Well, I'm feeling pretty down so I guess I will disclose why we are here. Feels better to talk about it I guess. My fiancé was/is wanting a baby, So we tried. 4 months later I was sitting outside on the swing and she brought me a pregnancy test that read positive, I picked her up and spun her around it was the happiest day of my life. We go out to eat that night (Osaka) and we call in the morning to set a date for an ultra sound. Okay great I'm excited I'm having a baby welll not literally but a human I created is growing in my finances stomach. We go to the appointment. They figured we was 6 weeks along.. not even close. We was 3 weeks 5 days. So at this point I'm looking forward to each week leading up to the 8th week. Well, week 5 comes. We barley see the SAC. I'm a little down. Week 6 comes. I finally got to see the little human. It even had a heartbeat 100bpm then... Week 7 comes. Now, on this day one year ago my Nana had passed away. So it was already a rough morning. That women raised me and was there whenever I needed her. Well, went through all the procedure and the Ultrasound tech was moving the wand around. I asked her was that the baby and in her words she said "Yeah there's no heartbeat" I about lost it but my fiancé was my main concern. We miscarried, we miscarried on the same day as my nanas passing. We had the names picked up (too soon for some) but I was excited i was going to be a father! Now, She's back in Preop waiting for her D&C and I'm stuck in the waiting room. For some, it may have not been a big deal. But I love my fiancé, It took my 10 years to finally call her mine and us having a baby together meant so much to me and also her. She wants to try as soon as she heals but I'm so scared of it happening again. I'm sorry for the rant/helplessness post but i feel better putting it in words then inside my mind.