Election Day (s) 2020

More or less. But I am including Biden in there too. Both sides will actively push whatever they think will help their cause.
When Biden starts tweeting that the votes being counted in Arizona are fraudulent, I’ll agree.
With the huge amount of non-requested mail in ballots sent out, I would like to see those verified to see if they are legal votes. That shouldn’t be an issue with anyone wanted to know accurate results
In my world, claiming votes are being legitimately cast is a prelude to attempting to stop the counting of those votes.

Again: stop acting like you would give a **** if he actually tried to stop the election. He probably will at some point and you won’t care. He’ll give some laughable pretext for it and you’ll say “yeah that checks out.”

Not sure how the show is supposed to go on for another 4 years when we’re already on the unpteenth run of this same episode.
Legitimate or illegitimate?

Before you said illegitimate. Make up your mind.
When Biden starts tweeting that the votes being counted in Arizona are fraudulent, I’ll agree.
I dont think he lifted his lid from yesterday.

If you are merely commenting on the amount of the STFU-ness we need from Trump I will 100% agree that is a uniquely Trumpian issue.
When conspiracy theories fail, the theorists turn ugly.

You’ve been consistently rude, arrogant and condescending.

If you don’t like the response to that, change your attitude.

Everybody just calm down, sit back, relax, and pour yourselves a nice cold glass of adrenochrome.

Or is frazzledrizzle. Or frazzleblasters.

Whatever. Just know you’ll feel great within the hour..
You’ve been consistently rude, arrogant and condescending.

If you don’t like the response to that, change your attitude.

Right. Because you’re the first person to get mad that I had the temerity to point out the stench of whatever roadkill narrative you’ve draghe’s over here from Dinesh D’Souza’s twitter page.

Clearly it hurts my feelings when that happens and I just haven’t learned my lesson.

Lol: like clockwork.
Trump campaign sues to stop ballot counting in Michigan
Right. Because you’re the first person to get mad that I had the temerity to point out the stench of whatever roadkill narrative you’ve draghe’s over here from Dinesh D’Souza’s twitter page.

Clearly it hurts my feelings when that happens and I just haven’t learned my lesson.

Lol: like clockwork.
Trump campaign sues to stop ballot counting in Michigan
Because Republicans don’t have access.

Facts don’t matter though.

Election updates: Wisconsin goes for Biden, putting him a step closer to an Electoral College victory

Trump files lawsuit in Michigan to 'halt counting'
President Donald Trump's campaign said Wednesday it filed a lawsuit in a Michigan state court to "halt counting" ballots in the state until the Republicans could gain access to the tallying process.

The lawsuit, which the campaign did not immediately make available for review, appears to be one of the first filed in the wake of tight contests in several battleground states.

"We have filed suit today in the Michigan Court of Claims to halt counting until meaningful access has been granted," Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said in a statement. "We also demand to review those ballots which were opened and counted while we did not have meaningful access."

The prospects of the lawsuit are not known.
He could file a lawsuit to stop the count in Michigan right now and you would see nothing wrong with it and defend it to the hilt.
Uh huh. Tell me more...

And when a judge throws this **** out you’ll say what? Say it with me: The judge is a Democrat/never Trump/RINO.

I’ve seen this episode before.
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Looks like they actually have people inside and they’re doing the electoral equivalent of parking in the middle of the highway.

Trump campaign’s excuse was made up. Shocking. I am shocked.
I dont think he lifted his lid from yesterday.

If you are merely commenting on the amount of the STFU-ness we need from Trump I will 100% agree that is a uniquely Trumpian issue.
So he hasn’t declared victory, attempted to stop the vote counts, or attempted to cast doubt on the legitimacy of counts that have shifted towards Trump?

That doesn’t sound the same at all.
Yikes did the math and it's going to be close.

If both sides keep what they had in my post its Biden right at 270.

Considering how close those states are this is going to be messy. Not good.

Take solace in knowing that the D's didn't take the Senate. Having the Oval office and both houses would have been a disaster.

I'll take gridlock for $2,000 Alex.
Take solace in knowing that the D's didn't take the Senate. Having the Oval office and both houses would have been a disaster.

I'll take gridlock for $2,000 Alex.
And, I'll take cheating Democrats for $2,000.

Answer: What did the Daley machine in Chicago do in 1960?

Of course, Kennedy wouldn't have gotten his brains blown out if they hadn't cheated.
There were 2 batches genius.

23,277 of 23,277 = 100%
I see. My bad.

What’s shocking about this? I’d dare say this was in the heart of Philly, which is probably damn near 100% blue. 23,000 votes in tiny in a city of 5 million.
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My math says called states + states where Biden is currently leading (AZ, NV, WI, MI, and ME) is 270. WI, MI, and NV are too close to say they’re Biden’s, but what are you expecting to change out of that? Or are you on board with my “rogue elector chaos” theory?

I didn't see your math. Truthfully, as long as there isn't one party with complete control - I'm good. I'll be fine either way this shakes out, trump makes good fodder. i don't know what I'll do without him...

I just think it's going to be tough to overcome trumps lead in PA needing a 3 to 1 vote from here on out. But hey, absolutely anything is possible.

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