Email from Jimmy Cheek

I don't think most posters on here are bright enough to get that deep.

I think they're just pissy about sucking at football and want to blame anybody that's got any connection to the school (I mean, just look during the season- every damn game thread you've got t-shirt losers deriding students for not selling out all of their seats, then calling them lazy or uncommitted). Idiots either forget the school is a school or think it's built on football and football alone, and want to make a big deal about "academics killing athletics". It's hilarious and stupid, and people who are actually on the damn campus know that that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

What pisses me off is people saying Cheek needs to be fired almost singularly as a result of the football program, without realizing the man is approving tuition hikes while giving himself raises and undertaking hilariously wasteful campus projects and campaigns. He needs to be fired, just not for the reasons that all of the mouthbreathers that stand on the sidewalks ramble about.

Amazing post!

That's a wide swath of folks to insult in one fail swoop.

All while saying you have no intention of giving to the University.

I was born and raised here in Knoxville, and in my opinion, this University has a lack of leadership, in a way I can't remember going back to the 70's. The constant barrage of embarrassment lately is akin to DC politics. I'm not trying to go political, it's just one scandal after another, none of which has anything to do with athletics.

As for Susan Martin. Tim Rogers direct report was Susan Martin and it's saying something that he went over her head to Cheek to get resolution to the "intolerable situation" he felt he and his department were in.

This stuff, whatever it was, with Rogers, Wright, Golden etc..was going on underneath Martin's nose. From Butt Chugging, to Sex Week, to Wright and Rogers, to the Pedophile fund raiser...It's just a constant barrage, a relentless storm of national embarrassment for Knoxville.

You're right, regardless of whether or not Martin has anything to do with admissions, whether or not she fought to control Thornton, regardless of whether she played a role in doing away with majors that might have helped some student athletes maintain eligibility...The leadership at UT on the academic side is one big fail, on it's own.

Just one side walk, mouth breather's, opinion. GBO!
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Amazing post!

That's a wide swath of folks to insult in one fail swoop.

All while saying you have no intention of giving to the University.

I was born and raised here in Knoxville, and in my opinion, this University has a lack of leadership, in a way I can't remember going back to the 70's. The constant barrage of embarrassment lately is akin to DC politics. I'm not trying to go political, it's just one scandal after another, none of which has anything to do with athletics.

As for Susan Martin. Tim Rogers direct report was Susan Martin and it's saying something that he went over her head to Cheek to get resolution to the "intolerable situation" he felt he and his department were in.

This stuff, whatever it was, with Rogers, Wright, Golden etc..was going on underneath Martin's nose. From Butt Chugging, to Sex Week, to Wright and Rogers, to the Pedophile fund raiser...It's just a constant barrage, a relentless storm of national embarrassment for Knoxville.

You're right, regardless of whether or not Martin has anything to do with admissions, whether or not she fought to control Thornton, regardless of whether she played a role in doing away with majors that might have helped some student athletes maintain eligibility...The leadership at UT on the academic side is one big fail, on it's own.

Just one side walk, mouth breather's, opinion. GBO!

Well said.:hi:
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I don't think most posters on here are bright enough to get that deep.

I think they're just pissy about sucking at football and want to blame anybody that's got any connection to the school (I mean, just look during the season- every damn game thread you've got t-shirt losers deriding students for not selling out all of their seats, then calling them lazy or uncommitted). Idiots either forget the school is a school or think it's built on football and football alone, and want to make a big deal about "academics killing athletics". It's hilarious and stupid, and people who are actually on the damn campus know that that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

What pisses me off is people saying Cheek needs to be fired almost singularly as a result of the football program, without realizing the man is approving tuition hikes while giving himself raises and undertaking hilariously wasteful campus projects and campaigns. He needs to be fired, just not for the reasons that all of the mouthbreathers that stand on the sidewalks ramble about.

if you have to resort to insults too make a point I don't think you have room to say other people are not very bright. It just shows that you are about half as smart as you think you are.
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ok if the academic side has a billion dollar budget then why have they been robbing the athletic dept of 6 million or more per year for years ?
Why is our cash reserve depleted ?
if they don't need the money then why have they been taking it ?

Cheeks had control of the Athletic deportment money and this was a major issue when Hart went to the BOT. He even spoke about it during his press conference afterwards.

Why after this BOT meeting did the academic side suddenly stop taking 6 million a year ? if you think they stopped out of the goodness of their hearts your sadly mistaken. The BOT forced them to stop and they dont like it.

I don't know all the particulars because not enough information has been released. But its very clear that there has been a serious issue between the academic and athletic side for some time now and that it has adversely effected the Athletic dept.
Chris Lowe mentions it here in the 3rd or fourth paragraph from the bottom.

Vols back to the drawing board - SEC Blog - ESPN.

The facts we do know are that Cheeks and the academics controlled the Athletic Dept. and the Athletic dept is now almost broke.
Hart had to go to the BOT to get somethings changed and Cheeks and the academic dept don't like it.

All of this has been a factor in why we couldn't hire a decent coach over the last few years until Hart came along.

Now you can defend the booger eater and the academic dept all you want but something is/was very rotten up on the hill, and since Cheeks was in charge I would look at him first and then at all his academic cronies.
Where has all the money gone ?

You think $6 million is a big drop for either side?
Not really. You just choose to believe in something that is factually inaccurate, kind of like your take on not for profit organizations several months ago. I guess Dave Hart was wrong when he confirmed that there wasn't autonomy between the athletic and academic department. I'm aware that funding comes from other sources than the athletic department, which begs to ask the question, why does the academic department need funding from the athletic department? And for bonus points, name another D-1 program that requires this from their athletic department?

Does it need funding from the AD?

That donation scheme stopped this year and the university appears to still be functioning.
if you have to resort to insults too make a point I don't think you have room to say other people are not very bright. It just shows that you are about half as smart as you think you are.

I call it like I see it.

It is easy for people who never made the effort to go to Tennessee, or, in some cases, even go to college, to insult or ridicule and take the approach that football and sports run the school. Those people are stupid. That's it.
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Amazing post!

That's a wide swath of folks to insult in one fail swoop.

All while saying you have no intention of giving to the University.

I was born and raised here in Knoxville, and in my opinion, this University has a lack of leadership, in a way I can't remember going back to the 70's. The constant barrage of embarrassment lately is akin to DC politics. I'm not trying to go political, it's just one scandal after another, none of which has anything to do with athletics.

As for Susan Martin. Tim Rogers direct report was Susan Martin and it's saying something that he went over her head to Cheek to get resolution to the "intolerable situation" he felt he and his department were in.

This stuff, whatever it was, with Rogers, Wright, Golden etc..was going on underneath Martin's nose. From Butt Chugging, to Sex Week, to Wright and Rogers, to the Pedophile fund raiser...It's just a constant barrage, a relentless storm of national embarrassment for Knoxville.

You're right, regardless of whether or not Martin has anything to do with admissions, whether or not she fought to control Thornton, regardless of whether she played a role in doing away with majors that might have helped some student athletes maintain eligibility...The leadership at UT on the academic side is one big fail, on it's own.

Just one side walk, mouth breather's, opinion. GBO!

Which is exactly what I said.

But it's great that you feel so inclined to eviscerate the admin of a school you didn't attend. Very DC political of you.
You think $6 million is a big drop for either side?

Well when you consider that UT just got 20 mill from the SEC then 6 mill is close to 30% of that, so yes its big for the athletic dept. Especially when you consider that the academic dept already has a billion dollar budget as you say. If cheeks has been taking this money for 6 years (just a guess) then that would be 36 million which would be nice to have in our athletic reserve wouldn't it ?

People on here blame Hamilton for hiring cheap coaches and they don't consider that we couldn't afford to pay more for a coach, because cheeks had his hand in the cookie jar and could have cared less about football.

We wouldn't have CBJ right now if Hart hadn't done an end around ole booger eater and went to the BOT.

Sometimes you have to look at all the little pictures to really see the big picture.
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Which is exactly what I said.

But it's great that you feel so inclined to eviscerate the admin of a school you didn't attend. Very DC political of you.

I gave you credit for what you said when I said "You're right..."

As for the rest, four years of tuition doesn't make you smarter than anyone else. I've been a UT fan my whole life. I would've loved to continue playing football at UT, but they weren't giving out schollys to 5'7, 4-7 40 tailbacks...even back then. Others in my family did attend the University and the law school. I have a brother that works at the school, currently. Still, I've been invited to career day at UT several times, and I've never turned them down. I get the same e-mails and phone calls everyone else gets, degree or not.

The way I look at it, and the purpose of my post, was simply to say my being a native Knoxvillian trumps a UT degree. It's one thing for an 18 year old to mess up and embarrass himself, his family and the school. It's quite another thing for the adults who are supposed to be leading to embarrass the city of Knoxville and the state of Tennessee.
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I think Cheek should invite out to lunch, former Qb Jim Bob Cooter and former OL Bubba Miller.

Then it would be Bubba, and Cooter and Booger.
I don't think most posters on here are bright enough to get that deep.

I think they're just pissy about sucking at football and want to blame anybody that's got any connection to the school (I mean, just look during the season- every damn game thread you've got t-shirt losers deriding students for not selling out all of their seats, then calling them lazy or uncommitted). Idiots either forget the school is a school or think it's built on football and football alone, and want to make a big deal about "academics killing athletics". It's hilarious and stupid, and people who are actually on the damn campus know that that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

What pisses me off is people saying Cheek needs to be fired almost singularly as a result of the football program, without realizing the man is approving tuition hikes while giving himself raises and undertaking hilariously wasteful campus projects and campaigns. He needs to be fired, just not for the reasons that all of the mouthbreathers that stand on the sidewalks ramble about.

Cheek needs to be fired for incompetence and mismanagement whether it is athletics or academics.

Your arrogance and condescension toward fans who didn't go to UT is uncalled for. The world is full of educated idiots and I believe Cheek falls in that category. If you can't comprehend that the university needs a winning football program and people who financially support it then you are no different than Cheek.
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Cheek needs to be fired for incompetence and mismanagement whether it is athletics or academics.

Your arrogance and condescension toward fans who didn't go to UT is uncalled for. The world is full of educated idiots and I believe Cheek falls in that category. If you can't comprehend that the university needs a winning football program and people who financially support it then you are no different than Cheek.

Difference is who we are responding to is a college kid who has a lot to learn. Cheek is abusing his power and finding ways to drain money out of the athletic department to help make the academic side look good to maintain his employment and justify raises. Cheek is a thief that needs to go and possibly prosecuted.
oregonvol asked this and didn't get a response so I'll ask:

If UT's academic side has made admissions criteria harder for athletes to get accepted to UT and this is the cause of UT's long drop from the top in 1998... who failed to get in?

Because if this has been going on for 10-12 years... I can think of some players that would be outsmarted by a box of rocks that played for UT.

So, without calling me "Susan Martin" or any other such drivel... who would have made a difference for UT's football program that would have come to UT but couldn't due to "stringent academic requirements"?

It seems every time this gets brought up people point to someone else who said it while pointing to someone else. There's a whole lot of smoke here... where is the fire?
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oregonvol asked this and didn't get a response so I'll ask:

If UT's academic side has made admissions criteria harder for athletes to get accepted to UT and this is the cause of UT's long drop from the top in 1998... who failed to get in?

Because if this has been going on for 10-12 years... I can think of some players that would be outsmarted by a box of rocks that played for UT.

So, without calling me "Susan Martin" or any other such drivel... who would have made a difference for UT's football program that would have come to UT but couldn't due to "stringent academic requirements"?

It seems every time this gets brought up people point to someone else who said it while pointing to someone else. There's a whole lot of smoke here... where is the fire?

Don't think anyone suggested that Susan Martin was the reason UTs football program went downhill. I also don't get your timeframe of 12 years when UT was relevant as recently as 2007. Hard to give an answer as to who exactly, but several people close to the program have suggested she is blocking progress from UT being on the same playing field as other programs in the nation. I find this along with Harts presser to be way more proof than The Cheek and Martin fanboys taking up for them and going on about a school of higher learning without giving any reason to believe that anything being said about them is not true. I just figure common sense eventually kicks in and most clear headed people can see it for what it is.
"I'm going to destroy UT mens athletics...and you gun-loving Bible-belt hicks can't stop me!"

Susan Martin
"I'm going to destroy UT mens athletics...and you gun-loving Bible-belt hicks can't stop me!"

Susan Martin

Sad part is it is usually the ones that make light of serious situations that are the last to know. Probably because these type people's heads are firmly planted up their rears.
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