Durham, under pressure to wrap up Investigation, could 'punt' to after Election Day: source

So far, only right-wing outlets are running with this "Durham probe into possible Hillary Clinton Campaign infiltration into Trump Tower" story.

Nevertheless, we see the same foaming at the mouth that conservatives accuse liberals of having, whenever a seemingly favorable and salacious story breaks.

These kind of stories are never as sexy a month later, as they appeared to be at first glance.

There is just too much of a "Let's change the subject away from 1/6," vibe here. I still haven't forgotten about Trump's tweet from March of 2017, "The Obama White House tapped my wires!" ... This story has a similar look to it.

The only ones foaming at the mouth are the bleeding hearts. Democrats don't have ideas you have emotions.
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Trump is right more often that not about what was going on in Washington. Call it instincts or sure luck but call it straight.
Yep ... Trump really called it straight when he said the incumbent Vice President had the power to single-handedly overturn his/her own re-election defeat during the process of formal certification. What a genius that guy Trump is. I wonder if he would mind seeing Kamala Harris attempt the same thing in January of 2025?
Oh no doubt. We know they at least changed a lot of rules illegally by flooding the system with a bunch of activist attorneys.

Democrats are the dirt kingmakers.
Did they use forged documents from fake electors and then send them to the National Archives? I believe that was done under the direction of the 2020 Trump Campaign.
I feel your pain. Trump continues to embarrass the libs being right.
Trump is a one term President who made a fool of himself by claiming that a Vice President could unilaterally overturn the outcome of his/her own election. The only person that Trump will ever embarrass is himself.
Trump is a one term President who made a fool of himself by claiming that a Vice President could unilaterally overturn the outcome of his/her own election. The only person that Trump will ever embarrass is himself.

I smell the envy from a mile away. Trump kept the US out of conflict. He reduced the flow of illegals at the southern border. We had a great economy. Black unemployment along with all other race, nationalities and gender unemployment were at all time lows and employment were at all time highs. His wins are pages long.
The price of oil does not effect the price of everything we buy. That is ridiculous.

Have you been living under a rock? Shoes, tires, the cost of shipping literally everything, the cost of fertilizer that helps grow the crops that you buy at the grocery store.....it ALL goes up with high oil prices. Hell, even the cost plastic worms I use to catch bass in the summer goes up. When fuel prices hit high enough prices you will see a recession. That's the way it works because people start cutting back because they can't afford extras any more. Think about it.
Have you been living under a rock? Shoes, tires, the cost of shipping literally everything, the cost of fertilizer that helps grow the crops that you buy at the grocery store.....it ALL goes up with high oil prices. Hell, even the cost plastic worms I use to catch bass in the summer goes up. When fuel prices hit high enough prices you will see a recession. That's the way it works because people start cutting back because they can't afford extras any more. Think about it.
That's a bigger ask than you realize.
I smell the envy from a mile away. Trump kept the US out of conflict. He reduced the flow of illegals at the southern border. We had a great economy. Black unemployment along with all other race, nationalities and gender unemployment were at all time lows and employment were at all time highs. His wins are pages long.
His re-election loss, and how he chose to handle it is what he will be remembered for.
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His re-election loss, and how he chose to handle it is what he will be remembered for.

No, that's what progressives want him to be remembered for. You guys are obsessed. As someone said earlier the last 6 years for progressives have been about making sure no one outside the DC establishment wins again. You're disgusted.
Yep ... Trump really called it straight when he said the incumbent Vice President had the power to single-handedly overturn his/her own re-election defeat during the process of formal certification.
That's not what actually took place, but keep believing/pushing this lie.
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