Durham, under pressure to wrap up Investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source

That is an article by Sean Hannity, who is running with a report from John Solomon. The last court filing by John Durham from February was clearly both misinterpreted and over-hyped by the opinion show hosts on Fox News, which would include Hannity.

If this latest filing is a "smoking gun", then why didn't Fox News let Sean Hannity post this article on their site... instead of his own personal site - which has considerably less traffic? That should tell you something right away. They know they blew it last time, and they are being more careful this time around.

The evidence involved in these types of reports never proves to be as "damning" as initially presented by the sources who approach the story with an agenda in mind.

Blah, blah, Fox News, blah, blah.

Here's more articles, you twit. Real conservative sources too.

Durham releases former Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann's text message, says he put 'lie in writing'

More Evidence Bolsters Durham’s Case Against Democratic-Linked Lawyer

John Durham Claims Michael Sussmann Lied to the FBI in Writing, Wants Text Messages Entered into Evidence

That's how state actors react. They try to discredit the news source because the government led news sources don't report on the subject. People like that never learn because they refuse to listen in the first place. They hear but don't listen. Someone did a piece the other night about how people at the gas pumps were asked by Prager U why they thought gas prices were so high. Many initially said the cause was Russia sanctions. Government led news does a great job with echoing the White House talking points without questioning them.

Do you notice how the antagonist you responded to never tries to discredit MSNBC?
Biden’s ‘Absolute’ Defense of Hunter Leaves Media and Justice Department in a Muddle

Here is the column:

“We absolutely stand by the president’s comment.” With those words, White House communications director Kate Bedingfield reaffirmed that President Biden maintains his son Hunter Biden did “nothing [that] was unethical” and never “made money” in China.

Those claims appear demonstrably false — and they make the positions of both the media and Attorney General Merrick Garland absolutely untenable.

For the media, the ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden by U.S. Attorney David Weiss in Delaware has presented a growing danger of self-indictment over its prior coverage (or noncoverage). Weiss has called a long line of witnesses before a grand jury, and there is growing expectation of criminal charges against Hunter Biden.

Nothing concentrates the mind as much as a looming indictment.

Thus, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and other media faced the embarrassing prospect of an indictment based on a story they previously suggested was either a nonstory or Russian disinformation. Suddenly, in recent days, they all rushed to declare the story legitimate, 18 months after the New York Post reported it in October 2020.

What quickly emerged, though, was a new narrative: None of this implicates President Biden. On CNN, White House correspondent John Harwood declared, “There is zero evidence that Vice President Biden, or President Biden, has done anything wrong in connection with what Hunter Biden has done.” Anchor Brianna Keilar then added for emphasis that Harwood was making “an important distinction.”

It was important, but not because it was true. While many media figures now willingly admit the legitimacy of Hunter Biden’s abandoned-laptop story, they are avoiding what the emails found on that laptop actually contain. Hundreds of emails appear to detail a multimillion-dollar influence-peddling enterprise by the Biden family, including Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden.

Biden’s ‘Absolute’ Defense of Hunter Leaves Media and Justice Department in a Muddle
If Durham has text messages of Sussman saying he wasn’t working on behalf of a client, that is a “bombshell” from the perspective of Sussman’s defense and explains why DOJ brought the charge even though Baker has testified that he wasn’t sure Sussman told him that. It’s really good evidence of a fact they need to prove.
"The emails show journalists from Politico, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC all feeding from the same trough of manipulated information being fed from Fusion GPS. The journalists, producers and Fusion GPS all working in close coordination to push the false Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy."
Elon Musk Responds to Russian Collusion Hoaxer Currently Working at Twitter, Points to Big Changes

In the last 24 hours, Musk has offered criticism of Vijaya Gadde, who is currently the top lawyer and head of the content moderation division at Twitter. She was responsible for not only banning Donald Trump but also censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story. She also responded less than maturely to Musk’s takeover.

Now, in a move that intertwines multiple big stories, Musk has also responded to the fact that Russian collusion hoaxer Jim Baker, former FBI and now at Twitter, set up the meeting that Michael Sussmann used to spread the false Alfa Bank story. Sussmann is now under indictment via the John Durham special counsel.

Here are both those exchanges brought to you by a “journalist” from The Washington Post who apparently finds it really bad that Musk would call out obvious corruption regarding Twitter employees.

Elon Musk Responds to Russian Collusion Hoaxer Currently Working at Twitter, Points to Big Changes
Resurfaced Interview Reveals McCain Associate’s Leak To Buzzfeed Was Alleged ‘Hail Mary’ To Prevent Trump Inauguration


A recently resurfaced NPR interview suggests the individual responsible for leaking the Steele Dossier to Buzzfeed in 2017 did so as a “Hail Mary” attempt to prevent former President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

News of why the dossier was apparently leaked was met with little fanfare or headlines at the time. What’s more, the revelation from NPR’s interview indicates the media played a key role in the alleged plan to stop Trump from taking office.

David Kramer, a former State Department official and associate of late Arizona Sen. John McCain, leaked copies of the dossier – authored by former British spy Christopher Steele – to Buzzfeed News and multiple other networks.

Buzzfeed subsequently published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017, about two months after the 2016 election was called for Trump, but prior to his inauguration.

NPR later conducted a 2019 interview with Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, the duo responsible for hiring Steele on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Resurfaced Interview Reveals McCain Associate’s Leak To Buzzfeed Was Alleged ‘Hail Mary’ To Prevent Trump Inauguration
Elon Musk Responds to Russian Collusion Hoaxer Currently Working at Twitter, Points to Big Changes

In the last 24 hours, Musk has offered criticism of Vijaya Gadde, who is currently the top lawyer and head of the content moderation division at Twitter. She was responsible for not only banning Donald Trump but also censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story. She also responded less than maturely to Musk’s takeover.

Now, in a move that intertwines multiple big stories, Musk has also responded to the fact that Russian collusion hoaxer Jim Baker, former FBI and now at Twitter, set up the meeting that Michael Sussmann used to spread the false Alfa Bank story. Sussmann is now under indictment via the John Durham special counsel.

Here are both those exchanges brought to you by a “journalist” from The Washington Post who apparently finds it really bad that Musk would call out obvious corruption regarding Twitter employees.

Elon Musk Responds to Russian Collusion Hoaxer Currently Working at Twitter, Points to Big Changes

Wow..just wow. I am at loss of words how how vast the conspiracy.
Latest Durham Drop Reveals Startling Emails From Fusion GPS To Media Figures

Durham said in a Monday filing that he had obtained hundreds of emails from Fusion GPS and wanted to submit them to the court under seal, or barred from public view, ahead of attorney Michael Sussmann’s trial in May. Durham appeared to accidentally release a batch of those emails publicly on the court docket Monday before the mistake was corrected on Tuesday morning, according to The Washington Examiner.

Fusion GPS along with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and the Perkins Coie law firm are fighting Durham’s attempts to convince the court to compel the release of withheld documents and communications related to the Sussmann case. Fusion GPS and the others have claimed that their records are protected under attorney-client privilege.

In the emails released on Monday, Fusion GPS co-founders Peter Fritsch and Glenn Simpson and Fusion employee Jake Berkowitz pass opposition research on the Trump campaign to journalists from Slate, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and others.

In one June 28, 2016, exchange, then-Slate journalist Franklin Foer shared a file titled “Manchuriancandidate.foer,” which Foer said was a “draft” he had already given to an editor, with Fritsch for the Fusion operatives to “scan it for omissions and errors.” “Obviously keep it to yourselves,” Foer told Fritsch, adding “promise me you won’t use it as a prod to the competition, whoever they are now.”

In other emails, Fusion GPS pushed research and information about Carter Page and Sergei Millian. Former Trump campaign advisor Page was targeted by the FBI and his communications tapped under flawed FISA court warrants, but he was never convicted of any crime. Millian, a U.S. businessman from Belarus, is not accused of any wrongdoing, and reporting connecting him to the infamous Steele dossier later fell apart.

Latest Durham Drop Reveals Startling Emails From Fusion GPS To Media Figures | The Daily Wire
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Resurfaced Interview Reveals McCain Associate’s Leak To Buzzfeed Was Alleged ‘Hail Mary’ To Prevent Trump Inauguration


A recently resurfaced NPR interview suggests the individual responsible for leaking the Steele Dossier to Buzzfeed in 2017 did so as a “Hail Mary” attempt to prevent former President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

News of why the dossier was apparently leaked was met with little fanfare or headlines at the time. What’s more, the revelation from NPR’s interview indicates the media played a key role in the alleged plan to stop Trump from taking office.

David Kramer, a former State Department official and associate of late Arizona Sen. John McCain, leaked copies of the dossier – authored by former British spy Christopher Steele – to Buzzfeed News and multiple other networks.

Buzzfeed subsequently published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017, about two months after the 2016 election was called for Trump, but prior to his inauguration.

NPR later conducted a 2019 interview with Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, the duo responsible for hiring Steele on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Resurfaced Interview Reveals McCain Associate’s Leak To Buzzfeed Was Alleged ‘Hail Mary’ To Prevent Trump Inauguration

McCain has been linked to the dossier in the past. And you wonder why there was no love loss from Trump toward McCain. It was all sour grapes for McCain as a rhino who feel flat like Romney to win the presidency themselves.
Latest Durham Drop Reveals Startling Emails From Fusion GPS To Media Figures

Durham said in a Monday filing that he had obtained hundreds of emails from Fusion GPS and wanted to submit them to the court under seal, or barred from public view, ahead of attorney Michael Sussmann’s trial in May. Durham appeared to accidentally release a batch of those emails publicly on the court docket Monday before the mistake was corrected on Tuesday morning, according to The Washington Examiner.

Fusion GPS along with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and the Perkins Coie law firm are fighting Durham’s attempts to convince the court to compel the release of withheld documents and communications related to the Sussmann case. Fusion GPS and the others have claimed that their records are protected under attorney-client privilege.

In the emails released on Monday, Fusion GPS co-founders Peter Fritsch and Glenn Simpson and Fusion employee Jake Berkowitz pass opposition research on the Trump campaign to journalists from Slate, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and others.

In one June 28, 2016, exchange, then-Slate journalist Franklin Foer shared a file titled “Manchuriancandidate.foer,” which Foer said was a “draft” he had already given to an editor, with Fritsch for the Fusion operatives to “scan it for omissions and errors.” “Obviously keep it to yourselves,” Foer told Fritsch, adding “promise me you won’t use it as a prod to the competition, whoever they are now.”

In other emails, Fusion GPS pushed research and information about Carter Page and Sergei Millian. Former Trump campaign advisor Page was targeted by the FBI and his communications tapped under flawed FISA court warrants, but he was never convicted of any crime. Millian, a U.S. businessman from Belarus, is not accused of any wrongdoing, and reporting connecting him to the infamous Steele dossier later fell apart.

Latest Durham Drop Reveals Startling Emails From Fusion GPS To Media Figures | The Daily Wire

That FISA Court abuse went poof after that witch retirement.
McCain has been linked to the dossier in the past. And you wonder why there was no love loss from Trump toward McCain. It was all sour grapes for McCain as a rhino who feel flat like Romney to win the presidency themselves.

I remember one of our esteemed attorneys here lambasting me over a claim I made about McCain being involved.
McCain has been linked to the dossier in the past. And you wonder why there was no love loss from Trump toward McCain. It was all sour grapes for McCain as a rhino who feel flat like Romney to win the presidency themselves.
McCain was painted a war hero, but he was nothing more than another D.C. scum bag

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