Election Day (s) 2020

Not over until AZ is done. I think it’s possible it has been called prematurely.
You know that the result of this election is going to be epic don't you? All of your stupid wishes and wants will come true. I can't wait for you soy boys to get a taste of your own medicine.
You know that the result of this election is going to be epic don't you? All of your stupid wishes and wants will come true. I can't wait for you soy boys to get a taste of your own medicine.
At this point, the meltdown has been worth it, win or lose.
What about Nevada?
It could flip.

The nerds have minorly redeemed themselves by being pretty accurate on estimating where the outstanding votes will take each state based on geography and how the vote was cast. Apparently Nevada is less concerning than Arizona.
It could flip.

The nerds have minorly redeemed themselves by being pretty accurate on estimating where the outstanding votes will take each state based on geography and how the vote was cast. Apparently Nevada is less concerning than Arizona.
Nv. plus GA. plus N.C. plus Pa. would put Trump over the top. The nerds must know where the Chicago Style is.
Nv. plus GA. plus N.C. plus Pa. would put Trump over the top. The nerds must know where the Chicago Style is.

I mean it’s not hard to figure out. One of the side effects of making coronavirus precautions a political issue is that the early vote numbers were pretty polarized. Since urban/rural is also pretty politically split, that makes those VBM numbers weighted for Biden. Since cities have more people it takes longer to count these double bagged ballots. Since the Republican legislatures in PA, MI, and WI wouldn’t let them start those counts early, these are the last counts still going. People were explaining this months ago. There was a thread about it.

Also, I love that Dems are stealing this race but just... forgot to steal the senate? That seems like a fairly large oversight for an election theft.
You're more intelligent than that. The economy was roaring. Of course a worldwide pandemic slowed it down. In addition to the idiot governors who refused to open their states because oRaNgE mAn bAd.

Why it sucks isn't relevant, that it sucks is. Or are you going to go into next year pointing at how a bad economy is the fault of Biden and magically forget about the world wide pandemic? It sure seemed like you're attempting to poison the well by suggesting the current economy now will be ass ****ed by Biden.

Pick a lane, can't have it both ways.

LOL, how embarrassing for a sitting president of the united states to demand that legally cast votes not be counted. This dude thinks this is a banana republic.

The idolatry of T-daddy has given way to what Constitutional conservatives used to clam they held so dear. The thin veneer that was there has been peeled back - as conditioned to his absurdity as we've all become, attempting to silence the American electorate will be his shameful legacy.

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