There are numerous safeguards in place, which prevent mail-in voting misconduct.
6 ways mail-in ballots are protected from fraud
How Security Features Prevent Vote-by-Mail Misconduct
Mail-in Ballots Are Secure, Confidential, and Trustworthy
Table 14: How States Verify Voted Absentee/Mail Ballots
Voting by mail: how it works, safeguards, and remedies if something goes wrong
Interesting take.Both parties are terrible.
But I would trust a conservative over a liberal to teach my kids, babysit my dogs, and perform any home or automotive repairs.
Which is why people believe in rampant fraud and why they’re still “counting”’votes 3 days later.
My community is conservative. I choose not to live or do business in a crap hole.Interesting take.
I've never asked my kids' teachers, dogsitters, or repair shop whether they are conservative or liberal and I honestly don't care. Rather, I rely on my own ability to find honest and caring folk combined with reputations of each built within their own communities.
So you find conservatives?Interesting take.
I've never asked my kids' teachers, dogsitters, or repair shop whether they are conservative or liberal and I honestly don't care. Rather, I rely on my own ability to find honest and caring folk combined with reputations of each built within their own communities.
Lol. I make judgment calls on everything. And that’s what is wrong with the country.Right.
It's silly declarations like this that have us where we are as a country.
Making a judgement on one's honesty and integrity based on a political label is nonsense.
A divided GOP and massive mail-in balloting with little to no safe guards wrecked what should have been a rout. Neither of which will be fixed before 2024. Expect more of the same, regardless of who runs for the GOP.
I just read through the first one and while I don't believe there is any massive fraud the article is naive or misleading.
On point 1 it says only "valid voters" are mailed ballots. Valid is defined as being on the voter rolls and there is no guarantee that all names on the rolls are valid. In fact we know that voter rolls contain errors such as people dying, moving, etc. So if there are invalid names on the rolls ballots can be in the hands of invalid voters. Political parties have access to the rolls in many states (eg. Abrams' team had access to the GA voter rolls).
On point 2 the idea it's difficult to make fake ballots is grounded in differences between voting areas (eg. state to state or possibly county to county). None of that precludes the production of fake ballots within a state or county.
On point 3 we've seen highly varying standards on what "signature verification" means and efforts to waive it altogether.
On point 4 - same as point 2.
On point 5 - LOL at the USPS noticing oddities. Yes if one address is sending huge #s but does anyone believe the USPS is really the gatekeeper of detecting fraudulent ballots?
On point 6 - LOL again. If a political party wants power badly enough these penalties are not going to stop it. People commit felonies every day even though there are harsh penalties.
The lynchpin is the voter roll. Political parties having access to them and voting histories allows them to potentially identify names on the rolls that are not going to be voting.
Just to avoid the inevitable freak out - I'm not saying it is happening. I'm pointing out that the arguments in this article are not convincing and fraud can occur within the mail in system