Ensley status?

This brings up a lot of questions I'd never given thought to:

Will they fly Hunter back to campus for his physical therapy, or do they have 24-hour access to every piece of healing equipment in Omaha?

If the team trainer brings all the equipment with them, where do they (and all the other teams) get to set up shop?
Stadium (NCAA) probably has everything they would need there.
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Having worked with trainers, they know exactly what they believe works best for specific injuries, and what environment for each personality is most conducive to healing.

They are competitive as heck, like NASCAR pit chiefs looking for every possible edge, putting in whatever hours it takes to get that guy back on the field as near 100% as anything short of the resurrection will allow.

Hip injuries, with so many small muscles so difficult to isolate and work on, might be especially in need of specialized treatment devices.

I think there's bound to be a good story for some enterprising reporter who knows someone on the training staff and can navigate the HIPAA compliance guidelines.

Now watch the story be, they put a SpongeBob bandaid on his flexor and told him to take ibuprofen.

Lol why I had the disclaimer of not being a doctor and also wished I were wrong. Will make sure not to provide any opinions ever again lol. Go Big Orange!
We watched the boys practice here in Omaha this afternoon. Hunt did the warm-up run, stretching, base-running, and took BP, but he didn't do the fungo work with the rest of the outfield. He looked to be taking it easy with the base running as well and talked to Woody a bit, seemingly about his right hamstring, during BP. I didn't see any noticeable limping. I don't know a dang thing other than what I saw in practice, but it looks like he's probably serviceable and they're still trying to let him rest up before playing tomorrow.

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