Eric Berry running thru the T discussion (merged)



Jul 20, 2007
Everywhere you look Berry is a projected top 5 pick in April's draft. Since it is basically a given he will leave will the staff have him run through the T alone like all the Seniors against Vandy? I know the only players we have ever had leave early haven't decided till after the season, I feel like if his mind is made up we should let him have this honor since he has been such an important part of Vol history!

I feel so selfish for wanting him to come back sometimes. Can't look at myself in the mirror.
I agree, I think he has earned the right if he is for sure leaving.

No...right reserved for seniors alone. I think he should leave if projected 1st round and even an honorable mention during halftime or something but no running through the T.
i kind of want him to but its not really fair for all the seniors either. SO i don't know what should happen
No...right reserved for seniors alone. I think he should leave if projected 1st round and even an honorable mention during halftime or something but no running through the T.

I would say let the seniors vote on it. I doubt any of them say no.....
If he has decided he is going to leave, I doubt a single senior would have a problem with him coming out.
I have heard that he is coming back next year. A few people on VQ posted like they were in the know and that his family wants him to finish school. This person also said his dad has a job now and has taken out a insurance policy on him already. This person pretty much guaranteed that he is coming back. TIFWIF
I would have no problem if he plans on graduating in the spring. If not, then no he should not. That's part of the deal ... to be honored individually as a student-athlete.
no. that is contradicting. that is just one thing he will give up by leaving early..
No, it's senior day and also for this to even be a possibility Berry would have to announce 2 weeks before the end of the season that he was leaving. I've never heard of anyone announcing they were leaving early for the draft till after the season or at least maybe before a bowl game.
I have a feeling Berry may pull a Peyton. He comes back and there is definately a BERRY BLVD on campus....
Berry will run through the T. He will not walk through with his family, etc. He'll go through with the rest of the team, though.
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I don't know why, but I just feel like articles and such basically refer to this as his last year and he seems to have "senior" status with the team. He has been a captain for two years now right?

But, I dunno if Berry would even want to do this considering he is a pretty humble guy. I just know that if I know for a fact that he is gone after the season and the Vandy game is the last time he will ever be suited up in orange, I as a fan, want him to run through that "T" so I can give him a special send off...maybe thats just me.
I have to agree with everyone saying that Senior Day is for Seniors. Besides, we all know that Berry will be honored in other ways many, many times.

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