Electric Vehicles

So how is Oregon going to deal with the electrical grid, assuming they are going to follow big brother's lead and ban all fossil fueled cars in the next 14 years?

LOL Big brother.... assuming you're referring to that southern state that's planning on banning new car sales of gas vehicles in 2035... Right? Well that will probably happen at some point. Oregon generally has a very good supply of electric power. Plus if people are charging at night during low usage hours the burden probably won't be all that bad.
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I work for a car manufacturer and there are a couple of things not being taken into consideration here.

Out of about 4 percent of our production, they make up about 18% of our recalls. That number probably doubles if not more, when you report cases of a veh being down for an extensive amount of time. 30+ days. I have 3 cases where a vehicle has been down for 100+ days waiting for an EV battery. That’s not even factoring hybrids. And my company is probably one of the top 3 leaders in EV/ Hybrid technology. Under US regulations once an EV battery arrives in California, it has to be driven by truck. They’re so dangerous that they aren’t allowed to be flown. Depending on EVs to save us is about the same as saying “we need to colonize the moon”. It’s a nice idea in concept, but completely unrealistic and the technology is nowhere near there.
Gotta love it when a plan really comes together. Shut down nuclear plants, blow up dams, fail to control growth, then demand change to something unsustainable, and watch it all fall down. The funny part is that it's a recipe for disaster, but I really don't think CA politicians thought they were screwing up. It's just the result of trying to run a culture bound by technology when none of the "leaders" knows a damn thing about technology or what it takes to make it work. Regulatory agencies are run by lawyers rather than technical types, and legislators are clueless egotists without meaningful education.

Cali gonna Cali. Unfortunately, the byproduct of their crap policies is a continued influx of people to Texas, Tennessee and south. The exodus from California will only grow as their policies become more restrictive and economically abusive toward the populace.
I work for a car manufacturer and there are a couple of things not being taken into consideration here.

Out of about 4 percent of our production, they make up about 18% of our recalls. That number probably doubles if not more, when you report cases of a veh being down for an extensive amount of time. 30+ days. I have 3 cases where a vehicle has been down for 100+ days waiting for an EV battery. That’s not even factoring hybrids. And my company is probably one of the top 3 leaders in EV/ Hybrid technology. Under US regulations once an EV battery arrives in California, it has to be driven by truck. They’re so dangerous that they aren’t allowed to be flown. Depending on EVs to save us is about the same as saying “we need to colonize the moon”. It’s a nice idea in concept, but completely unrealistic and the technology is nowhere near there.

I heard today that Toyota was shamed into producing more EV
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That offends you?

I asked you several questions and all you got is a felt feels hat.

Not offended at all just commenting on your behavior. Sounds like you want to create something personal. If you like that sort of thing go over to the political board you'll find plenty of opportunities over there.
Cali gonna Cali. Unfortunately, the byproduct of their crap policies is a continued influx of people to Texas, Tennessee and south. The exodus from California will only grow as their policies become more restrictive and economically abusive toward the populace.

Get out with your carbon fueled vehicle while you can.
Not offended at all just commenting on your behavior. Sounds like you want to create something personal. If you like that sort of thing go over to the political board you'll find plenty of opportunities over there.

Answer my questions..or do I need to give you 10K?

Uhhhh and this is the Political Board
I put a Tesla charger in my garage so I can charge at home. The charger plus install was around $900 and the electric utility paid me $500 for installing the charger so net cost of the charger was about $400.
For the electric company to fork over $400 up front says they expect to make a lot more than that the first year....and that'll probably be off prime charging so good for them.
It's 25 miles to the nearest Tesla charger from my house, and they only go up to 120kw, so I suppose that 15 minutes is now 1 hour with another hour round trip to get to it and back.
You have a problem with that, Volstrom? You mean you don't want to plan your whole life around constantly charging your car?
I work for a car manufacturer and there are a couple of things not being taken into consideration here.

Out of about 4 percent of our production, they make up about 18% of our recalls. That number probably doubles if not more, when you report cases of a veh being down for an extensive amount of time. 30+ days. I have 3 cases where a vehicle has been down for 100+ days waiting for an EV battery. That’s not even factoring hybrids. And my company is probably one of the top 3 leaders in EV/ Hybrid technology. Under US regulations once an EV battery arrives in California, it has to be driven by truck. They’re so dangerous that they aren’t allowed to be flown. Depending on EVs to save us is about the same as saying “we need to colonize the moon”. It’s a nice idea in concept, but completely unrealistic and the technology is nowhere near there.

Its funny because over the long-term I actually believe there is a future for electric and maybe it needs to be the future in 100-200 years. The problem isn't technology, although that is a part of the problem.... its a whole range of things.

One of the advantages I would imagine longer term on electric is less recalls, less maintenance and less repairs due to less parts. Obviously, its not there yet based on your comments. Thank you for the insight, very informative.
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Cali gonna Cali. Unfortunately, the byproduct of their crap policies is a continued influx of people to Texas, Tennessee and south. The exodus from California will only grow as their policies become more restrictive and economically abusive toward the populace.

Well now that they have announced themselves as a transgender refugee state, maybe we will swap a few back in the other direction.
Cali gonna Cali. Unfortunately, the byproduct of their crap policies is a continued influx of people to Texas, Tennessee and south. The exodus from California will only grow as their policies become more restrictive and economically abusive toward the populace.
The problem with California is they have too much money. No matter what they do there, people pony up and pay the piper. Gasoline $8/gal okay, McD's Big Mac $8.50 okay, $1000/mo to losers okay. It seems like they will never get the message until their population begins to suffer and feel the squeeze like the rest of us. Eventually they will run out of money, their electrical grid will break, the Colorado River will run dry, and they'll come begging for help to send them generators to charge their Teslas, so they can run on autopilot while they play video games.
Answer my questions..or do I need to give you 10K?

Uhhhh and this is the Political Board

My bad. The board was so civil I thought I was on another part of Volnation. I'm obviously in the wrong place.

What you might want to consider is that I recognized your type.
My bad. The board was so civil I thought I was on another part of Volnation. I'm obviously in the wrong place.

What you might want to consider is that I recognized your type.

Still no answers..figures. I recognize the feely touchy type that cannot answer legitimate multi ten trillion economic questions. All hat.
The problem with California is they have too much money. No matter what they do there, people pony up and pay the piper. Gasoline $8/gal okay, McD's Big Mac $8.50 okay, $1000/mo to losers okay. It seems like they will never get the message until their population begins to suffer and feel the squeeze like the rest of us. Eventually they will run out of money, their electrical grid will break, the Colorado River will run dry, and they'll come begging for help to send them generators to charge their Teslas, so they can run on autopilot while they play video games.

How long will the money last? Silicon Valley exists because HP went first and everyone else followed due to economy of scale. Once one or two of them make a break for Austin or Atlanta or the NC research triangle, we’ll see what happens. Eventually Stanford grads are going to figure out that there isn’t a law against living south of the Bay. To this point they’re just the world’s dumbest geniuses.
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