibrated like a tuning fork. The air felt thick with what sounded like a World War I biplane parked under the goalpost 15 yards in front of them.
"It was like some sort of crazy torture in the movies. How do people do that so long without taking a breath? I think my ears are still ringing." – Former Oklahoma Running Back, Adrian Peterson in an ESPN article

"Autzen Stadium is a combination of being super loud and how close they are. From my memory, it felt like it was 10 feet between the sideline and the crowd. No crowd usually gets to me. Oregon is the only one that stands out in my mind that has gotten to me. I was just like, 'Shut up!'" – Former Cal Running Back, Jahvid Best

"The biggest thing I remember about that game is the crowd. The crowd noise is crazy up there. Honestly, any other away game I don't really even hear the crowd. Oregon was the only place where it really got on my nerves." - Former Cal Running Back, Jahvid Best

What the Media Has Said

"Autzen Stadium is the most intimidating college football stadium in the nation." – Matt Hayes, The Sporting News

"Sitting in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, Oregon's Autzen Stadium is one of college football's hidden jewels. Before kickoff, Autzen is as peaceful as the Willamette River, which runs through Eugene just a few minutes from the stadium. After kickoff, the fans – even the alumni – forget who they are, where they come from and what their degree is in. The audience adopts a new collective identity for the next three-and-a-half hours: the 12th, 13th and 14th man. Autzen's 59,000 strong make the Big House collectively sound like a pathetic whimper. It's louder than any place I've ever been, and that includes "The Swamp" at Florida, "The Shoe" in Columbus and "Death Valley" at Louisiana State. Autzen Stadium is where great teams go to die." – J. Brady McCullough, The Michigan Daily

"So loud, I can't hear the phone for two days." - Keith Jackson, ABC

"If you've never been to a game at Autzen Stadium, do yourself a favor and get there soon. One word for the experience. Loud. Hurt your ears loud. Make them bleed loud. The Big Ten has nothing as loud as Autzen." –

"Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon where the Oregon Ducks play all of their home games has a seating capacity of guess what, 55,000. The loudest decibel reading that was ever recorded during a football game was at a game at Autzen Stadium. This is the best home field advantage in ALL of college football! Sorry SEC and the Big Ten. It is louder than Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State, and Tennessee, all of which can hold more than 100,000 fans on game day. Think about it. Oregon fans can make more noise than stadiums twice their size. ... So how can a smaller stadium crowd make more noise than those huge places, and even be louder than Sanford Stadium at UGA? Because they know when to cheer and how to be effective in doing it!" - Michael Goldfeder, isportsweb

"I'm back to list the overall top 10 most intimidating stadiums in the nation. ... For the overall top 10, it's back to the basics - the 10 most intimidating stadiums for one game and one game only:"

Autzen Stadium, Oregon
Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, Florida
Kyle Field, Texas A&M
Tiger Stadium, LSU
Doak Campbell Stadium, Florida State
Ohio Stadium, Ohio State
Lane Stadium, Virginia Tech
Jordan-Hare Stadium, Auburn
Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame
Memorial Stadium, Nebraska

- Bruce Feldman, ESPN

(and many more)
Oregon Gridiron :: Autzen Stadium Quotes

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You know what? I actually agree with you. I have watched both of those practice vids several times, but in the second one(wednesdays one) those freaking Duck Quacks Jones played over the speakers. Man, I am the biggest Duck fan in the world, but for some reason, even to me they bug me greatly. if I was a Tenn player(the fight songs would not bother me personally) I would tell Butch to either turn that crap off, or I am going to brake a window there at the compound, his choice. For hearing those Quack sounds, thousands of them just makes a guy want to shoot something or break something. lol

I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...

Yeah, Stanford had a really tough time with that last year .... wait, no they didn't. Nevermind. :hi:
I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...

Then we will fight in the shade.
I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...

You're talking ish like you've won six or seven national championships. Go win something , other than the PAC-12 or 10 or 18 or whatever it is now and then come back and talk trash. Like it or not we're a lower tier sec team right now playing a no tradition Johnny Come Lately. Have your day in the sun. Neyland is on the upswing and what Autzen wishes it could be. Maybe one day you'll be a champ but until you put 801 wins and six NC in the trophy case, just try to be good. ;)
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I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...

Evidently, you haven't been to many other stadiums. How many does Autzen stadium hold? Like 58k? If we only had 58k show up for a game I would consider or program finished.
Hey I have a question for anybody here: I am on some other spots online and seeing a lot of Tenn fans complain about Eric Ainge. From near as I can tell he said something about us that ticked you off, or something about our upcoming game. My guess is he has some connection to you guys, but dont know for sure. Anyways, just to let you know: The Ainge family are from Eugene. Danny Ainge, the longtime NBA player and GM of the Boston Celtics, grew up in Eugene, played at Sheldon High School in Eugene...they're Oregon locals. You can take 'em out of Oregon, but you can't take the Oregon out of 'em.

So did he go on TV and say something or radio or something yesterday or the day before(or just really recently) or something. And cannot post exactly what he said that many Tenn fans are ticked about?
Tennessee football practice on Sept. 10, 2013 - YouTube
Actual Knoxnews video of Tennessee practicing getting ready to play Oregon. Skip to :25 where the exciting part begins...And then also at 1:08 where Coach Butch yells to his team over and over, "It's Coming my fellows, It's C-o-m-i-n-g!" And then at 1:27 where the beat really picks up-back to the good stuff- the best part of this video.

Man. What a nice guy. In our Stadium we play our fight song after every time we score. And we usually score in less then 2 mins each time. So for Coach Butch to keep his players from having a heart attack from the great shock of what is about to come upon them, and what sound they will hear every 2 mins, I am really impressed. What a nice guy preventing heart attacks of his team and tipping them off so his players do not go into shock this Saturday. That my friends is a VERY wise coach! Good coaches prevent heart attacks!
"It's Coming, It's Coming"- 9-9-13 Butch Jones. Yes Sir, yes it will! :)

(Just playing with you guys. Actually this is the very first time I have EVER seen a video of another team playing our fight song for a practice before. Yes I know all teams do it. I just have never seen it before. Really cool! :dance2:)

I lived in SoCal long enough to slowly see "O" stickers pop up on cars once Pete's Trojans started losing. Typical Oregon fan....newbs to winning football and have no respect for who they face. Glad your mighty team beat a Vol team coached by possibly the worse D1 SEC football coach in the history of the conference. Congrats...most SEC fans around here consider beating a Dooley coached Tennessee team like being proud of beating up a kid with down syndrome.....TRUTH!

I wish we could have played you in 2006 when we b!tch slapped Cal 35-18 then that same Cal team spanked your tail feathers probably weren't even a Duck fan then.
Hey I have a question for anybody here: I am on some other spots online and seeing a lot of Tenn fans complain about Eric Ainge. From near as I can tell he said something about us that ticked you off, or something about our upcoming game. My guess is he has some connection to you guys, but dont know for sure. Anyways, just to let you know: The Ainge family are from Eugene. Danny Ainge, the longtime NBA player and GM of the Boston Celtics, grew up in Eugene, played at Sheldon High School in Eugene...they're Oregon locals. You can take 'em out of Oregon, but you can't take the Oregon out of 'em.

So did he go on TV and say something or radio or something yesterday or the day before(or just really recently) or something. And cannot post exactly what he said that many Tenn fans are ticked about?

Uh yeah, Erik Ainge played qb at UT from '04-'07. We all know he's from Oregon and all about his family, but thanks for sharing. He hosts a radio show in Knoxville now, so many vol fans hear him all the time.
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You're talking ish like you've won six or seven national championships. Go win something , other than the PAC-12 or 10 or 18 or whatever it is now and then come back and talk trash. Like it or not we're a lower tier sec team right now playing a no tradition Johnny Come Lately. Have your day in the sun. Neyland is on the upswing and what Autzen wishes it could be. Maybe one day you'll be a champ but until you put 801 wins and six NC in the trophy case, just try to be good. ;)
Child please
Evidently, you haven't been to many other stadiums. How many does Autzen stadium hold? Like 58k? If we only had 58k show up for a game I would consider or program finished.
I already posted some quotes from other players, coach, media about our stadium. It would help you to go back and read it, refuting that larger does not mean louder.

As for how many people it holds? Around 52k is official seating, but it holds around 61k with standing room only. And we have like 15-20 year (or something long like that) record sellout streak-over capacity for quite some long time.

And as far as the noise your large stadium produces to our small, go back and read all those quotes I posted, which are all non biased, National reporters ect... or at the least this one, cause it references your large stadium vs ours:

"Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon where the Oregon Ducks play all of their home games has a seating capacity of guess what, 55,000. The loudest decibel reading that was ever recorded during a football game was at a game at Autzen Stadium. This is the best home field advantage in ALL of college football! Sorry SEC and the Big Ten. It is louder than Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State, and Tennessee, all of which can hold more than 100,000 fans on game day. Think about it. Oregon fans can make more noise than stadiums twice their size. ... So how can a smaller stadium crowd make more noise than those huge places, and even be louder than Sanford Stadium at UGA? Because they know when to cheer and how to be effective in doing it!" - Michael Goldfeder, isportsweb
Oregon Gridiron :: Autzen Stadium Quotes
Uh yeah, Erik Ainge played qb at UT from '04-'07. We all know he's from Oregon and all about his family, but thanks for sharing. He hosts a radio show in Knoxville now, so many vol fans hear him all the time.
Oh, thanks for answering my question. I thought he had some connection with you guys. Anyways, so what did he say on the radio recently? Do you know? Man, many Tenn fans I have read this morning are steamed about it, whatever it was.... I sure am curious as to what it was.
"Our stadium is loud!"

"We've been successful recently!"

We get it. If you're a rival poster, bring good information that we don't get elsewhere. If you just come here to brag, you won't make very many friends. If you want to maintain as many friends as your school has national championships (zero) than keep being abrasive. However, if you're respectful, you'll get it in return.
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