Eric Gordon is away from the team

He was somewhat productive in a crap defense with a vegetable for an DC. Perhaps, with a real coach, Gordon could be much much more than just somewhat productive.

Or, we could just throw a freshman in there.

What do you want? Dooley who did nothing or jones who will punish? You either want a coach that will discipline or you want a coach who lets them run amuck.
What do you want? Dooley who did nothing or jones who will punish? You either want a coach that will discipline or you want a coach who lets them run amuck.

Wait.....who said Gordons situation was disciplinary? The only thing I've heard was that he had some personal things to deal with.
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Let me get this straight. He's not been with the team for a month now and it's personal issues? My something's-not-right-a-meter is going off.
Let me get this straight. He's not been with the team for a month now and it's personal issues? My something's-not-right-a-meter is going off.

Could be grades, family member sick, anything. Then again, maybe not.
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