Durham, under pressure to wrap up Investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source

I disagree... but it's not just the riot itself that I'm talking about either. It's the abuses of power which Trump engaged in, in effort to overturn the outcome of his own electoral defeat.

And please, explain exactly what Joe Biden has done to contribute to inflation, so I can get a better understanding of how little you know about macroeconomics and demand-pull inflation.

This should be good. My popcorn is ready.
It’s hilarious you ignore all of the things Dems did to try and oust Trump after he won, INCLUDING trying to decertify electorate votes in some states. You are so blind.
I strongly disagree. I think there is a public desire to see Trump held accountable for his role in 1/6, and for his abuses of power in his pathetic attempt to retain the presidency.

There isn't any noise from any Democrats about "Hillary having to save the party." That is so brain dead stupid. I can see Republicans saying that because it's funny.

The biggest concern is with inflation, but the people who understand economics, realize that isn't Joe Biden's fault.

It was pathetic. If it hadn’t been then you would have something to cry about.

I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.
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Such sentiments ring hollow when coming from the party that brought us PizzaGate, Q Anon, the Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC conspiracy theory, along with the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged nonsense.
Over generalization and gaslighting as usual. I don’t like the Republican Party either but your pathetic attempt to make conspiracy theorists as their mainstream is as dumb as saying all Dems believe that police should be shot and killed or that Bush planned 9/11
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I'm still waiting for you to cite one policy from the Biden Administration which has contributed to the current rise of inflation.

He reappointed the chairman of the fed who continues to double down on stupid with his debt purchases and inflated cheap currency supply. Next to nothing has been done about supply chain issues at the major ports, major inland cities are getting hammered by supply. Canadian lumber tariffs have been disastrous and domestic oil and natural gas production is still substantially below where it was in December 2019 at nearly 13 million barrels per month; September 2021 production dropped to 10.9 million barrels of production. We are still well below the 13 million barrels produced prior to Covid.
He reappointed the chairman of the fed who continues to double down on stupid with his debt purchases and inflated cheap currency supply. Next to nothing has been done about supply chain issues at the major ports, major inland cities are getting hammered by supply. Canadian lumber tariffs have been disastrous and domestic oil and natural gas production is still substantially below where it was in December 2019 at nearly 13 million barrels per month; September 2021 production dropped to 10.9 million barrels of production. We are still well below the 13 million barrels produced prior to Covid.
All it really took for me was going to grocery stores and markets in a "less developed" country and seeing wide variety, full shelves, and decent prices to realize we have a collection of absolute failures "leading" this country.
If you're going down that road you're going to be really busy in here
Fair. And at times we’re all guilty I’d say but if BB is on one of Luther’s continuums then he is one of the extreme outlier data points.
"Found to be liars on the Mueller wrap up smear, the Ukraine wrap up smear, the tax smears and recently the foreign gifts smears, every one of their lies are now being proven lies. Lies to congress, lies through the media, lies through nadler and shiff,,, Pelosi...all coming out. Now with the evidence..... something had better be done to address the lawlessness."
For those saying this is as big as Watergate are wrong...

This is way bigger than Watergate since you didn't have a media complicit in the spread of a false narrative even after it was shown to be wrong.

Nixon was corrupt for certain. But I don't think he ever dreamed of being as rotten as the current Democratic Party.
I'm still waiting for you to cite one policy from the Biden Administration which has contributed to the current rise of inflation.

He immediately went after the U.S. oil industry. This caused fuel prices to spike, which effects the price of just about everything we buy. Brain dead Biden is almost as brain dead as those who voted for him.
He immediately went after the U.S. oil industry. This caused fuel prices to spike, which effects the price of just about everything we buy. Brain dead Biden is almost as brain dead as those who voted for him.
The price of oil does not effect the price of everything we buy. That is ridiculous.
For those saying this is as big as Watergate are wrong...

This is way bigger than Watergate since you didn't have a media complicit in the spread of a false narrative even after it was shown to be wrong.

Nixon was corrupt for certain. But I don't think he ever dreamed of being as rotten as the current Democratic Party.
1) Did it involve a sitting President or a sitting Vice President? No.

2) Are you talking out of your a$$? Yes.

Just like Al Gore in January of 2001, Richard Nixon presided over the certification of his own electoral defeat in January of 1961. Even Nixon understood that a sitting Vice President does not have the power to overturn his own election loss. It seems that Donald Trump is in a class by himself when it comes to such stupidity.
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