Durham, under pressure to wrap up Investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source

‘Steele dossier’ key source on Trump was shocked at ‘fake news’: report

A key source of the material in the largely discredited “Steele dossier” against former President Donald Trump was stunned to find out that gossip he shared wound up in the hands of the FBI, according to a new report.

Veteran public relations executive Charles “Chuck” Dolan Jr. appeared shocked by the contents of the infamous dossier when it was published by BuzzFeed shortly before Trump’s inauguration, some of his associates told the Wall Street Journal.

Dolan — a longtime ally of both Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton — even sent an email denouncing the dossier just hours after it was posted online, according to the Journal.

“I’m hoping that this is exposed as fake news,” he reportedly wrote.

“I will check with some folks in the intel world to see if they know who produced this.”

Many of the crucial details in the dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele were the product of gossip traded by Dolan; Washington, DC, researcher Igor Danchenko; and one of Danchenko’s former schoolmates in Russia, Olga Galkina, the Journal said.

In November, Danchenko was busted as part of special counsel John Durham’s probe into alleged law-breaking in connection with the FBI’s investigation of purported ties between Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia.

'Steele dossier' on Trump shocked key source: report
Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann’s defense list includes ex-NYT reporter

A former New York Times reporter, top Hillary Clinton campaign aides and current and former officials from the Justice Department and the CIA are among the potential witnesses at the first trial stemming from special counsel John Durham’s probe into the federal investigations of former President Donald Trump.

Former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann plans to call two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Eric Lichthblau to testify in his defense, according to reports of a pretrial hearing held in Washington, DC, federal court on Monday.

Lichtblau would be asked about his communications with both Sussmann and tech executive Rodney Joffe, the Washington Post said.

Joffe provided Sussmann with computer research that purportedly tied a Trump Organization server to Russia’s Alfa Bank and helped him compile a “white paper” on the findings, according to Sussmann’s indictment.

Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI when he allegedly claimed he wasn’t “acting on behalf of” Joffe and the Clinton campaign while passing along the since-debunked information in September 2016, less than two months before the presidential election.

Clinton campaign lawyer Sussmann's defense list includes ex-NYT reporter
‘Steele dossier’ key source on Trump was shocked at ‘fake news’: report

A key source of the material in the largely discredited “Steele dossier” against former President Donald Trump was stunned to find out that gossip he shared wound up in the hands of the FBI, according to a new report.

Veteran public relations executive Charles “Chuck” Dolan Jr. appeared shocked by the contents of the infamous dossier when it was published by BuzzFeed shortly before Trump’s inauguration, some of his associates told the Wall Street Journal.

Dolan — a longtime ally of both Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton — even sent an email denouncing the dossier just hours after it was posted online, according to the Journal.

“I’m hoping that this is exposed as fake news,” he reportedly wrote.

“I will check with some folks in the intel world to see if they know who produced this.”

Many of the crucial details in the dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele were the product of gossip traded by Dolan; Washington, DC, researcher Igor Danchenko; and one of Danchenko’s former schoolmates in Russia, Olga Galkina, the Journal said.

In November, Danchenko was busted as part of special counsel John Durham’s probe into alleged law-breaking in connection with the FBI’s investigation of purported ties between Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia.

'Steele dossier' on Trump shocked key source: report

The Russian narrative and pee tape was the most preposterous orchestrated smear campaign in US political history, all in the name of ideology and being an outsider.

5 years of intense scrutiny on his taxes and all sorts. He was nothing but a boogeyman to hide behind what they themselves were/are doing. The funny thing about it is Trump played more inside the boundaries than your typical DC pol of either side.
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There is some idiot posting here that claims the dossier is 70% proven or true.

Sounds like some Luther math. Trump was in Russia and he peed meets that stupid percentile.

All the while our incredibly corrupt DC pols walk. You put any Congessional pol under some $40M investigation, it would be irrefutable.

Makes me sick and gives me little hope.
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The Decline of a Democratic Superlawyer

Marc Elias, the left's go-to attack dog, is laughed out of court, accused of lying to the special counsel, and on the losing end of several voting-rights cases

It's not every day that a federal judge calls a lawsuit from one of the country's top lawyers a nasty and partisan "Hail Mary pass" intended to undermine free and fair elections. But that's what happened on Wednesday when U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, tossed out a lawsuit brought by Democratic superlawyer Marc Elias.

It's been a rough month for Elias, the man former president Barack Obama tapped to lead his post-presidential initiative to expand "voting rights" and the Democratic Party's premier legal attack dog. Just last week, Special Counsel John Durham accused Elias, who represented Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign—and who every election cycle counts virtually every powerful Democrat as a client—of lying about his relationship with the opposition research firm he retained to assist that campaign.

In an attempt to shield communications between Fusion GPS and Rodney Joffe, a firm client hawking Russian collusion theories, Elias told Durham that he retained Fusion to support his legal work—and that, as a result, it is subject to attorney-client privilege. Durham was not having it: "The factual record and Fusion GPS's own communications raise serious questions about this depiction," he wrote.

The Decline of a Democratic Superlawyer - Washington Free Beacon
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Judge Orders Steele Dossier Firm Fusion GPS to Turn Over 22 emails to John Durham

Special counsel John Durham scored a victory Thursday when a federal judge ordered the research firm behind the infamous “Steele dossier” to turn over nearly two dozen emails regarding its work with Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

The 22 emails had not been turned over to the special counsel by research outfit Fusion GPS after the Clinton campaign asked them to assert attorney-client privilege and “work-product” privilege over the communications.

The emails, which largely consist of internal communications between Fusion employees, don’t fall under those protections, in part because they show Fusion employees were planning to push their findings to the press — not solely carrying out legal work for the campaign.

Judge orders Steele dossier firm Fusion GPS to give John Durham emails

Mark Middleton, 59, was suspiciously found May 7th dangling from a tree with a shotgun blast hole through his chest and a cheap Dollar Store-type extension cord around his neck. The hell-bent businessman created his own makeshift gallows by trespassing onto a farm with a table.

Very impressive even for someone affected with CDD (Clinton Death Disorder).
Durham Requests 30 Subpoenas for Testimony in Trial against Steele Source Igor Danchenko

Special counsel John Durham requested a federal court to issue 30 subpoenas for testimony in the trial against Igor Danchenko, British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s alleged main source for his discredited dossier.

Danchenko was charged with five counts of making false statements to the FBI, which Durham says he made about the information he provided to Steele for the dossier. His trial is scheduled for October. The DOJ’s watchdog said FBI interviews with Danchenko “raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting” and concluded Danchenko “contradicted the allegations of a ‘well-developed conspiracy’ in” Steele’s dossier. He has pleaded not guilty.

Durham requests 30 subpoenas for testimony in trial against Steele source Igor Danchenko
Durham Requests 30 Subpoenas for Testimony in Trial against Steele Source Igor Danchenko

Special counsel John Durham requested a federal court to issue 30 subpoenas for testimony in the trial against Igor Danchenko, British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s alleged main source for his discredited dossier.

Danchenko was charged with five counts of making false statements to the FBI, which Durham says he made about the information he provided to Steele for the dossier. His trial is scheduled for October. The DOJ’s watchdog said FBI interviews with Danchenko “raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting” and concluded Danchenko “contradicted the allegations of a ‘well-developed conspiracy’ in” Steele’s dossier. He has pleaded not guilty.

Durham requests 30 subpoenas for testimony in trial against Steele source Igor Danchenko
And there’s the fall guy. It will end with him.
Durham Requests 30 Subpoenas for Testimony in Trial against Steele Source Igor Danchenko

Special counsel John Durham requested a federal court to issue 30 subpoenas for testimony in the trial against Igor Danchenko, British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s alleged main source for his discredited dossier.

Danchenko was charged with five counts of making false statements to the FBI, which Durham says he made about the information he provided to Steele for the dossier. His trial is scheduled for October. The DOJ’s watchdog said FBI interviews with Danchenko “raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting” and concluded Danchenko “contradicted the allegations of a ‘well-developed conspiracy’ in” Steele’s dossier. He has pleaded not guilty.

Durham requests 30 subpoenas for testimony in trial against Steele source Igor Danchenko

I think we've all known since the beginning that it was Clinton who was aligned with the Russians. Crazy it's taken this long for some to accept it.
Steele Source Igor Danchenko Faces John Durham in Court This Fall

John Durham's next big hurdle is his only remaining criminal case — the one against Igor Danchenko, British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s alleged main source for his infamous anti-Trump dossier.

Danchenko was charged “with five counts of making false statements to the FBI,” which Durham says he made about the information he provided to Steele for the dossier. The Department of Justice's watchdog said FBI interviews with Danchenko “raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting” and concluded Danchenko undermined Steele’s unfounded claims of a “well-developed conspiracy” between former President Donald Trump and Russia.

Danchenko has pleaded not guilty and will face a Virginia jury in October. The Russia-born lawyer and researcher who has lived and worked in the Washington, D.C., area for many years was indicted in November for lying to the bureau. He allegedly relied on a network of Russian contacts but undermined key collusion claims when interviewed by the FBI. According to Durham’s false statements charges, he anonymously sourced a fabricated claim about Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort to longtime Hillary Clinton ally Chuck Dolan, who spent many years, including 2016, doing work for Russian businesses and the Russian government.

Steele source Igor Danchenko faces John Durham in court this fall
All that is happening here is lawyers are getting paid by taxpayers for a gigantic nothing burger.

Both parties got this racket down to a science.
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FBI Analyst Who Labeled Hunter Biden Evidence 'disinfo' Linked to Next Durham Case

The FBI analyst accused of wrongly labeling evidence about Hunter Biden as disinformation has been linked to special counsel John Durham's upcoming trial.

FBI supervisory intelligence agent Brian Auten opened in August 2020 the assessment that was later used by the agency, according to whistleblower disclosures received by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

Auten also interviewed Igor Danchenko, the alleged main source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele's discredited dossier. The bureau agent was the unnamed "Supervisory Intel Agent" identified in Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse.

Danchenko, a Russian-born lawyer, was charged with five counts of making false statements to the FBI, which Durham says he made about information he provided to Steele for his dossier. Auten was among the FBI employees who interviewed him in January 2017, when Danchenko undercut collusion claims. Danchenko has pleaded not guilty, and his trial is in October.

FBI analyst who labeled Hunter Biden evidence 'disinfo' linked to next Durham case
Top Durham Prosecutor Withdraws from case against Steele Dossier Source

John Durham’s team has been shaken up again ahead of what some are describing as a make-or-break trial.

Durham asked the court on Sunday to “please withdraw the appearance” of Andrew DeFilippis, an assistant special counsel, from the criminal case against Steele dossier source and Russian national Igor Danchenko. The move comes less than a month after it appeared Durham had personally taken the reins ahead of the upcoming trial against Danchenko.

Before his removal, DeFilippis had played a prominent role in the Danchenko case since the November indictment, including during appearances in court, virtual hearings, and legal filings.

Danchenko was charged last year with five counts of making false statements to the FBI. Durham says the comments were about the information Danchenko provided for the dossier. The Department of Justice's watchdog concluded that Danchenko eventually undermined Steele’s unfounded claims of a “well-developed conspiracy” between former President Donald Trump and Russia.

Top Durham prosecutor withdraws from case against Steele dossier source

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